ITT: Characters who are unarguably good people
Argument: He's not a person.
Shut your dirty mouth
Hes a demon... like literally baphomet
Have you thanked your party healer today, Sup Forums?
Nice bait.
He is however the GOAT.
The purest soul in existence. Forever in our hearts
I mean, how can he be bad?
Oh someone was dry alright. Dry as sand, maybe?
He's an adorable ball of swamp snot, I don't care what anyone says.
its really not
I don't believe you.
>About to snitch on his bro who was just frustrated and having a hard time
>Talked down by a 14 year old girl meaning all he needed was someone to talk to
>how can he be bad?
wrong word order
That's the president of the United States! How dare you claim he's not human!
no i mean its not nice bait its barely even trying to pretend to be bait
Yeah, Mabel's not a good person
If your roommate kidnapped a princess and her consort, you'd freak too
I guess The Horse from Horsin' Around was a good character. Don't know why you're posting that recent picture of his actor though. Buddy didn't age well.
I didn't
>Not being concerned about why your roommate has become a kidnapper
See, this is why your picture isn't in this thread.
is there so little good Sup Forums characters?
Thanks for the rez!
You do know that he will be revived atleast by the end of season three with hekapoo, romulus, omnitraxus and that ingrate true neutral glosserick.
Have you ever played support so hard that you fucking disintegrate? It fucking hurts and reintegrating is fucking hard.
This nigga here.
>a money grubbing Jew
>ever being a good person
Given the OVA's I feel like this is a lot more debatable now. Unless you mean Alibert in which case yeah, he seems pretty cool.
t. Toffee
yep, checks out
God I fucking hate it when the enemy team goes for me since usually play support
Team fight happens I'm the only one dead while the rest of the enemy team has been wiped
I mean yeah we win but I can afford anything cause I'm always the first to die
>money grubbing Jew
>not knowing that Jesus fucking hates merchants
Will Jesus need to whip a bitch?
this, so hard, I know your pain bro
>stole a hat
>constantly giving up opportunities to return to the past in favor of helping people who can do nothing for him
That always pissed me off if he just goes back to the past and defeat Aku he would have in turn helped these beings by ridding Aku in the past.
>raises two kids and a dragon
>beloved mayor and food porn chef
Yeah Alibert is a great guy.
I dunno, wouldn't skilling Aku in the past change history so drastically that odds are most of the people he meets wouldn't have been born? I wonder if the new season will deal with that.
That would happen too, I'm sure Aku genocided some species and some of these beings would cease to exist which makes me even more infuriated. IT'S OK TO BE GREEDY DUDE JUST FUCKING GO BACK AND KILL HIM.
WHAT IF the timelines are separated, so when Jack goes back to the(his) past, the "future" he leaves continues on?
>>let the entire galaxy be destroyed to prove his good nature bullshit.
Why would I care? I can't prove or disprove that, what I do know is if you kill him in the past the future would be better.
Aku transcends time. Just killing him in the past doesn't prevent Aku from existing in the present or the future.
So everything is pointless. Just go back and kill him on your timeline then fuck everything else you could kill him today but it's pointless because Aku is wrecking shit tomorrow anyway.
Kill him in the past, then in the future. Then in the past again. Not for any particular reason, but hell, nobody's earned the right to blow off some steam like Jack has.
He has a terrible fanbase tho.
I didn't realize how much he meant to me until he was gone.
He's too righteous to do that, even if it makes sense he can't bring himself to do that, which from a story standpoint makes sense since he has to stay pure to wield the sword, the "by any means necesary, no matter the cost" argument would make sense elsewhere, but not here.
>stay pure for the sword.
I haven't seen it in years is this really a thing?
I want Sup Forums to leave.
Just kidding, the SU threads would be empty without you guys
I'm convinced there'll be something in the new season that'll point out that if he did go back in time, he wouldn't have actually saved those people.
Jack doesn't know that he'll be able to defeat Aku in the past. If he goes back and fails, he'd have left those people to suffer.
He's also kind of dim
If he fights him in the future and fails everybody is fucked anyway what's the difference? Wouldn't he have a better chance in the past anyway so Aku wouldn't have any chance at any new tricks?
Something about not working in the hands of evil, im just saying the slippery slope argument works in this special case
Split timelines/alternate universes are a possible factor here. Who's to say they stop existing once Jack achieves his goal? It's possible from the perspective of those within the future timeline stuff goes on as usual.
The best.