The ENTIRETY of her character is "I am badass and better than the original Hawkeye without even trying, and all the others Marvel's characters will say how amazing I am at every opportunity".
And the readers LIKE it. LOVE it. Asked for more. And now Marvel is giving them more.
So, if you are a Kate Bishop's fan (fucking why?), you are to blame for shit like YAAS QUEEN! and Ms America BEST MAMA JAMA.
Brandon Butler
I like Kate for the same reason I like Clint, they're cocky outspoken assholes
Nolan Clark
I just think it's goofy she became a superhero because a homeless man raped her in the ass. Like it's so bad it sounds like a parody.
Jose Ortiz
Yeah, but the Marvel Universe doesn't scream "YOU HAVE TO LIKE CLINT BECAUSE HE IS AWESOME AND THE REAL HAWKEYE".
Hudson Brown
Having Clint murder Banner and then putting him on tripe like Occupy Avengers isn't gonna help matters either.
Nathan Powell
That's not Kamala.
Aaron Flores
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Zachary Johnson
You're both wrong, it's /this/ cunt.
Juan Cruz
I kind of like that Kate is just as dumb as Clint is but she's convinced herself that she's way better than him. Her solo arc in Fraction's Hawkeye was basically her getting beat down a little to show that she's not actually better than Clint.
Also, despite being a hip youngster, she has absolutely no idea how to use computers.
David Martinez
Jayden Flores
Kamala is fine. That's the only one that got the tone of classic Peter Parker style slice of life heroism right. Then she was fucked up by the events.
Mason Morales
>hip youngster Young hipster
Brody Flores
>that got the tone of classic Peter Parker style slice of life heroism right.
Eh, not mean spirited enough.
Jason Ross
It's ok OP her book was a failure Issue 1 was at 16 with 70,884 Issue 2 was at 102 with 27,049
Caleb Bailey
>it's a "what singular thing caused marvel to be shit" thread
Jaxson Evans
Lol what is your only exposure to Kate the hawkeye series where they flanderized her ego?Kate was never better than Clint that was always acknowledge before and after he came back,Whatever she's become now is a symptom of what's troubling marvel not a cause,she was about as superior to Clint as Tim was to Dick,close but far less ambitious and talented
Cameron Barnes
>>it's a "what singular thing caused marvel to be shit" thread This. Seriously this. This is what makes me mourn what Marvel once was. It was good, great even. Alas no longer.
Brody Long
Miles is on his own level of bad. The female hero genre at Marvel is a different beast, because the writers keep reinforcing the same quirky slice-of-life writing style every time. The only character avoiding this has been Black Widow. She-Hulk has been ruined by this recent fad as well. Pic related.
By the way, this picture isn't photoshopped. Only cropped. This was actually published.
Mason Clark
the real shame is she was nothing like that when she was first introduced in Young Avengers
Wyatt King
>Eh, not mean spirited enough.
That's a good thing, it gets too unbearable after a while
Cameron Flores
Right. A major aspect of her characterization in Fraction's run was that she could also be a total fuckup.
But readers and writers only seem to remember those early issues before the book got into that and she was portrayed as perfect.
Lincoln Reyes
>She-Hulk has been ruined by this recent fad as well.
Isn't she the quirky Hulk that breaks the 4th wall all the time though?
Bentley Diaz
That wasn't the same. She wasn't "quirky" in the same way that females heroes are "quirky" today. Her book was actually funny and had sex appeal to boot.
Blake Gomez
Nah man, it was either Civil War or Avengers Disassembled. Marvel's problems as a whole started before Kate got wanked to high heaven and would continue even if she wasn't a thing.
Levi Ramirez
Reminder Kate ha completely accepted her inferiority to Clint as was willing to drop the mantle but was stopped by Clint being nice and encouraging her to try to get on his level,her being a smart ass about it isn't exactly solid proof she's the root cause of the problem
Adam Gutierrez
>and she was portrayed as perfect. And Gillen cemented the idea.
>B-but she wasn't like this befor-
It doesn't matter. She is like this now, and is actually this version that is popular.
Noah Lewis
Asher Phillips
>This was actually published. im retarded what's wrong with that picture?
Juan Gutierrez
It's weird how influential Gillen's Young Avengers ended up being considering how boring and lame it was.
Noah Perry
>source >kids who never even read her Heinberg years go "b-b-but is that true"
Holy fuck
I'm finally an oldfag now.
Jaxson Hall
No one is arguing that Kate got flanderized but her flanderization into "I'm the best hawkeye" is a RESULT of modern marvel,hardly the cause.Thats like blaming she hulk for starting the slice of life trend of marvel books because she was given one recently
Dominic Baker
No her costume is too lewd to be SJW. It's Carol's fault.
Joshua Carter
I haven't read Heinberg's YA in years. that didn't look like Cheung's art to me.
Elijah Russell
I'm just amazed Young Avengers got off the ground as a concept.
Chase Roberts
It helps when it launched it was more concerned with telling a story than letting pandering take center place quite a lot of the time.
Bentley Kelly
>The OP image is considered lewd now.
We've gone too far, I wanna go back.
Jack Rogers
Kamala isn't fine at all her book is tumblr-tier writing
Ryan Lee
That's what someone from Sup Forumsmblr would say
Jaxon Wilson
It also helps that Teen Titans and Young Justice proved to them that a ongoing about a team consisting of legacy heroes could be a success.
Brayden Jenkins
b-b-but user! it's totally fine and the only problem is that ONLY JUST recently they began to put her in group books and using her as a mouthpiece
Julian Wright
C'mon, user.
Let's be honest here, Kamala's book is less than good for at least a year already.
Owen Morales
It's kind of lewd in the sense that it confirms Kate wears no panties.
Christopher Moore
Ms. Marvel isn't a good book at all, Kamala could be cool if she had an ok writer
Owen Miller
But dem side holes tho
Oliver Young
I'm just amazed Gillen's YA is considered good at all;
"Come with me with you wanna be awesome"? For fucks sake. And the idiocy of the first arc is unbelievable.
Andrew Ramirez
that Hawkeye/Deadpool mini was great.
Tyler Butler
Her origin in young avengers has her talk about how she got ass raped in central park and decided to become a superhero. No bullshit.
Jose Green
Except Kate is an actual good character.
Juan Moore
It really was bad,worse of it ruined Wiccan and Hulkling by cementing them from one dimensional characters with cool back stories to eternal gay romance cliches
Wyatt Morales
Sounds more like something Image would do.
Jayden Martin
I'm of the opinion it starts fair but becomes a trainwreck right after the (intriguing, but went absolutely nowhere) GHOST PATRIOT issue.
Levi Turner
This shit and Tumblr praising it for it will piss me off until the end of time.
Caleb Harris
I like Gillen's writing but sometimes it can feel a bit smug.
Robert Gomez
>that may solicit for Gwenpool/(Real hawkeye)
Aiden Gray
>Did you know Wiccan and Hulking are gay? >'Cause I didn't.
Jace Robinson
Every time they call her the real hawkeye, it just signals that she isn't the real one. Which is hilarious.
Brayden Kelly
Then you're the target audience for America and Wasp.
Oliver Barnes
Hard to believe he made Godhunter really.
Hunter Wood
It's not one character that is to blame you myopic fuckup. Think back to the whole OMD thing and imagine that Marvel just sees their characters as product they need to sell so they decided to rollback Spider-Man in the stupidest way to tell the Parker Luck shit over and over. So we establish that Marvel sees them as product, right? Well right now they're putting product in competition with their other product (rather than having it work side by side) and trying to publically rip apart their selling product in favor of the new one, which is actually a pretty bad business move. Remember New Coke?
Brody Cooper
"All the other characters say how amazing I am" seems to be Marvel way of trying to get readers to like a character.
Lincoln Rogers
It's less that they were revealed as gay,heinberg did that first,it's more of how frustrating how hulklings issues with his dead mom and battling heritages and inferiority complex was all thrown out or just used as angst for more romance spiel,same with Wiccan.There gay but the whole"But does he love me or is he possessing me?!?" Sctick has gone on too long
Gavin Ross
To be fair she was,Clint was dead and came back secretly with a new name,her being hawkeye made sense,her keeping the name makes sense,Her bragging about being the greatest and Clint also bowing to her presence now?Nonsense
Jose Torres
we'll have to agree to disagree. Someone dying doesn't make you shit. There is a presumption that doesn't mean anything.
Matthew Green
She's even a bigger fuck up, because she's naive, which he's not, by sheer life experience.
Each one of them has their personal traits, even if they're very much alike to the core: she's very much like the classic, old Hawkeye, much the playful part. He's nowadays a much more mellowed and way less of an idealist, and a bit more honor driven, which is fun.
Both of them still have a lot of temper and a too much big mouth..
Blake Garcia
Let's get this straight.
This character is DEAD and will never come back. She was totally replaced by it
Owen Smith
It's funny really, since the reverse works a lot better.
One of my favourite characters is Moon Knight, and all other characters have to say about him is how much of a dangerous nutcase he is. He's seen as unstable, monstrous, and that makes him doing something awesome stand out even more.
Or hell, think back to Spider-Man's debut where everyone was either afraid of him, or distrusted him for the Bugle smearjob. It made him an underdog to root for, and made him look heroic for saving the day in spite of all the shit he had to go through.
Andrew Wright
She didn't get raped, she was attacked, tho. And Lemire's run, which is awful and a mess, did recon her in being a Clint shipper since he rescued her when she was like 10 or so.
You need to improve you bait, mate.
Noah Cruz
you took it, so it worked pretty well cad.
Brody Lee
People /still/ hate Peter and think he's annoying as fuck.
Just look at Marvel's other popular characters too.
X-Men are considered dangerous.
Hulk is treated like a monster.
Punisher receives contempt from the hero community for being too aggressive.
There's a reason people like these characters, they're complex and the world around them gives a realistic representation of how people would act to people like that.
Xavier Lee
people don't shit on deadpool as much anymore. It was kind of funny watching ms.marvel try to talk shit to him as if he didn't just save the day.
Chase Turner
>She-Hulk has been ruined by this recent fad as well No she hasn't. Just because you don't find her recent series fap-worthy doesn't mean it's bad.
Tyler Morris
>Spider-Man and X-Men were distrusted and had to work hard for their reputation. >The two most successful Marvel's franchises.
>Carol Danvers and Inhumans are shilled endlessly. >It backfires big time.
They should have learned by now.
Matthew Morgan
I was outspoken on Kate sucking way back when Fraction Hawkeye was starting, and you all shat on me. You guys deserved this hell.
Cameron Gray
I feel like the biggest misstep of the Inhumans push recently, is you have this fucking city that crashes into part of New York...and everyone's kinda okay with that after 2 issues?
the anti-inhuman bigotry just disappeared after a few issues as well.
I guess they didn't want to deal with the mutie/inhuman comparisons too much, but they definitely glossed over the hated and feared parts that would have helped build Inhumans as a group to root for.
Nolan Nguyen
>People /still/ hate Peter and think he's annoying as fuck.
Most of that in the 00's and 10's is bad writing though. It was more believable when he was in high school, less so for an adult who's been doing it for a long time and teamed up with a lot of the heroes.
Josiah Hughes
Well, DC eventually stopped shitting on the living room carpet. I'm sure Marvel can learn the same lesson soon.
Charles Roberts
but Fraction had a good handle on Kate.
the only times Kate was really shit prior to this book was Gillen's YA, but except for Loki and Noh-Varr, everyone was kinda shit in that book (and I say that as an unironic Gillen fan)
Noah Ward
its mostly the bad jokes and incessant talking.
Carson Williams
Because I'm bored enough to get baited. Like now.
Bentley Martin
Why do people hate Kate, but never complain about the loser who is impersonating Clint Barton since House of M?
Matthew Miller
I feel like dying and being resurrected might have had some sort of affect on Clint
Mason Reyes
He's just going over a lot of shit and recovering from it.
It's not the first time he's depressed, right?
You will see! Ten years are nothing!
Leo Miller
Yeah she was ass raped Jessica Jones even asks her who knows and Kate says only her therapist and her. You don't get therapy because someone stole your purse or treat it like a shameful secret.
Elijah Harris
Because since House of M Clint was written only by Bendis and Fraction, and:
1 - Everyone shits on Bendis already 2 - Fraction's Clint is incredibly OOC, but his run is somewhat a Sacred Cow, so nobody says shit.
Dominic Morgan
If that's from Alias or JJ, I refuse to read it.
Jason Howard
I think he was disputing the ass-rape part, not the rape itself part.
Chase Richardson
It's from young avengers,the series Kate premiered in you pleb
Nathan Bell
That or Wanda messed things up when she brought him back. Maybe it's like in X-Factor where Guido was resurrected, but without his soul and became a giant asshole.
Carter Ross
I-I'm sorry.
Andrew Miller
Does it really make any difference?
Ryan Price
My bad. I meant the rape part. I was misremembering stuff.
Benjamin Perez
enough for him to take the bait so apparently he doesn't like the thought of real hawkeye taking it up the ass.
Alexander Davis
He probably looked up her WIKI ENTRY where it says "Katie was ATTACKED when she grew up but the LEVEL OF THE ASSAULT HAS NOT BEEN REVEALED YET".
Landon Williams
You know, give it a few years and they'll likely be referring to Miles as 'the real Spider-Man.'
Christian Ortiz
It's ok, guys, don't bully me.
I'm just too bored to do anything, look anything, read anything, download anithing. I'm really easy to bait.
Really, it's Ok. Thank you, guys.
Benjamin Harris
I wonder if that's the case with everyone else who's died and resurrected (not counting something like Infinity Gauntlet).
Spider-Man: died and resurrected in The Other, then it leads to his decisions in Civil War and One More Day Captain America: died post-Civil War, then after coming back did things like look the other way as his Secret Avengers tortured people, joined the Illuminati, made major blunders in AvX that he shouldn't have, spent the last day of Earth during the incursion beating on Iron Man instead of helping to lead the Avengers.
Any other possible examples?
Angel Ward
I hope bendis tries this bullshit, it might be the think finally takes that hack down.
Samuel Thomas
After the inevitable implosion of Peter under Slott, I don't doubt it.
Chase Perry
I feel like this is giving them intentional abilities that these writers do not have and would be one of the greatest writing twists that spans a decade. It's just not possible.
Cooper Flores
>All spiderman movies feature peter >him ever not being the real spiderman