>tfw 4 days till weekend
Fuck this stupid world. What do we do to pass the time?
>tfw 4 days till weekend
Fuck this stupid world. What do we do to pass the time?
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How about we read comic books and watch cartoons?
Holy shit dude
Slit the throats of our oxen and pour wine into the earth in the name of Zeus?
Weekend all week, baby!
shit i find it's a lot easier getting through the week knowing i have shit to look forward to
like new zelda
and then no new games ever again because holy shit can't afford yet another new console. couldn't afford the last one if I'm honest
>Post not found
It used to be that Sup Forums X would save this shit for me.
Mind telling me what it was? I just need to know.
i think it's the archives that changed
Bitch youve already got a bag of Cheese Bonkies, what more do you want?
and you call yourself a weekender
how about you do your homework you worthless shitty fuck, why do I even keep you under this roof
looks like choca bonkies to me
I've noticed that. It's incredibly fucking frustrating especially if it's a new pic by a drawfag that I miss.
It was child pron, so you're better off not seeing it.
You become tish clones
we all wish to be tish clones
A drawing the likes of which can be found on other chans and isn't actually CP because there's no actual child involved, or the real will get you v& thing? I've never seen anyone post the latter on Sup Forums before.
i have only once or twice and it was never PORN, just nudes. nudes is cute. that's the kinda normal shit you need to look at to be normal.
And that was the day Lor decided that she never wanted to have children
not carver's anyway
i love how the black best friend always has a cute bratty sibling. Skeeter's little brother, Gerald's little sister... uh.. that Alfie kid from My Brother and Me
I'm still not sure where this idea that Skeeter is black came from. I always thought he was Italian. But most people I meet who've seen the show are pretty sure he was black. But then those same folks thought the same thing about Lex Luthor in the DCAU. So I don't know what to believe.
Valentine is certainly an italian name, but you know how it is with descendants of slaves.
lex luthor could not have been more greek. I don't know how they don't get that
mind you skeeter's family didn't SEEM very black. Facially they looked more indian/pakistani/bengali
I think it's just because everyone gets a black best friend in cartoons, and that's skeeter's role. plus he's funky funky fresh, way-out, AND a super genius
actually... I take it back. his dad has a flat-top and his mom has curly boingy hair. Their noses aren't very black-style so maybe they're mixed. or maybe jinkins didn't have any one race in mind, but most people think of people in terms of familiar looks and combinations of features.
It's funny because if Skeeter actually was the black best friend he'd be the trendsetter since Doug predates just about every cartoon that truly uses the black best friend trope.
Just being black myself, when I think of "black best friends from Nicktoons" Skeeter never enters my mind. It's always Gerald.
Always Gerald.
hmm you're right
in earlier days we had the brown sidekick though. tonto, friday, hadji
but yeah gerald was top quality black best friend material. and best of all he didn't feel like a SIDE character, they let him shine to the best extent his character justified. arnold didn't have to be the focus at all times. That's how you use diversity in shit, you don't make it a side-dish but you also don't cram the main course down everyone's throat.
I'm trying to think now if anyone else predates 1990.. technically Suzy didn't show up in Rugrats until a year or two in, and it's not as if angelica's the main character.
but speaking of tropes, how awesome are black friends' dads on tv? theyre always hard-working no-nonsense disciplinarians who are nonetheless really loving and supportive and constantly there for the family. they're also predominantly overweight and moustached. I wonder if any one example started that or if it was just something that happened organically
Black tv dads in general are pretty based and almost always funny. I personally grew up with folks characters like Carl Winslow and Bernie Mac (in his own show), but even a lot of the older ones like Fred Sanford were pretty great.
That tradition continues today with shows like Black-ish which has two generations of highly entertaining black dads.
I actually don't remember that much about Carver's dad just to bring things back on topic. I gotta rewatch this show.
for me, i find occupation in random chores in the workplace. the day flows faster that way
and at night, i drink myself until i black out to sleep. 101 is my doctor, and he makes everything ok
huh I don't remember much of carver's dad either. I remember his mom was a pretty generically phylicia rashadesque lady.
yeah i'm always up to do the heavy lifting if a shipment of office paper came in, or brush the snow off of people's windshields.. I couldn't do that kinda shit all day, but for a few minutes it's a nice respite. plus strength and cold resistance are my only physical skills.
I go to work and beat off.
Masturbate myself raw.
He was barak obama
Fuck you, I work on Saturday.
man I liked that character. I hope he comes back often. what if he started dating janna? what if it worked perfectly and then everyone was like "star and marco you have no excuse for having so much trouble with each other, these guys are from different worlds too and it worked out fine"
oh wow. no wonder he wasn't around much, he was busy
i like how the granddad is the only one with a noticeably black nose.
also holy shit is that kwanzaa? hahahahaha. oh lord I remember the late 90s to early 2000s. If they knew a thing about Ronald McKinley Everett they wouldn't want anything to do with it.
looks like carver got a nice dashiki out of it though. dashiki are awesome.
>My weekend is in the middle of the week.
>I have to spend it studding for school tests
I'm taking a break right now but this really does suck. I guess there are worse things I could be doing...
i just hope your college was a better use of your time than mine was
in retrospect i rode that whole thing on a cloud of caffeine, I could never even remotely try something like that again, least of all in my current tired-out state
>Aaahh! I think I stepped on a snail! Do i need a tetanus shot?
>Thats if you step on a NAIL
>Excuuuuuse me, I was only off by one letter
I don't know what I'm doing with my life, honestly. I'm wanting to go into computer programing, maybe with a minor in computer science/engineering or something. Anything to do with computers really; mainly cause I can't see myself doing much else and because I know its a needed field that pays well.
At the same time, while I am computer savvy I no next to nothing about programing and I know there are 12 year old kids out there who will always be better than me in these fields of work. I'm in my third semester at a community college getting all of the basic courses and credits out of the way.
>i just hope your college was a better use of your time than mine was
Only time will tell.
>Lex Luthor in the DCAU.
Tish had the best feet
thankfully you did it the smart way, if you change your mind, you're only in it for community college
I suggest you look around at some job ads and ask yourself what you'd enjoy doing that you'd be pretty good at, that's all you can do. and honestly, if you could see yourself tightening bolts or something, do it. we need those. it pays well and it's good shit.
Dale wasn't bratty. He was just like, 4.
Yeah, the Weekenders were fairly diverse on that front. Tish was "vaguely Balkan-state, definitively Jewish", Lor was traditional Christian, Carver's family celebrated Kwanzaa, and Tino's mom was a filthy pagan.
very californian. i still say it's a shame we didnt get weird eastern european / orthodox christmas. that would have been a fun and unusually diverse thing about how even if someone seems to be in a familiar group, they might have a nutty variant
like I said, bratty. it's never too early to discipline your kid, and it's amazing mr valentine didnt do anything about dale given what a hothead he is.
I didn't think Dale was bratty at all. He was just 4. And not like "Screaming awful monster" 4 year old, he was just... 4. He asked a lot of questions, wanted to hang around his older brother, and had a lot of energy. He wasn't remotely close to being as actively shitty as Kimberly, for example.
>black people
What is up with this meme?
Unemployed after working at the same place for a year and a half.
Everyday's kinda like the weekend aside from the days I go to classes at the local community college.
I've been aggressively job hunting but have had no luck and now I don't really know what to do or want to do anything.
I'm either gonna watch WWE or hang out on Plug.dj idk. Plug.dj is pretty fun with friends but it's full of retards, weebs and Brazilians so it's not fun in the day when no one normal is on.
and yeah they were both well-meaning but curious kids, and she had less of an excuse, but still.. fucker ran off, hit people, uh.. i forget, didnt he grab doug's nose? and like, throw things at porkchop? it's been a while
have you ever been around a 4 year old?
T Mom is never not delicious
yes. and i've found that over time, the premise of actually disciplining them has gone right out the window. instead like edwardian english parents, they just find someone else to foist them off onto. except they can't afford a governess or anything even half the quality.
but when I was a kid, we were kept in line
>tfw today is my Friday
>Smart, but liberal, narcissistic, lawful good
>Tomboy, but stupid
>jack of all trades, but prone to addictive behavior and easily influenced
>token black guy, but naive and tons of family issues
smoke weed
he's more than just naive, and ... wait, what family issues?
>doing /o/ shit
Well fuck, that's hot.
Whatever happened to the slice of life cartoon?
The housing market crash why have a slice of life if everyone's depressed
what do you mean? it's had a resurgence lately.
unless you mean specifically realistic ones
Remember when Mrs Katsufrakis tried to get Lor to turn cheap tricks on the street?
Good times.
slice of life sheds it "slice of life-ness" when you add magic and all sorts of whacky gimmicks on top of it
completely disagree. it's just a slice of a different life.
it's not as if an ever-changing pizza place is more realistic than a dragon or something
I would say that an eccentric millionaire that changes the decor of his restaurant on a daily basis is way, way, way more realistic than a dragon, actually.
well then you haven't looked out the window lately
there's a million bizarre kinds of animals, and very few scientifically-defined natural laws limiting them that haven't been soundly broken on more than one occasion, but a billionaire that spends his money on anything fun? when's the last time you saw one of those?
So are the archives down or something cause it can't even find this thread
i dunno dude they keep changing, there's like three of them now and i dont think they even keep images anymore
Well shit I hate it when stuff gets deleted cause my curiosity is pretty fucking high
And the chance of even a link to said image will more then likely get deleted here on Sup Forums
That's probably why she showed them so much.
at the end of the day, we all know tish is best girl
Lor >> Tish
Yeah, right!
Very nice.
You know it to be true.
And then they bukkake'd her.
Browse Sup Forums
cant fucking choose. they complete each other
>tfw you dont have 3 cool friends to hang with on weekends at the mall and beach and museums
>b-but at least the weekenders makes you feel like you do....
Man these kids had the most awesome childhoods. Just roaming around town going to pizza places every saturday, parents dont even care where they go
truly it was a better time
i always said i'd try to raise my kids somewhat like that.. yknow teach them safety, how to defend themselves, the patently obvious difference between a safe stranger (almost all of them) and an unsafe one
but truth is my plan is to just keep them inside most of the time anyway, at least if that's what they want, like I did. and I doubt they'll get on well with other kids anyway. best case scenario they hook up with a group of unusually responsible teens who don't mind having them around
>all these faggots who didn't have satisfying childhoods
Let me guess, you didn't grow up with your father's love and acceptance either.
I bet you queers make less than $50,000 a year and perpetuate the cycle by having children before you can reasonably take care of them too.
try completely-supportive parents who never pushed us to do anything because they didn't want to be overbearing, and now we do absolutely nothing as if it was our religion, and the chances of any of us getting laid is nil.
You're thinking of hicks I think. We're nerds.
Looking like that??
My dad works for Nintendo too.
are you kidding? Lor is going to out do her mom in kids. probably mom and grandma combined.
>lex luthor could not have been more greek.
>goes bankrupt along the series
Yeah, truly couldn't be more Greek.
>that expression
that's almost impossible, unless she had several sets of quadruplets
also didnt he famously have a poor father which is why he wanted to be so rich?
>Lor heavily pregnant with quadruplets