Why doesn't he just drop the pretense and make what well all know he wants to make?
Why doesn't he just drop the pretense and make what well all know he wants to make?
>what we all know
Let me tell you something, kiddo. Remember it well.
There is no "we", you fucking communist. You're on your own. And you'll die alone too, don't forget that.
I think the jokes are funny, and straight-up porn would just turn out really disappointing.
Good funny comics?
Why outright porn and not suggestive lewds?
Is that a penis on his belly?
Sup Forums would hate fat bitches in real life, and yet this is popular. Am I missing something?
There are little penises on all the Rosianna comics, all of them.
Some are hidden better than others
>You're on your own. And you'll die alone too, don't forget that.
Sure sounds like a "we".
they fell for the THICC meme
Doesn't he do that already?
>Sup Forums
What does that have to do with anything?
>Sup Forums
Wrong board faggot
He definitely can't draw good enough to keep an audience with actual porn.
Who would want obese, acne ridden, 2d, anthropomorphic rabbit porn?
Get a fucking grip, Sup Forums.
>Who would want obese, acne ridden, 2d, anthropomorphic rabbit porn?
Sup Forums dot com
I'm ashamed to say I really want it.
> anthropomorphic rabbit
>obese, acne ridden
Being xenophile doesn't mean don't having any standards...
Why would she wear something like that if she doesn't like her weight?
>Penis is fairly large,
>Right in readers direct eyesight
>Just barely qualified as hidden
0/10, it's like he doesn't even care anymore.
So is this like ctrl-alt-del? Is there a loss-esque joke somewhere? this comic isn't funny
That's one of the first comics.
I want to sexually torture this thicc rabbit whoooore.
Doesn't he actually fuck her in one of the strips?
The joke is that she's a fat egotistical whore, and he's either desperate or blind and head over heels for her.
Also there's a penis hidden in every strip. Title panel this time.
There is a difference between thicc and fat though.
www dot nfl dot com
check it out
>he missed the strip where they canonically fucked
What would you do to her?
I would cater to her every whim and desire, bringing her endless snacks and serving as her chair
there is no cannon in Rosianna, characters frequently die and/or exist in different timelines, it's a gag comic.
oops, meant this for
Because something sexy like that loses all appeal without some of message. You'd be fapping to caricatures of rabbit people.
How does that refute any of what I said?
what does a guy around here gotta do to get some greentexts around here
That was hotter then it should've been.
we just don't know
How hot should it have been?
Not to people with no taste.
Like those who vote for a man who eats well done steak with ketchup...
Fat fetish fodder or glorious rabbit nipples?
Obama developed a soft spot for Cincinnati style chili.
Which is worse?
To be fair the fatty is pretty cute.
>tfw you will never be harry
Nobody's perfect.
I feel like if Rosianna was constantly obese we'd just get bored with it. Better to show her fat in hints and glimpses. It's more titillating.
It's the same reason once you get past the age of 12, specific clothing is hotter than naked bodies.
i remember reading abunch of this once and it goes in some super weird places
How the fuck do you get acne on your belly?
Be fat and don't bathe.
That poor soda and burger
>implying she didn't bend over and eat the burger halves anyway
Shitty fucking diet and poor hygiene.
She eats like a damn whale.
And it only makes my dick harder.
Enable her natural gluttony until she has an ass the size of a couch, which I then take from behind while she continues stuffing her cute, fat face over the table.
Football? Did you say Football?
>Why doesn't he just drop the pretense and make what we all know he wants to make?
i think he communicated whats he wants to make and that obviously flew right by you
Cuz fat girls lie to themselves and think dressing revealingly is sexy when you're pushing an extra 50lbs of lard.
aight lads, think I'll try to make a greentext
hopefully coming (soon)
there's not. Thicc is fat. Thick is regular thick. get it?
she just keeps getting fatter and fatter
the artist just can't control his fetish
maybe you are not man enough to handle real girl nerds
I'd fuck her.
She needs to fix her goddamn hair and put on some damn makeup first though. Like, why the hell would you go to all the trouble to cosplay like that and put nothing on your face? The costume isn't fucking complete until you do that, ffs. It's like having an elaborate Louis XVIII costume and then wearing your normal bed-head hair and shit on top. It's so goddamn stupid. I'm not even mad about her facial structure or her weight, just her sheer laziness in lack of effort on makeup.
>obese, acne ridden, 2d, anthropomorphic rabbit porn