Justice League

Couple of hours before US premiere. Still no rating on main page.

There is not one showing at either of my two local theaters that is sold out yet. The imax screenings are maybe 1/3 sold

still afraid to show the rating ?

jeebuz, even Transformers movies have a lot dignity than this.


>RT partially owned by WB
>two weeks before premiere of JL create a fake show on RT
>reveal JL score on that show
>no rating on JL page

Shameless marketing by WB

Hiding the rating at the end of video on a different website, that is some shady business practice on WB's behalf

>release the rating 1 hour before movie releases in the cinema
but why

They're not showing the rating because they don't want it to influence the plebs that hang on every fucking RT rating like it's gospel. Does anyone remember when you'd go to see a movie and make up your own mind on how good it was and not rely on some horned rimmed hipster's opinion on shit? I do.

So maybe they should shut down whole service?
Why did they do this only for their failed property?

Yeah, back during a time where going to the movies or a busted up VHS were the only options and it didn't cost a fucking arm and a leg.

Movie theaters are shit. I look forward to the day they become the next Blockbuster

I remember enjoying the prequels, matrix sequels as a kid until I found the internet and realized there was hate for them

>new evans


Just 4 DCcucks alone

Jesus christ.
All my friends back in middle school hated the prequels.
The hate existed before the internet collectively took a shit on them.

I truly wish they would shut it down, user. The enjoyment of film, flicks, and cinema is sorely lacking now. I get more enjoyment out of a fucking well made documentary than most movies now. Spoilers, bad attitudes, negativity. It just saps my wish to see anything anymore.

Yeah, I miss those days man.

I actually did enjoy Episode 1 and the Matrix Trilogy...then I got on Sup Forums and the fucking hateful, sad neckbeards started picking the shit apart and I was too redpilled at that point to enjoy anything else. With movies you kinda have to shut your brain off most times to get enjoyment out of them. Here, the autism is contracted faster than AIDS.

>BvS got lambasted by critics
l-let's use random Twitter tweet as our official review.
>Suicide Squad got lambasted by critics
>did those positive reviews from Twitter still available....we got an oscar ? let's stamp that on the DVD cover!
>Wonder Woman got positive review.
Thanks, SJW!!
>JL got lambasted by critics.
hey, we own 30% of Rotten Tomatoes isn't it ?

let me save this pic as a rememberance of that one time WB scared to shit into releasing JL RT score.

Whatever anyone says, DOOM is the best video game film and a masterpiece of horror action.

>Great CGI and practicals that blend well
>Great cast and acting
>Great lighting and cinematography
>That pit fight scene where the guy is trying to climb out and save himself from the Demon
>The FPS scene of course
As a fan of the game I had no problem with the scientific decision to try and make the Demons be science experiments gone wrong. But of course butthurt fanboys have to complain because we didn't get anything in Hell when they fail to see a brilliant horror action that this was.

Ah yes, remember when studios could fuck their audiences with bait and switch tactics? Now they have to rely on making an actual good movie.

>midnight release
>Thor, IT, Fantastic Beasts, Spiderman, Star Wars and even Deadpool sold out on midnight release in my theatre
>this is how many seats are free tonight

Will this be the return of DC's Deadly 2nd weekend dropoff?

These threads are pointless. They are created by payed shills to promote their shitty movies and to get man children to argue, create free marketing and get them to pay to see their CGIfest. None of this corporation wars produce anything of substance. There is no discussion here. You're all going to watch this capeshit anyways

it funny when they blamed disney for score rigging with no evidence, but we literally have for the first time ever withheld rating from the owners of the movie/site and that after they served critics caviar.

Go to bed, Mike.

>cost a fucking arm and a leg.
how poor are you?