The Orville

Do you like licking your wife's pussy after she's been destroyed by a blue dude?

I have mixed feelings about this show, but that Rob Lowe blue dude was stupid. And then pheromones making them want to fuck him? Why would the ship's scientist have information about the blue man's species?
Stupid Seth McFarlane Family Guy-esque writing.

And the black guy and red-haired guy are both a waste of space.

Their writing is doctor who bad.

It was just a way to plug more gay shit

Waited a decade for new treks, we finally get 2 in the same year and they're both sjw garbage. Feelsbadman.

fuck you you fucking white privileged bigot cis scum

The ep wasn't to "plug more gay shit." It simply illustrated that "in the far future, people are not concerned about divisions of sexuality." People literally just fuck who they want to. You don't have to like it, but that's what the episode was saying with the Seth/Derulio thread. Nothing more, nothing less. It's actually a very common sci-fi trope.


That transgender episode was very interesting and was going down a very interesting path in the first half...but then it puttered out. I liked how they were arguing culture over welfare of the child, and then used circumcision as an example.
Interestingly enough, if in this universe all human religions have been deemed "obsolete," why is circumcision still practiced? Remember when the Klingon-lawyer-guy (what race are they called again?) and asked the Captain if he was circumsized and the Seth's character was embarrassed? I thought that was interesting.

Circumcision is still practiced because of hygiene and in some cases cultural tradition. Maybe even simple aesthetics. Doesn't have to be related to religion.

He wasn't embarrassed, he was caught off-guard by someone asking about his dick in court. Jesus you guys really read too much into things.

It took STD until episode 8 for anyone to even care about the shitty characters. Orville was good inside the first five minutes of ep1.

> Orville was good inside

The thing I HATE about these shows is how civilians are on the ship. I really don't get their logic in this. I mean, I've try to reason it out, but it doesn't make sense at all.
>potential spies
>needing increased food stores
>children running into dangerous zones
>the liability of the ship being destroyed and losing civilians
The list goes on...
it's fucking stupid. The glans becomes keratinized and loses sensitivity. You know, I understand not eating pork and shellfish, but I don't get how the Hebrews made the leap to remove the foreskin.

This reply was so dumb I can't even figure out what you were trying to be funny about.

>Circumcision is still practiced because of hygiene
Majority of places that practice Male Circumcision have access to running water

> I can't even figure out
Typical orville fanbase

>potential spies
This doesn't only apply to civilians
>needing increased food stores
They use replicators to make food. No stores needed.
>children running into dangerous zones
The doors probably only open for certain personnel.
>the liability of the ship being destroyed and losing civilians
Calculated risk. Plus, family of crew more than likely sign some sort of liability waiver.


And most of you uncut faggots are still to lazy or stupid to clean your disgusting ugly winking tubeworm dicks properly.

Thank you for responding. I hope we can have a civil discourse...
>potential spies not only applying to civilians
Absolutely correct, but why take the unnecessary risk? Ship personnel can be highly screened, monitored (such as knowing their exact whereabouts in their last duty station), and held accountable. Civilians can fall back on civilian law.
>using replicators to make food, thereby eliminating food stores
This is knit-pick on my part. I know why they did it - it removes the plot holes of food by making it magically appear...but it still bothers me. We can try to "science" our way out of it, but really it is just a knit-pick
>doors probably opening for certain personnel, preventing children running into dangerous zones
I could see this maybe being explained, but why take the risk? Children get into things all the time without their parent knowing (wily devils, they are), and it seems like poor parenting to have them running around in a place that has highly volatile and radioactive materials, and where they can get underfoot.
>the calculated risk of losing civilians
I see where you are coming from, especially with the waiver, but it would never work. Imagine the lawsuits that the...Federation (? ..I don't know what it's called in The Orville) has to deal with. Additionally, in a crisis situation, crew with family members are going to think of them first, as opposed to thinking of the rest of the crew. It's a drive for survival - either for self or for genes (offspring).

I just can't see it any other way. I'm a Navy veteran, and this stuff will always bother me.

Yeah, fuck you and sjw cultural Marxist dog shit too.

>Admits he needs his fuck mutilated because he can't wash