Good evening owls,
Kate time
Good evening owls,
Kate time
We were gonna read Madman tonight, just for Cranky, but I didn't find it in time
Good evening
HI user
yay! I haven't read this in a while
I should re-read Mark Shaw Manhunter sometime too, that was a good book
that is a very good book
I miss this title. I remember she fucking dies in the new52 Spectre book and I was really annoyed.
aw, she does? that's lame
let's all quietly ignore that and she shows up in LA tomorrow
"Yeah, went through some shit in Gotham...not doing that again"
Hello, Storyteller.
Let's see if this Kate chick is as great as everyone says she is. Gotta be better than vol3 and Thundercats at least.
I think you'll like her
Any last words before I bust your balls, OP?
IANAL, so don't ask me about that aspect of this book
(I Am Not A Lawyer. Longtime internet abbreviation, but we can lol. Also: MOON ROCKS)
Also fuck this shit.
hi, sugartits
also, you might have a hard time with that
I completely forgot that happened, and I think the writers did too
so what's out tomorrow
Really, dude? That's your argument for not executing this sick piece of shit? That's pretty fucking weak.
Doesn't matter if he has superpowers, he's a homicidal maniac. Put that fucker in the ground so he can't hurt anyone anymore.
Shade #6, wrapping up the first arc
Death of Hawkman, Captain Atom, I forget what else
here we go!
this first issue doesn't waste time
America #1. Superman Reborn.
oh shiiiit how is Nate gonna suffer this time
I want America to be not cringey, but I'm not betting on it. There's gonna be Disappointed Discourse about that book.
tabloid sites of times past
I legit can't tell if this is real or an edit
Don't fuck with a Jedi master, son.
Ooof, that is not going to be a happy conversation. That one interview the author did for it did not sound too promising either
that's real
Is Real from the preview.
The sad thing is that given Twitter, most people are going to keep it in their locked accounts instead of being honest about it
>not guilty by way of genetic anomaly
You people are idiots. Go fuck yourselves.
there's a lot of social pressure to be quiet when a progressive darling isn't actually a good book
This is "Marvel Citizens" level of stupid
if you recognize the staff, yes, it's Mark Shaw's
Fanta's first foray into superheroes!
Also, Great X-Men Storytime
Welcome Back.
If you recognize the suit, you're a pretty big DC Cosmic nerd
Ah, just the slightest hint of nipple
When was the last time Darkstars were even a thing? The late 90s?
Thanks, senpai. It's a short but good one.
38 issues.
Yeah, sounds right
yeah but do they show up or cameo anywhere after their book got canned? nobody ever pulls out Darkstars when they go for obscure cosmic cameos
>It's a short but good one.
No Problem.
What I love about this as an opening issue is what it chooses to show and what doesn't need to be laid out on the page to work
Eh, this jury is dumb, but at least they didn't find a way to somehow blame the heroes for the murders.
>yeah but do they show up or cameo anywhere after their book got canned? nobody ever pulls out Darkstars when they go for obscure cosmic cameos
2006 omega men Among the equipment stolen by prosecutor Kate Spencer when she becomes the eighth Manhunter is an exo-mantle which formerly belonged to an unnamed Darkstar. As seen in Manhunter #32
That was a weird mini, but it gave me Lewd Doc
Oh shit, Breach! That'd be a good one to read, OP. It would complement your Captain Atom storytime quite nicely.
Goddammit, so there go all my hopes of a new manhunter ongoing.
>That was a weird mini, but it gave me Lewd Doc
Gabrych comic career was short.
It's not like Gotham by Midnight sold that well, they could just ignore that she died
very 2000AD, yes?
I'm still mad about Zubbolts
poll: are double handguns ever not cool
Batman is a cock
Fuck you, Bruce!
>I'm still mad about Zubbolts
Why? Was it Zemo acting like an idiot? Erik and Man-Killer's history meaning nothing? The events of Standoff and the character actions therein being all but ignored? Or was it the continued Bucky stroking?
the answer is 'yes'
>Wizard Top Ten writers
Remember when Wizard's opinion was worth a damn? Me neither.
It's details like this that make Kate so human
Spoilers. Pretty lame dead
He's right. Executioners are not superheroes.
Yes, all the time, since dual wielding is hilariously ineffective.
The sad part is that the real Batman would absolutely say some stupid shit like that.
Oh the good old days
>I remember she fucking dies in the new52 Spectre book
She doesn't though?
look at this chest paint
Just found the thread, HI THREAD!
I'm surprised Moorcock would want to keep working with DC after they keep employing Grant "great taste in TVs, man" Morrison.
this Power Company shoutout will be relevant
hoot hoot
Hey, coming in late thanks to the Flash.
>still watching that garbage
>Power Company
Bring them back, DC.
>Court TV
I feel old.
Old Man Logan was the inspiration for the latest Wolverine movie, simply titled Logan--you can read our review here. The current ongoing comic series took Logan from his future time period into the present day Marvel Universe. Until now, Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino handled the writing and art. Marvel has revealed to us that Ed Brisson is taking over the writing, with Mike Deodato Jr. providing the art beginning in issue #25. We talked to Brisson to find out what he has planned and how the Maestro fits in.
Aw, I wanted to read Catwoman to annoy Cranky...
Yawn. Wake me up when the real Wolverine comes back, and he better bring the real Cyclops with him.
I like the idea of characters with young children fighting crime. Even if the "oh no my secret identity now my helpless family is in real danger" storyline writes itself I like the dynamic of balancing one right thing to do with another right thing to do. Its normally balancing a personal life thing with an altruistic goal. But with a kid its balancing raising another human being which can be an altruistic goal in of itself, with fighting crime another altruistic goal.
Way to be a cold bitch, Kate.
This book is on the second issue and there's already at least three separate character arcs established for our protagonist. Damn.
And everything set up here will pay off, too