>Kyle Rayner going back to being a Green Lantern
Is this a good idea? I mean there are currently five human GLs who are all from America but what's one more? After Omega Men could they just not think up anything else to do with White Lantern Kyle?
>Kyle Rayner going back to being a Green Lantern
Is this a good idea? I mean there are currently five human GLs who are all from America but what's one more? After Omega Men could they just not think up anything else to do with White Lantern Kyle?
It's honestly because DUDE NOSTALGIA LMAO
Yeah Kyle going back to being a Green Lantern adds nothing to the current state of the Lantern comics. To be quite honest though, whilst Kyle is my favourite Lantern, his story has always seemed larger than the day to day affairs of the Corp. He was the Last Green Lantern, the Torchbearer. Ion, Parallax and finally the White Lantern. I enjoyed what they did with him in New Guardians and Omega Men, so this is definitely a step back and additionally, being just another run of the mill GL from Earth (Especially now we have 4 others in active duty) is just redundant.
> Also, the return to his original costume is a mistake. Jeez he's had so many superior looks since then.
I'm not a GL regular reader.
Is his character affected currently by the Omega Men events? Because if not... what a waste of character development.
They should at least make him a Yellow so that he can be part of the Sinestro/GL teams they're trying
Or a Blue so that he can keep being a special snowflake
My guess is because you can't really do much with a White Lantern, I mean he's supposed to be near god-like but he usually jobs. Maybe he still has the white ring but just chooses to make it stay green since isnt his white ring just his green but with a different OS?
Would be cool if Kyle becomes ion again. Yat as Ion was kinda eh.
What happened to Sodam anyway? What's he been doing lately?
>It's his classic costume
Best decision they've made in years.
He got kidnapped by Durlans in the arc where they kidnapped GLs to sneak in the ranks. Yat chose to stay with Daxam because he feels like he's responsible for them.
I liked his suit after Sinestro Corps war. Really simple
I've enjoyed the time between the Sinestro Coros War when he was just a regular GL chilling on OA with Guy and having adventures with Sora, but this is redundant with Jess and Simon now
He suffers from the Spectre problem as a white lantern: not every writer can give him credible threats (and not every writer can be Tom King, either), so he usually jobs
Do you think they will kill one of the earth lanterns during rebirth, to reduce their numbers? If so, who?
Also, which issue's cover is this, OP?
They might make Simon into a blue, its been hinted a bit since he's the "miracle worker" also they might make Hal a blue hybrid since its been hinted since War of the GLs that Hal hopes he just doesnt show it. Yeah I agree with you when Kyle was white it had alot of variety but 4 human GLs on space is bland since the other 3 already have their role. Marineman is leading Marine Corps, Guy is Warrior and Hal is deus ex machina Lantern
*between SCW and the New 52
Do you think Jessica could work as a yellow lantern? Like if she channeled her fears and anxiety unto her constructs?
Make her power ring again but this time she can control it. I mean Volthoom ring is stronger than a normal one anyway plus Jess had a really good costume rather than standard GL uniform
Shame on DC.
Redpill me on Omega Men
>Kyle is my favorite lantern
It doesn't seem like it, no
>Also, which issue's cover is this, OP?
Comixology added it as #21's cover
>I've enjoyed the time between the Sinestro Coros War when he was just a regular GL chilling on OA with Guy and having adventures with Sora
that was when I liked Kyle the most so I would be fine with going back to that
plus it seems like writers want to nerf his power levels and it would make sense just to make him green again instead of making him weaker as a while lantern they tried that in Omega Men and man can his fans be whiny
>Do you think they will kill one of the earth lanterns during rebirth, to reduce their numbers? If so, who?
I doubt they'll be killing any of them off but I could see them making Simon blue or yellow
Yeah but the problem is that he's regularly written as Super Space Jesus: Jobber Extraordinaire! Seriously his feats as a white lantern are pathetic to the point where it makes the white lantern title sound like shit.
Only problem with Kyle being green is that people will complain he's not a special snowflake anymore.
Better to let him have normal good moments before jobbing than just saving him for when they need a guy to job to drum up hype for the villain.
What character development? Nothing changed other than Kyle becoming religious out of nowhere.
I guarantee you most Kyle fans want him as a green again and do not give a shit about snowflake status. I just want good Kyle stories again after Jordans New Guardians fiasco.
if it means they can do Kyle stories where he can interact with the other GLs as a buddy again and not just show up for crossovers to pull some random feat out of his ass I'm okay with that
I remember people bitching during SCW because Kyle wasnt Ion anymore.
Yeah, people would rather have Kyle be space jesus rather than give him good stories. New Guardians was a mistake
It's bullshit, but I suppose we were nearing the end of the Quarterly Godhood cycle anyway...
Stop posting that trash. If you're going to post Ion, post the good one.
>I remember people bitching during SCW because Kyle wasnt Ion anymore.
Probably because it was done in the hackiest way possible. Johns brings back Ion as a plot device in Infinite Crisis, nerfs the shit out of it then has him get his ass beat by Sinestro just so Kyle could get possessed by Parallax and show the audience that Hal truly did nothing wrong.
>Yeah, people would rather have Kyle be space jesus rather than give him good stories.
Don't exaggerate. Most people know no one feels like writing for Kyle anymore. When he becomes a normal GL, he just fades into the background again. At least keeping him a White Lantern gives writers an extra excuse to remember he exists.
Well for me I really like Kyle when he had a bromance with Guy and they were just goofing around since they're both Honor Guard, so it really goes to show that Kyle shouldnt be thrust into a position of power since him as a normal GL could still work.
>his ass beat by Sinestro
In Kyle's defense it was him against the whole Sinestro Corps that included Cyborg Supes, Prime and the Anti-Monitor (though it was revealed yet), Id be pretty scared shitless too
Guy is the only one to have been a yellow for any extended time.
Cuz Guy knows how to roll with any ring.
>there are so many lanterns two books isn't enough to showcase them all
Having an Earth story and a space adventure book was a good idea but they need a third Corps book if they want to give everyone there time to shine. But I doubt the market is good for 3 lantern books.
So is Kyle going to return to Earth at some point and remember Wally?
>but they need a third Corps book
Yeah, just call it Green Lantern so Hal can go solo space adventure or Guy