Poppy O'Possum update

In which Petunia's usual anger management routine isn't quite doing it.

Alt text: I don't think either of these people are using smiles for their intended purpose.

Are we finally getting to the plot


Hory shet fuggin plot!

I don't think MafiaBird is after Eggton out of spite, there must be something important in the town. He clearly doesn't care about the money, and his earlier plot with Bird Mcfuckedface to extort the town didn't work, so no he's blatantly trying to get the town under his authority as Prime Minister. You'd think he would've tried something more subtle, like signing up Eggton for a subsidy for dragonblood so that his agents could go into the town for whatever his evil plot is.

next update is the page where Poppy gets decapitated

watch out poppo,,

tuna is about to go BERSERK

>there must be something important in the town.
yeah the new possum ambassador
he know he cant threaten her directly, so why not but her hometown and friends under his thumb for collateral
i mean his original plan was to use a sock puppet til the Queen went over his head

All she'll do is break her hand.

I have seen what happens when you behead a gamba. Shit isn't nice

Poppy lives in the castle now though.

What would happen if Poppy just Saitama'd Chickadino into gibs?
And then did the same to his entire organization?
What would happen then?


fine then her best friends town and biggest responsibility
on top of the fact he's willing to skewer and an entire innocent town just to get to her

Violent possum hunting, regardless of what the Queen says

... What do you think those magic hands feel like?

Like hard plastic, you think?

I wonder how they smell.

You know that tingling sensation you get on your face when something is just barely close to touching it?

I imagine they'd feel body temperature

maybe you could make them ice cold if you wanted to intimidate/spook someone

I wonder how many posts it's gonna take before someone writes a lewd greentext about getting fucked by the magic hands



she'd get the death penalty for being a serial killer
Chicano can operate the way he does cause hes subtle about it. it everyone else hes a legitimate business man and also, oh yeah THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE KINGDOM
Poppy is at a sever disadvantage here cause its not something she can just punch, o reven prove is bad

Poppy may not survive this

I have a feeling that Petunia is gonna accidentally slam Poppy into the tree or into the nearest bush.

Then Poppy's clothes will be ripped.

They will continue to become more ripped as the chapter progresses.

Wait, do they not have electricity in the general sense? All power is dragon blood generated?

They don't know what happens when you pass something conductive through a magnetic field?

They haven't discovered electro-chemical reactions?

It could be that they have and Dragon blood is just plain better for it.

It's probably less impressive than a magical fuel source.

why would they? They had Dragon Blood as a super effective renewable resource that no one ever thought to plan without.

Dragon blood is mad efficient.

Dragon blood being super fucking wonderful is great but I still have a goddamn diesel generator in my garage for when the lights go out.

If they rely ENTIRELY upon that one source of energy then someone in charge is a fucking idiot.

Whoa Poppy

maybe their current needs can't be met by non-blood means. Perhaps they're too reliant on dragon blood

We're talking about supplying power for an entire town/city. You're little generator is fine for making sure just you have power, but won't do shit for the entire region.

Yeah, and you use that when the lights go out, knowing its a temporary solution that doesn't need to sustain you for too long.
This is the foreseeable future of an entire small town's power grid.

Yeah user let's supply the entire town with individual diesel generators. What a great long term alternative.

You should work for the fucking White House.

That's probably it. They likely have other forms of energy to use, but it's for emergencies. Not for day to day operations.

I do wonder why he wants Eggton since I thought he let Eggton go in their fire insurance scheme since he didn't want a pissed off Poppy on his hands. Though I guess if he knows that Poppy is dating Kit, then they're bound to clash at some point, so might as well hurt her friends, or at least get more leverage on them.

It's not like this dragon blood is doing better right now ;)

>My solution doesn't work but at least you still have the problem :)

No shit because your solution is retarded of course I still have the problem, you FAILED to fix it.

No, it's working for Canopy since the mob is now supplying it, but Eggton is a technically independent town/city.


Broadly speaking, having a 'safe haven' that's surrounded by territory your gang controls, but which is not itself controlled by your gang,
Well it's a security risk. It's a place for your enemies to plan and sneak and attack from and retreat back to. It's safer to get some men in their ASAP than to wait until you've been provoked and make a gang war of it

That's still your problem kitten. Pay up that $10 a gallon :^)

I'm not baiting, but dragon's blood I think is a very boring plot device, nothing has come out of it YET.

And it never will. Hack writer.

Where would they tap alternative sources of magic, though? Combustion's pretty easy to replace via a different fuel, but where would you tap into a diesel analogue for magic?

That freaky make octo thing caused their sleeping dragon to go apeshit an lead to Poppy having to punch up and kill their lifeblood while almost killing herself having that shit run through her veins.

But that's Poda, and really, it's a boring villain too. The fire bird was better (Clemente was it?)

Is Tuna a Haki user?

>I do wonder why he wants Eggton since I thought he let Eggton go in their fire insurance scheme since he didn't want a pissed off Poppy on his hands
because before Poppy was just a vigilante protecting the town. there was no point in pressuring it if someone was just gonna punch it away.
but now poppy has both a valued administrative position that he had his eye on and is close to the queen. not only can she not be there to punch away eggtons problems, but by holding eggton hostage he can have leverage over her. and in his mind this would put him in control of the position he wanted control of in the first place but also close to the queen

This will blow up in his face. Poppy's reaction to people threatening those she cares about is punching them until they are no longer a threat. She's also not clever enough to try to out play him and will just jump straight to violence. Overthinking will be his downfall.

Oh god I thought she was doing math in her head. But she's just failing to keep it together...

Her mother had a lucky star power that let her read minds/thoughts. She probably has countless mental exercises to try to keep calm and clear her head.

That bird should get his hands off my waifu.


oh im not saying it will work, im just saying that this is his thought process.
and to be fair it makes sense in normal play, against a normal woman. not so much a woman whos fought her entire adult life.
poppy will only be pushed so far before she swings and wont let social niceties get in the way.
that said i think Chicano is bigger than most realize. i think it will only escalate from here

>Tuna is about to THE FALL the shit out of EVERYTHING.

I'm scared, user...please hold me

I did a thing

Glass, that shifts shape but remains room temperature.

Eggton is it's own little state?

You do know most power grids in real life are something similarly as ridiculous and seemingly laughably implausible as the second Death Star, right?

Either hooked to inefficient energy sources when superior ones are available (nuclear for example, unless the region is unstable or regulation is lax in which case they have nuclear when they shouldn't).

A decade ago some kid literally snuck into, and filmed doing so, the room from which he could damage the power grid for the entire American midwest and with planning could have done so in a way that would take months to fix all in order to prove that a fix was needed, and the only change was added security patrols and harsher penalties. Also he was demonized by politicians rather than actual solutions made.

All of that is without wading into the current bizarre promises of returning to shit tier coal.

It's the town within the giant egg not to far away from Canopy. Mr. Quibble bought it/the land when he was younger and allowed people to live in/build around the his house in the egg so he could have some company.

I disagree. Fire bird is a one trick character.

Morbi keeps going on how dangerous he is on his tumblr, but has done the exact opposite in the comic.

The literal flaming faggot seems like he has humanity beyond being a hired thug

I personally think he has potential

Yeah, like when he blew that dragon the fuck out.

>has humanity
>was going to murder a child by eating her alive and seconds earlier threatened to burn the whole town down
birds are vermin

morbi made a new post on his lewd tumblr

not comic related, but almost all poppy threads are essentially poppy o'possum/chibi-chaser threads, so w/e

Not all birds are Emus, mate.

With its own magic using his lucky star. Far less impressive when Poppy fought it with just her strength and he can't pull the same stunt on Poppy.

>can only be natively found in Australia
how can one country be so shitty?

Complete isolation from the world is a hell of a drug.

He does a pretty great job at drawing cute porn when.

This is why I'll never donate, because his fetishes are 75% overlapping mine already.

inflated surgical gloves

dragonsblood is like ultra giga coal

>heard you talkin shit like I wouldn't find out

How tumblr is this comic? I want to start reading it since there are so many threads about it but I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Do they at least leave soap box politics out of it?

The animal species have some anatomical correctness, real size difference, and nonmammalian species makes sexuality kind of weird in the setting. Really though, it's mainly about an opossum mom who is really strong and not too clever.

for the most part, it ain't in your face. There's gay shit, but that's because there's gay characters

the most 'tumblr' thing I'd say is in is the Ewe Lala arc, but it's still an entertaining arc

if you don't try to look for extra meaning or inject real world politics into it, it's just a wolf in sheep's clothing story

yea, pretty much

Coal requires more effort than they take to get the blood.

Its more like nuclear energy. Seemingly infinite, so long as you maintain safety.

It promotes homosexuality and trans.

But that's the point, the rest are no-trick characters crawling in the shadows.

do they call themselves tranimals?

well i mean for one thing He actually killed it and hurt it.
Poppy threw a rock at it (wich only really delayed it) and then trid to poison it with her blood (which wouldn't have worked) and impressed it with her heart beat (shortly before she had a heart murmur nearly killing herself)
whats imp ressive is that she fought it at all and then didnt die.
Dude may have gotten punked by Poppy but thats because Poppy sucker punched him in a way he no way of seeing coming.
theres a very good reason Poppy chose to disguise herself rather than face him down again.

he may be a one trick pony, but creating lots of fire from nothing is a damn good trick

>How tumblr is this comic?
are you looking to get offended?
then its great, its a fun adventure comic staring animal people and one time the cute fox says fuck.

It's not like you can actually convert electricity into magic though

>Chicadino's face in the 4th panel

Lol Morbi, you rascal!

Petunia should whore. She would make 2000 fast.

It was a possum you silly goose.

What they need to do is kidnap some of the opossums that migrate to the fenneclands and force them to manually power generators.

I don't want tuna to slobber on my dong anymore...

Maybe you shouldn't base everything around whether it might upset you, you safe-space needing 4channerina

Why not just give them cheap jobs at the plant and win the queen's favor instead?

I want Mary to use and abuse me and string me along and Petunia trying to help me and tell me I'm not a worthless toy but I'd still keep going back to and calling Mary and it makes Petunia sad and frustrated.

No, its just a women's clothing designer who wears his creations and dresses his female assistants in tuxedos as a gimmick for his shop. His wife dresses normally and he acts otherwise like a normal person.

Because it'd be a waste to give good jobs to trash.

I get how this was a problem when the acting queen was locked away all day.

I'm not sure how this is a problem when you're BFFs with her girlfriend.

This isn't an absolute monarchy user. The queen cannot empty the vaults to treat a village preferentially.

Also, god blood is more on her mind than dragon.