A cat is smoking a pipe. It is the man's pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat, this cat, Garfield, is smoking the pipe

A cat is smoking a pipe. It is the man's pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat, this cat, Garfield, is smoking the pipe.

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Im going to get a shirt of this comic. Its so post ironic

Does this guy do seminars?? Does he at least have an ASMR channel??

>Garfield smokes his pipe
>So John uses the cat brush

It wasn't an accident, it was Pottery

>Garfield was written for the sole purpose of becoming a merchandising icon
>In the process, its derivatives and parodies have become legitimate art

What will happen when we enter the post-post-irony age?

I've cried, and I've cried, and I've cried, and

People will write jokes that are flat out not funny.
Not even in a "the joke is that there is no joke" kind of way.


reaching an era that surpasses irony and creates sincerity to flourish like a phoenix, thanks LasagnaCat

Pipe backwards is epip. Epip is the first four letters of the word Epiphany or the moment of realization

Garfield smoking a pipe is an epiphany on two levels. Jon realizes that Garfield, the cat, is the one responsible for stealing the pipe. Yet the pipe itself also is the epiphany. What could it be that Garfield has realized?

In a rare continuation we see the truth. Jon attempts to steal the epiphany from Garfield only to realize that the pipe itself was what he was seeking. He no longer needs the pipe, as he has found it. Garfield is merely a mechanism for Jon to achieve an understanding.


Post the video, plz.

He's Drew Barrymore's half-brother, and he was homeless as recently as five years ago.


Ok, now this is too deep.

>not posting the HD version



This strip changed my life

>tfw when I've watched the vid 6 times now and i want to get "Now where could my pipe be?" tattoo but I'm afraid tumblr will find the vid and make it a meme and ruin it

i'll try to enjoy this short span of time before pewdiepie or whoever finds it

Who cares who else likes it?

What matters is that the video itself is art. People may bastardize it, but the source will remain.

Think Pepe for comparison. It starts out nice and we can all laugh about it and everything but then it goes mainstream and people fuck up the joke so bringing it up makes you look like a cringy teenager

what the FUCK is even the real joke to this comic? There's no way Davis thought a cat smoking its owner's pipe was that funny. There's gotta be some culture reference or something

That won't happen with this. 'Pepe' was a mistake from the beginning because it started life as an average reaction image and was warped into a symbol for retarded reactionaries. Much like what they've done with Momiji from Touhou.

This doesn't have the same power; it can't really be turned into a character. People might make stupid references to it or turn it into a meme but it's not going to be outright destroyed.

I hope I am not the only one who notices pronounced Promethean parallels in this comic.

Jon, as the home and Garfield's owner, is ostensibly the master of this homestead and all that resides inside of it. He reaches for a pipe, which is something which serves as something to burn things in. But he discovers it is gone.

He discovers, shockingly, that Garfield has not only has the pipe in his possession, but he is in fact smoking it. Somehow, right from under Jon's nose, Garfield has both stolen his pipe and even the knowledge of fire and its uses.

The analogies we can draw between Jon to Zeus and Garfield to Prometheus are almost innumerable. However, one important element is not immediately evident, and I think that is core to understanding the true power of this strip.

Recall, Prometheus is a Titan, not a man. He is a fellow immortal like Zeus. Because Jon and Garfield are fictional they too are immortal beings forever playing out this tale of theft for as long as there are mortal beings like us to read it. And that is the key. Garfield serves as Prometheus by giving humanity fire via smoking the pipe and the smoke rising up through the third panel and, as one can tell by the manner the smoke is rendered, it literally becomes the very frame Garfield is sitting in.

Through the results of the fire Garfield/Prometheus has stolen, all of the human world we experience outside of that strip is possible. All human struggle and toil, love and hope which we experience on a daily basis is arising out of Jon's pipe.

Jim Davis's message, I believe, is for us to realize that these two Gods, Jon and Garfield, through their immortality are not truly superior to us in any true moral or intellectual sense. Jon and Garfield are constrained to their small three panel world, but out of it comes the full menagerie of human life with all its ups and downs. That is the revolutionary aspect of this comic. Should we praise Gods or should we pity them? I wonder.

this strip transcends comedy. It has become a form of high art. Pic related

You know it's against the rules to spam the spam shit over and over again right kid? And that's why your thread got deleted on Sup Forums. Fuck off retard.

It's ok, you'll find your pipe one day


What always bothers me is that those tools are quite clearly made of cow pie. Damn fetish artists.

Nancy works well with this too
