"Oh my god what am I gonna do now!?"

>"Oh my god what am I gonna do now!?"

weeeeeeeee WEEEEEEEEEE

I would do the same
cause fukit what else would you do

What is going on here? What is the source?

Did she just kill a bunch of people, get horny, and photocopy her butt

Are photo copiers even still a thing?
I would imagine most offices these days just email or text everything or use store files on the cloud.

Sometimes, paperwork has to be scanned and emailed when the fax machine doesn't work.

>when the fax machine doesn't work.
>fax machine

Drawn Together
Some of the cast stormed Entertainment weekly's office after a bad review of the show. She was the only survivor.

It's from an episode of Drawn Together called "Xandir and Tim sitting in a tree".

The sub-plot of the episode revolves around some of the housemates learning that Entertainment Weekly gave the show an F (Which was a thing that actually happened and the creators were petty about it). This leads one of them (Spanky) to go through a bit of a crisis because as the character with the most toilet humor riddled personality the blame for the show's low grade is placed on him. Eventually though they end up reuniting and going to the EW offices where they brutally murder a ton of the staff while looking for whoever's in charge. Eventually they make it to the receptionist and they reveal they actually have an appointment to see the TV reviewer. When the receptionist leaves she goes out into the main office and sees everyone is dead, prompting the "What am I gonna do!?" line and then it just cuts to her sitting on the photocopier going "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!" while prints of her ass fly out.

Surprisingly widely used, even these days.
Especially in Japan, where despite having so much tech, they're afraid of new things.

Most photocopiers also function as scanners now.
Also pretty much any company that's regulated in anyway has to keep the original signed paper copies of documents for 7+ years as well as digital copies.

In fairness, that image is from a show that aired in 2005

Most official reports still have to be submitted in physical form (and signed for, etc.)

Fax is way faster than scanning and attaching as an e-mail. Plus some machines will give you confirmation receipts when they successfully transfer.

>pretty much any company that's regulated in anyway has to keep the original signed paper copies of documents

This. It's poor form to have everything in electronic form. Especially for industries like banking, finance, healthcare...anything that has a lot of legal liability or the possibility of angry customers, etc.

Plus, it's concurrent so when you send one, you know they've been physically received.

Like what happed with Archie Comics?

Jesus the back ground girls were way too hot and cute

And thanks for the clean balls! AH-HAHAHA!"

Anyone have a good episode guide for Drawn Together?

I didn't really like this show, I seriously think it's stupid as fuck, I just really like the racist jokes of it.


It's a guilty pleasure. The sort of thing I would have on in the background just because I could suddenly look at it and there would be a quick gag that required zero pretext.

Activate: HERO SHIELD!

All of them

Every episode

Not the clip show episodes though.

i smell an user that got cucked out of all possible employment

Most schools still have them for paper assignments to give to kids.

>pretty much any company that's regulated in anyway has to keep the original signed paper copies of documents for 7+ years as well as digital copies

If the document is originally digital there are state and federal retention schedules.

>Fax is way faster than scanning and attaching as an e-mail
At this point most large institutions receive faxes digitally, not as thermoprinted slips of paper. And why not, most of the internal formats fax uses are PCX/TIFF variants.

>never been employed

>*Spongebob rip-off theme song*

You two have never held a real job.


What a strange, strange villain.