Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
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Y is reddit now?
I swear to god...
i'm not from the comics side of Sup Forums, can you sum up the chart? i mean, i can get the gist of the tumblr-category ones but not the others
>good comics
>shit comics
>Sup Forums
sounds about right
I thought Sup Forums liked Transmetropolitan?
It's edgy bullshit only rebbitors would like
>ms marvel
You take that back
>no ANGR on Sup Forums section
Shit fucking list pleb
We do, but apparently the winking metahumor is more reddit's style
>some capeshit
>mostly indie stuff
>Sup Forums
>all big 2 capeshift + cerebus
>Ms. "Vote for Hillary" Marvel
>Not tumblr
4chans comics are mostly underrated undiscovered jewels by the general public. Things that had everything to be mediocre but stood out, like Vision and The Superior Foes. I'm confused as the Dark Knight Return made it to that instead to Reddit, seeing how Sup Forums is contrarian the board.
Tumblr is clearly girl and gay shit, trying to be progressive and avangard for the sake of being progressive. Female legacy heroes that replaced their male counterpart and stuff with "alternative" artstyle.
Reddit I don't even know, man... Sup Forums is so retarded with attributing things to Reddit, like Rick and Morty for example. I assume it's just normie shit? Partly edgy, like TWD. Harley Quinn I assumed to be belong on Tumblr.
I didn't really knew Y The Last Man and Transmetropolitan were normie popular. Sure as fuck not more than The Dark Knight Returns.
Which is especially weird because Reddit absolutely loves Omega Men and Superior Foes
Y's ending was absolutely terrible and made no sense, not to mention undermined the entire premise of the comic.
Replace Dark Knight Returns with The Goon
Replace Squirrel Girl with Lumberjanes or SAGA
>The Goon
Almost no one talks about The Goon here, I can't even remember the last time we head a thread about it
Honestly OP pretty fucking good and you got the trips of truth.
>4chans comics are mostly underrated undiscovered jewels by the general public
>like Vision and The Superior Foes
>Any big two comics
>underrated undiscovered jewels
Also Vision was fairly well revived, it may not have sold a lot, but it got excellent reviews from pretty much every comic site.
How the fuck did i manage to quote someone from another thread?
Anyway meant to quote:
No, that was the fat butch Faith that said "vote Hillary".
That typo can be really misleading given the subject matter.
I clearly separated Vision and The Superior Foes from that previous item with punctuation.
thanks negro, that was a nice sum-up. i see what you mean with rick and morty; like, the show itself only has certain parts that are 'reddit' but in general the label comes from the show's popularity alongside its reputation of "normies first '''edgy''' cartoon."
i think the idea was with 'general public' and how the archtypical 4channer and redditor stand compared against them.
though i'm speaking as a total comics pleb, i was under the impression that not all big two comics are advertised/published with the same amount of resources
I honestly hear about it more than DKR here, though that still isn't much.
>Superior foes
>Dark Knight Returns
>Omega Men
>Punisher War Journals
But Sup Forums likes some of those Reddit comics too.
He's clearly a butthurt redditor
>Things that had everything to be mediocre but stood out, like Vision and The Superior Foes.
Not really, he is just expanding his previous idea.
Thanks, Sup Forums.
Now how about this one?
I can tell Superior Foes had little expectations to those unfamiliar to the writer, merely for being connected to Slott and his run on Spider-Man. I remember many anons being legitimately surprised at the result.
Are you niggas kidding me? Sup Forums FUCKING LOVES TRANSMETROPOLITAN. Back in the good ol days Sup Forums used to story time that shit like crazy. You particular fellows are just dumb fucks with shitty taste.
>not bottom barrel comics
>Reddit I don't even know, man... Sup Forums is so retarded with attributing things to Reddit
Every fucking thread
Replace Superior Foes with Prophet
Prophet really isn't that good my dude.
It's like an even more disjointed Burroughs tale, the story is so unfocused as to be dizzying, and the writing's fallibility hides behind a thin veneer of depth painted on by excessive use of scenery attribution and Shakespearean drama.
Pleb taste mate. It is in no way unfocused. It starts an an anthology that turns into a team book. The flow of it all is perfect while introducing you to the world around it and the art is great. Its a classic sci fi setting that is sorely underutilized in comics.
They have zero connection with each other. I don't know why you'd see one and think of the other.
God Tier artwork tho.
wtf I love reddit now
Superior Foes was good but Spencer retroactively ruined it by being such a colossal piece of shit. He belongs on no rec list associated with Sup Forums.
boba fett is a mandalorian
Preacher is actually super fun so don't cross it out if you ever decide getting into comics.
TDKR and Year One and the Long Halloween are also good Batman stories that I can only think was put there by another uptight asshole Sup Forumsntrarian.
Issa joke.
So those are the only ones that don't belong? Everything else is fine?
Y, Afterlife, and Transmet are Sup Forums;
Grayson is Tumblr (though it's legitimately good and people on Sup Forums like it too)
Vision is Reddit
Cerebus goes to shit very quickly but isn't recent enough to be Tumblr or Reddit. Shouldn't be on the list.
I'm really not big into Superman.
There's legit people on Sup Forums that will tell you the Sandman and Watchmen are shit and Alex Ross is a garbage artist. You can never tell.
>Grayson is Tumblr (though it's legitimately good and people on Sup Forums like it too)
This. If you wanted to capture Sup Forums's homolust, you should replace Grayson for Midnighter and Apollo. THAT is a Sup Forums comic.
>Cerebus goes to shit very quickly but isn't recent enough to be Tumblr or Reddit. Shouldn't be on the list.
Wait, what?
Cerebus starts shit and gets a shitton better very quickly.
Have you been misremembering some memes?
>Implying gays only like Dick Grayson
>Implying being a fan of him isn't the key difference between a casual and an actual comic reader
Get the fuck out of here. The homos tried to steal him and Seeley shut them the fuck down and blatantly said he is straight.
>Alex Ross is a garbage artist
This one is kinda true tho. He is extremely, extremely limited and suffers painfully from same... everything. Just because he uses actual paint sometimes doesn't mean he's great. Yes, I will admit that Kingdom Come has a certain charm to it, but he shouldn't have tried to ape Norman Rockwell.
This is normally applicable but reddits comic boards are absolutely dog shit. They have no idea what they are talking about and their rec list for characters make me want to puke in my mouth.
I'm not misremembering anything. I read Cerebus myself a long time ago. Starts off as a standard sword and sorcery barbarian story, gets a little more high concept at around High Society, and then Dave Sim gets sucked up his own ass and it devolves into pretentious bullshit.
He's not a great comic panel composer but he is a great artist, anyone that knows about the technical aspects of drawing and painting can tell.
His stuff can be boring to look at by comic readers, which are accustomed to very dynamic unreal and unatomical posing, that's all.
>then Dave Sim gets sucked up his own ass and it devolves into pretentious bullshit
100 to 200 issues later is not "very quickly".
Youre wasting your breath. He is probably the same kind of retard that complains about "house style".
>Vision is Reddit
This. Also, this is coming from someone who is enjoy King's run on Batman.
But Vision is Reddit through and through.
Some comic subreddits are better than others.
Quality submissions, with the only problem being no users, no comments and no community.
I am just saying there are other guys who follow a realistic style that do it considerably better.
compared to Sup Forums? which is like 90% movieshit, 5% racebaiting, and 5% big 2 discussion?
At least Reddit consistently has indie discussion as evident by OP's bait picture
Kek are you blind or just retarded? An user has been storytiming Images entire catalogue for weeks now, not to mention Astro City was done right before that and Blacksad gets shilled to shit and back. There was a European comics thread up earlier today.
You just choose to go into the shitposting threads about live action and Marvel where it is nothing but shit flinging.
Trade Superior Foes for Transmetropolitan. Superior Foes is redditcore
ok cool the last 0.00001% covering the third largest publisher
If you like reddit so much please by all menas go back there. No one needs you leeching off anons' knowledge and askig retarded entry level questions constantly.
>Is this accurate?
Not really. This divides up all the girl comics to Tumblr, all the current newsstand stuff between Sup Forums and Reddit. Most of the public-knowledge known stuff to Reddit. In spirit, Reddit is the one that the news media can bring itself to admit, while Sup Forums is (with some truth, due to some boards) a wasteland of sin and evil.
If you like reddit so much please by all means go back there. No one needs you leeching off anons' knowledge and asking retarded entry level questions constantly.
Can anyone explain to me what's wrong with this?
Well reddit does like Brian K vaughn.
Everything after Church and State was iffy. It was pretentious bullshit for more than half of its run and unlike The Simpsons, the first half wasn't good enough to excuse the awful parts.
I like Rover Red Charlie, soooo... that's about where I stand.
Film is missing Once Upon a Time in America and a couple of animated features. Big Bane Theory is also a little better than Citizen Bane.
Musicians is missing MJ and a couple of jazz musicians.
Videogames shouldn't include Pokemon Red because everyone knows that Blue is better. I'd also include Metroid Prime, Tetris, and maybe DOOM.
Literature is irreperably fucked. Ulysses should probably be on there because Finnegan's Wake is actually too complex to be enjoyable.
Proust, Don Quixote, something from Shakespeare, Tolkien, and some Russian stuff (probably Brothers or C&P, maybe Tolstoy instead) should also be on there.
Sup Forums section is hot garbage that's obviously just dick riding Morrison.
Watchmen, DKR, ASS, Sandman, COIE, and 52 should all be on there.
>durr wut iz preechur
>Putting comics in those retarded "I identify as the website I visit" categories
May as well do this
>Comics for real men
>Comics for faggets
Western shit
Jaka's Story is phenomenal. I'm only on Flight myself so i can't comment further, but I have to double down on praising Jaka's Story, that shit is wonderful.
>Transmet in le Reddit
Go to a shotgun tasting, you plebeian cuckstain. I heard of Transmet through Sup Forums.
Where's /our guy/?
Sup Forums fucking LOVED ANGR: Engines of Vengeance, and it seems it nerve caught on anywhere else. Thing got storytimes every other day when it was first coming out, its popularity on the board was really unprecedented.
I don't like any of the comics on that list. Do I win?
I know that I'll catch shit for this, but the series I have really be following for the past few years has been Crossed.
Yeah, yeah, fucking edgelord, faggot autist, blah blah blah... I just appreciate there is still something like this out there, something that is deliberately vile and hopeless.
If you're reading Spurrier's Crossed, you get a pass. Otherwise no go.
All of it, man. I pick up the trades as they are released, I'm pot committed at this point. Some of it is shit, but I really appreciate Spurrier's run through the series, and I have a soft spot for Ennis and Lapham.
t. Indie kids
Oh, cool, you found a new term to spam.
>He's not a great comic panel composer but he is a great artist
So he's a poor storyteller but he makes pretty covers, not a strong argument.
it's fake news that's anti-trump
You're only proving right with every response
But Reddit would never really enjoy Transmet or Sex Criminals
But reddit hates sex criminals.
With the exception of bendis this list is closer to tumblrs most hated creators.
>no Asterix
>no Lucky Luke
>no Donald Duck
>no Uncle Scrooge
>no Tintin
>just a load of capeshit and other garbage "graphic novels"
Just off yourselves
Eh not really.
I mean I can see what theme you're going for in the tumblr part, and I've seen most of the Sup Forums ones praised on Sup Forums,
But I don't see where you're going with the reddit ones.
Is it listing the stories that are kinda popular and known amongst normies or something?
>Citizen Bane
Always the best
>that meme list
You first
People don't talk about things here if they can't complain about them
I like about 2/3rds of those comics. What is this dumbfuckery?
It's a staple inclusion in buyfag threads though.
>not under Sup Forums
Fuck off m8, I've seen that shit being storytimed on at least 3 boards.
I do like saga though. Only for tv headed robots, though
The band aid always gets me.
All Miss Marvel did was encourage people to vote and prove they have the right to, she didn't specify for whom.
Sup Forumstards, I swear...
Makes Sup Forums look like fucking plebs so yeah, it must be right.
>not to mention undermined the entire premise of the comic