The Mummy 2017

Is this the same Book of the Dead from the 1999 Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser?

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Art Director: I think this would look good with no color whatsoever.

>the same Book of the Dead from the 1999 Mummy movie

Guess I answered my own question.

No, it ws the gold book of the living. Amun-Ra.
Book of death was black one.

She was so damn hot. Still can't get her out of my head.

They wanted to give it as much old mummy feeling as possible.

>No, it ws the gold book of the living. Amun-Ra.
>Book of death was black one.

I guess you're right, they do look different.

But what's the "gold book of the living"?

>Book of The Living
Gold book with eye of Amun-Ra
>Book of the Dead
Black book with winged scarab

So what's it's "superpowers"?

They summon ancient aliens to build your pyramids.

Black one was to summon/raise/resurrect dead.
Gold one was to deny black one.
>Mummy 1999
Eve reads BLACK book, bringing Imhotep to life.
Jonathan reads GOLD book, taking away Imhotep undead powers, making him mortal again.
>Mummy Returns
Jonathan and that kid (forgot his name sorry, hated Mummy Returns) reads BLACK book to bring Eve to life. Golden one doesn't show up at all.
>Mummy 2017
+/-50 years later, Prodigium somehow obtained GOLDEN book, as it had power to deafeat undead.

Thanks man.

I just finished watching the movie and thought it was decent but I was kinda expecting a post-credit scene of the next Dark universe monster movie.

I did catch the shot of the hand of Creature From The Black Lagoon in a jar at the Prodigium.

So far Dark Universe seems dead. No "next post-credit scene".
I liked movie forrefreshing tone, not following 90s nostalgia but also paying homage to true "old" mummy movies.
There were vampire fangs too. BTW mostly of these jars are real museum collections, only few were made for movie.

It's a shame. I like the idea of a shared universe where it's not capeshit, but I kind of get the feeling like if this movie did well, that's where they'd steer it.

I liked this Mummy, and the Fraser one; they're totally different and it'd be unfair going into the new one expecting a lighthearted adventure movie.

I really doubt we'll get anymore Dark Universe shit. Dracula Untold and the Mummy seem like they'll just be little blips on the radar and Universal gets to call it a wash, unless they take the foreign market meme too seriously and double down on it.

>the next Dark universe monster movie
They cancelled it after the Mummy crashed and burned

Well, ye. You are one of not so many people who think this way:
>I liked this Mummy, and the Fraser one; they're totally different and it'd be unfair going into the new one expecting a lighthearted adventure movie.
Seriously, almost everyone complained mostly about it not being same. Then later complains about actual movie flaws.
There is kinda strange case with this movie. It had biggest opening in Tom Cruise career (170 mill weeked) and got into 409 million worldwide. Same as all 3 Brendan ones (ok, inflation and shits, but can't really judge for so many countries now) and probably gonna dominate DVD/BR/Home market sales. Cruise movies always end up very high there.
I doubt Universal gonna just leave this. They put too much into promoting and marketing on "Dark Universe" - Including a vintage 2D-pixerart game, which is getting oddly good reviews.
Well, only time will tell. Also movies like that have chance to become cult-status in future.

>So far Dark Universe seems dead.
Isn't it confirmed dead? I thought the Hollywood producer in charge of it lost his job or something.

A lot of the press about this seemed to mark it as a flop, which to your point, it wasn't. Nor was it a soaring success. If they do decide to continue with these movies, my concern is that they'll try to alter the tone to be less dark and more quippy. But hell, maybe I'm just being paranoid.

They set it up with a lot of potential but a lot of horror movie remakes from the earlier part of the last century have been hit or miss; I liked the Benicio del Toro version of the Wolf Man, and Van Helsing, but I doubt either would be part of this.

It was definitely a flop. The total box office gross may look merely mediocre, but 80% of it was from overseas, and dollar for dollar domestic receipts are still the more important measure of a film's success.

Suspended. Kurtzman and Morgan left. And this is good news. Kurtzman was only problem with mummy, his writing and directing made it a mess. Morgan is back to Fast and Furious series - Universal's biggest moneymaker.
Universal tried to force "Monster Universe" since like 2005. Very 1st attempt was Van Helsing. It had Frank, Eddie/Hyde, Dracula and Wolf. It failed. Next take was with another wolf and Dracula - also kinda failed. Mummy actually brought money, but "Dark Universe" marketing was costly. Stopping now would make it total failure.
I think they gonna continue with "Dark Universe" but hiring better writers and directors.
>they'll try to alter the tone to be less dark and more quippy.
Thats the problem. People expected it dark, but mummy had unnecessary humorous bits that killed the buzz.
They announced it as dark, creepy and scary movie but result was meeh.

>yfw no mummy gf
why live?