Watching this series in anticipation for the new season. up to season 2 ep 7

watching this series in anticipation for the new season. up to season 2 ep 7.

is everything filler? its a great show and all, but i really don't have time to marathon this all before the new season starts. any recs for "must see" episodes before the new season?

SJ thread too. i didnt know jack was voiced by a black guy

there isn't an ongoing plot

thats the vibe i was getting. aight, ill probably just watch the season 4 finale before the season 5 premiere in that case.

Just watch all of it, weakling.

yeah that's not what you want to do

Season 4 finale is just like any other episode. At least watch Birth of Evil. That's the only episode I can think of that could be considered plot important.

This, though.

Watch it all, Jack.

How do you not remember this? Outside of the pilot, jack and the traveling creatures and birth of evil are the only ones with plot significance. Jack learns to fly and it's ditched the next episode.

Real Question: Would Jack want to stay in the past after killing Aku or would he want to go to the new good future?

,The Guardian and Jack and the Scotsman are probably plot relevant to new season

my first time watching.

i really dont have time to watch all the episoodes before the premiere, but ill watch as much as i can. as it is, i only watch the show on my lunch breaks and before bed if im not too tired.

>watching Jack for the plot

the fuck is wrong with you?

how come the only thing anybody cares about these days is fucking plot?

I also marathoned it all recently and it only starts to hit its stride in s3&4. The best episodes are in those seasons. i you cant be fucke tho just watch episodes woth akus and jacks passed in it and scotts man episodes plus the guardian episode.

I'm rewatching it because, hey, there might be some references they throw in... Plus, it's fucking Samurai Jack, show's a masterpiece...

Because only teenagers use this board and the newer generation of teens are only hard dick about plot for some dumb ass reason. They think anything good has plot.

You are a faggot. Don't even waste your time in SJ. Go back to your fucking anime shit.
My god, you are so dense.



Alright OP listen the FUCK up you disgraceful piece of shit.

Watch these episodes starting from S2E7 since that's how far along you are:

- S3E2 - Jack and the Rave
- S3E4 - Jack and the Zombies
- S3E6 - Jack and the Traveling Creatures (You better watch this one, bitch.)
- S3E10 - Jack, the Monks, and the Ancient Master (Personal favorite all episodes can get rekt.)
- S3E11/12 - The Birth of Evil Part 1 & 2

Moving on.

- S4E1 - Samurai vs Ninja
- S4E5 - The Princess and the Bounty Hunters
- S4E10 - The 4 Seasons of Death

That is all.

Oh shit I forgot S3E5 - Jack in Egypt.

That ones really good too.

He stays and rules which leads to his appearance in the guardian episode

>it only starts to hit its stride in s3&4
This. I was doing other shit like drawing until season 3. From that point almost every ep is great.

Don't skip any episodes that's just retarded. There are still gems in seasons 1 and 2. None of the skip suggestions ITT make sense.


It's episodic, you doofus.

I hope season 5's serialization doesn't betray the "mini movie" feel each episode has.

Believe in the Genndy.

This. For some reason everyone is obsessed with grander plots and ongoing sagas.

Jack is a show that focuses on one adventure at a time. The only reason the finale will be one big story is because it was planned out as a movie initially, so the story won't fit one or two episodes.

>Not just watching all of it

Filthy pleb

People became obsessed with serialized plots when the internet made it much easier to watch shows from start to finish and not miss every episode. They want to be rewarded for watching every episode instead of just enjoying each episode on their own merit (I'm not saying one is worse than the other).

I've seen all of it I'm just telling OP what he wants to hear. OP will probably not appreciate old references in the new season though.


Four Seasons of Death is objectively the best episode. Winter, specifically.

Fall was my favorite segment.

Spring for me because I want to fuck that flower lady.

But the four seasons of death, to me, is a close second to the monks and the ancient master. The kung fu in that episode...oh man.

You just sound like a bandwagoning faggot to be honest.

Kek. The thought of Genndy rebooting the show with no plot after a decade is making me chuckle a bit.

How pissed would everyone be?

>No The Scotsman Saves Jack
what the fuck is wrong with you, that 2-parter is fantastic


>no Jack and the Haunted House

Well, OP has already seen season 2 so I left that out.

>haunted house
I didn't wanna make him wet his pants.

Ah sorry just realized what you mentioned. Yeah that 2 parter was good but OP really only needed to see the first 2 Scotsman episodes.

Kinda sad that this this is the way modern cartoon watchers think

When was this being released now, march 7th?

Sometimes I forget how much of a faggot OP is, but then he goes and makes this thread.

Because plot is what people follow stories for. Everything else is built up around that core.

>also decide to watch Samurai Jack to ready for Season 5
>don't puss out like OP and watch everything

Already almost done, on S4. This series is fantastic. I can't believe I never watched it when it aired on CN, but early memories of it dredge up the impression that I thought it was boring. I must have caught one of the slower episodes on first viewing and let it paint how I thought of it overall.

Outsider impression left me thinking Aku was some silly muppet villain guy but holy shit he's done some terrible things in this series. I sat after a few episodes completely boggled at the cruelty he possesses, especially for a Cartoon Network production.

Have you considered suicide, maybe you can fit that into your nu-male shedule

Here's your plot: Samurai from the Edo period of Japan gets thrown a couple millennia into the future by an evil, slightly comedic, primordial demon.

Now watch every episode. Look at it from Jack's perspective: his only mission is to find a time portal home, and defeat Aku. Everything else that happens along the way just sort of...happens.

OP, no matter who you ask you're always gonna get a different opinion on what the best episodes are. That is so simply because this show basically had no bad episodes and each of them has something you can at least appreciate. Even the more kid friendly humor-centered ones are still enjoyable. Really, just wait out the final season until you've watched all of it. It's worth

>You can run but you cannot hide cause I can smell your BLOOD!

What are your favorite episodes?

Jack's fight with the Minions of Set is fantastic. There's something unnerving about Jack of all people struggling in a fight.

Yeah, Aku is the perfect example of an 'irredeemably evil bad guy'. No real reason to be evil other than taking over the world and making everyone suffer and he knows it, he fully embraces it, but still has fun with it from time to time.

This show sort of reminds me of a cartoon version of Zatoichi only set in the future.

I watched the whole damn thing recently as well. Very unique pacing, style. Damn nice fight scenes. Near the end the show felt a wee bit like it was going nowhere. It didn't help that even the characters remarked on that frequently. I found it interesting how the show ended on a humorous note though.

I need the (you) reaction image of the little alien girl.

Did anyone else get absolutely terrified by these guys back in the day? Something about their dead robotic voices, the red eyes and how fucking fast and strong they are made me piss my pants when I was a kid

Woops, wrong image


Honestly it's easier to pick ones I'm not big on than a favorite episode. There's so many that I like for a rainbow of different reasons.

I could try though. For ones that pop immediately to mind: the one where Jack fights that man who wants a warrior death, the one where he faces Aku in the graveyard, the two where the Scotsman saves Jack, and the one with the minions of Set.


Thanks buddy.

Not him, but if I had to pick my personal favorites (no order). Tried to stay in a top 10, but honestly 95% of the episodes are god tier. It's one of the best western cartoons out there.

>Jack and the Scotsman
>Aku's Fairy Tales
>Jack and the Spartans
>Jack and the Ultra Robots
>The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful
>Jack and the Zombies
>Jack in Egypt
>Jack and the Traveling Creatures
>Robo-Samurai vs. Mondo-Bot
>The Scotsman Saves Jack

>Robo-Samurai vs. Mondo-Bot

Underrated episode. The scale of the action in that episode is epic as shit. And the sounds those massive mechs made with each movement highlights the sound design of that series really well.

Are there any Aku pepes or spurdos?

>you will never thank the little alien doggo girl

i like how jack went from a twink jap boi
to a john wick/mad max killing machine

So horribly wrong.

People watch stuff because of characters and everything is built up around it. The focus on plot above all is a sickness.

Or you could just watch it when you can then catch the premiere later. It won't take like 2 years to finish them all so the season will probably still be going when you finish with the older episodes and can you would only have a handful left to catch up on. If you dont have time don't screw yourself by just cherrypicking episodes when there are bound to be many others you would enjoy.

samurai jack is episodic, so you dont need to watch the whole series and if you dont want to here's my list

jack and the traveling creatures
jack and the spartans
jack vs mad jack
jack and the lava monster
jack and the three blind archers
jack and the haunted house
jack and the monks
the princess and the bounty hunters
the scotsman saves jack I&II
seasons of death
take of x-9

The music in that scene was good enough to convince me to purchase the entire series's soundtrack (if they ever put it on sale).

>Not watching every single episode

You don't deserve this show OP.

Struggling? More like running for his life and getting curb stomped every time they caught up with him.

>no Aku pepes
I am disappoint.

>not mentioning aku infection

>Jack learns to fly

No! Jump good!

And I dunno, he seems to be able to leap higher than before after that episode, so I wouldn't say they forgot about it. (I suppose he didn't keep up with the brutal cross-training though.)

I really need to make a spurdo

Breddy gud, but I thought the face would be more Aku-y.

The only episode OP needs to watch is Aku Fairytales.

Prove me wrong.

I've never been into mechas (that's one of the reasons I was so reluctant to watch Sym Bionic Titan for so long) and this episode, to me, is one of the exponents of that. Despite the huge scale of the fights, I can never really get into them because it's just robots duking it out and not people or just living creatures. I know this can be done right, but Robo-Samurai vs Mondo-Bot doesn't do it very well. The fight consists almost entirely of Jack no selling all of Monbo's attacks and then having a very one sided sword fight that ends fairly quickly.
The best part of the episode for me is Jack running from the mecha, dodging jumping and eventually reaching it. That was the really intense part of the episode for me. Also, because it's the only time we see Jack in a urban environment that resembles our word's.

Unless you know how much of a big threat and how much of a bastard Aku was on season one, most of the fun of Aku's Fairytales is sucked out because you need that first impression to fully enjoy Aku's goofiness while he keeps self inserting into every fable.

>I've never been into mechas
If you haven't watched Megas XLR yet, DO IT NOW. It may just change your opinion on mechas permanently.

Then again, it IS supposed to be a parody, though YMMV on that.

It does ring a bell. I´ll check it out as soon as I´m done with Sym Bionic Titan. Thank you user!

>Mondo-Bot fires his gun
>The casings fall to ground
>Casings are so large they start crushing cars and cracking concrete

So good

Checked for truth.

Aku is hysterical because of that contrast.

Yeah I'm currently re-watching everything too.
It's amazing.

It feels so weird, because I used to watch it on CN when i was like 9 or something, but I had absolutely no memory of it, I only remembered that I fucking loved it.

In hindsight I don't even know exactly why I loved it. I know I love it now but it feels almost like it's not a show for children. Most episodes are very atmospheric, with barely any dialogues and some episodes are very slow. The humor in it is great but it's very subtle. I just can't picture 9-year-old me being into this. Yet it is probably the one show I know I loved when I was young (this and Dexter's Lab).
Honestly I probably loved it for Aku, holy shit he's amazing

>not liking the pointless adventures with basically zero dialogue as jack just sort of travels and adventures for a bit

You forgot all the while he keeps losing strawhats and his clothes keep getting ripped and overall getting scratched to shit
>Tfw he never replaced Scotsman's bagpipes he so wrongfully destroyed

Maybe you liked it because you felt you were walking something made for "grown ups" but it still was accessible to you.

>halfway into season 2
The backgrounds are so goddamn gorgeous

The music is phenomenal. Jack and the smackback is one of my favorites because of the pumpy arena music. Or the comedy. The Alice in Wonderland episode when Jack beats the shit out of those people in a dragon costume, whose shadow looked like Aku, is fucking hysterical.

Aku is top tier. Love him for being both hilarious and fucking scary (Zombie episode). He's polite too when he doesn't have to be like the Imakandi episode.

>Yes, yes now please hand him to me.

Tyler Bates is going to ruin the new season. Why didn't they get James L. Venable and Paul Dinletir back?

Whatever you do, make sure you watch "Princess and the Bounty Hunters". Somewhere in the middle of S4, I believe. It's a brilliant episode, on par with "Jack and the three blind archers", which you've probably already seen.

Also the "Birth of Evil" episodes in S4, are probably the most important to watch, if you're looking for some plot coherence and explanation.


Fuck off


Ah! I knew I was forgetting one.

Watched pic related last night
>villains perspective
>multiple art styles
>bara wife
>zero Jack dialog
>that fucking ending


Don't think I saw that one back in the day. (or any of season 4)
Gonna watch The 4 seasons of Death tonight
I hope it holds up to the hype.

Bounty Hunter Princess Season 5 PLEASE! :_:

I watched some episodes but for me Samurai Jack is the kind of show that would work better with an ongoing plot. I don't feel the need to watch the other episodes because I know they won't have any meaning in the overall story.

Season 5 will be right up your alley then, cause its basically finishing the story that was started episode 1.

All these lists suck. Here's mine.

Must watch:

>The Beginning
>The First Fight
>Jack and the Warrior Woman
>Jack and the Three Blind Archers
>Jack versus Mad Jack
>Jack and the Scotsman

>Jack Learns To Jump Good
>Jack and the Scotsman Part 2
>Jack and the Ultra-robots
>Jack Remembers the Past

>Jack in Egypt
>Jack and the Travelling Creatures
>Jack and the Swamp Monster
>Jack The Monks and the Ancient Master's Son
>The Birth of Evil Part 1 and 2

>The Aku Infection
>The Scotsman Saves Jack part 1 and 2
>Jack versus Aku
>The 4 Seasons of Death
>Young Jack in Africa
>Jack and the Baby

Nonessential, but you should really watch (in order of importants)
>The Princess and the Bounty Hunters
>Tale of X9
>Jack and the Haunted House
>Samurai versus Ninja
>Jack and the Spartans
>Jack and the Zombies
>the Good The Bad and The Beautiful

This list the list.
Fucking fight me

im college student with a job and I watched the whole thing in like a week. it's easy bitch


>Leave now and live, or stay and face your destiny.
>Very well!
They did a great job on setting the mood without spoiling too much.