Buy my content, here's an ash tray, here's me playing with my cell phone. I've been thinking about this video for 3 hours worried about how you guys will take it. Please don't turn against me. I have a video game coming. Remember the ted talk? Remember? Please.
Sam Hyde lost his luster
Is Sam on welfare?
he looks like someone who would shoot up a comic convention or a church
Been saying this myself. I don't think Sam had 'lost it', but I think Sam shouldn't try and do things solo. Or at the least find someone who will keep him honest and disciplined, this year had been abysmal in terms of production of work for Sam.
He bought into his own hype, went up his own ass and started doing this Andy Kaufman is-it-a-joke-or-not keep you guessing type shit and he kept doing it and doing it and it was literally NEVER funny or compelling and I knew it was going to end badly and now no one gives a shit. He might as well be dead, just completely wasted potential of someone brilliant.
Sam Hyde is funnier as a meme now than a comedian, and that is the ultimate loss.
The man has been constantly getting away with some of the most heinous peace time crimes in human history. How much time do you think he can spend on that comedy garbage?
He got in the ethereum ICO. Hes fine. Listen to the latest dick masterson podcast he was on.
Charls' "review" of The Orville was far funnier than any solo Sam content from the past year.
MDE World Peace director Andrew Ruse wants NOTHING to do with Hyde creatively. It's sad. Sam's one of these guys that got roped into white nationalist circles, started thinking he was invincible because they paraded him, and then stole opportunities from himself and his comrades in favor of twitter rants when things started getting good. Low impulse control took his adult swim show away, not Bret Gelman or Heidecker. Hopefully Charls can be the one remaining MDE guy that resurfaces on the other side.
Charls is pumping out straight up platinum and Sam is left to fester in his own garbage
what's up with Ruse? they seemed to get along well in the past
he's always better off with Chuck anyway, but why ditch Sam entirely?
Well, I don't know, if I planned a creative career I probably wouldn't want to be associated with a Nazi sympathizer (unless Daily Stormer and weev are now "4D chess-tier satire" on Sam's part).
Remember when this hack was completely DESTROYED by Sam Hyde who fucked with him heavily and in the ends Tim Cuckeder started whining about his back and his neighbour? All of this while Sam was clearly joking.
MDE:WP was a show for 130+ IQ not even kidding
>He got in the ethereum ICO.
So he went from having 12000 bitcoins to getting into the ethereum ico huh? That's pretty believable for an edgy art major who lives with his mom
Hyde is a plebian and his comedy (or anti-comedy) is fucking horrendous.
I'll never understand the fascination.
Ruse actually wants a career in the business directing films. He doesn't want to go full corporate Kurush or full dumpster fire Sam either. From what I know firsthand they're still pretty good friends but it's mostly in a 'polite social media friends' way.
Sam is too hot right now, he's blacklisted as far as the mainstream goes and he'll never have a career beyond the internet because of his alt-right sympathies. Ruse wants nothing to do with that or Sam's politics. He knows that'll be a sinking ship.
He had a litecoin rig with 6 or so gpus in 2014. He also made a post on fb for fellow neets to buy and hold ether in 2016. I'm not saying it's true, but it wouldn't be unbelievable.
Who needs Sam Hyde anymore? Haven't you seen his superior predecessor, the new Sam Hyde?
but he only does a shitty podcast now
Nicky is the best!
How does it feel, Sam, when an obese Jew with Tourettes has more money and fans than you?
Andrew Ruse doesn't want to get labeled alt-right. Sam Hyde should have brought out the comedy gold when AS dumped him.
it just seems strange. Charls is very conservative himself, being pro-Trump and anti-degeneracy, yet Ruse doesn't seem to be bothered at all by it
i suppose he's just not neo-nazi tier like Sam
thanks, mr. Falseflag man
Charls is like the Sam Simon of MDE. He definitely deserves a lot more credit.
I think he just likes what the MDE guys do and likes directing their shit.
>full corporate Kurush
alright what the fuck, explain
why am i out of the loop so much
Ruse is a Trump supporter and seems relatively "redpilled" himself, if he thinks he'll have an easy time in the film industry he's crazy
andrew doesn't really care hes living in a cabin with his gf.
Yeah charlz's comedy is really cozy. I really resonate with him cause he grew with the internet and video games. He does PureGaming streams that are fun sometimes but im waiting for some more smocane.
he'll get some good gig and go stealth mode with the politics, you'll see
either way he gets to go balls deep in a prime qt, so it all works out
Sam hired me thru Upwork a month ago for Kickstarter TV 2. Nobody involved was enjoying themselves and the general op was that none of the jokes were thought out. There were a lot of production problems too that pushed shooting back a day. I think Sam is just going back to the well because he doesn't know what else to do. Oh and I was fired after 4 days lol. Take care
it's all about chaz now
smocaine ain't happening, bud
Part 3 was filmed like 2 or 3 years ago
the boys are split, Nick has a wife and a business, it's all gone
There's a misconception with how Hollywood works. You would be stunned by how many celebs support Trump. Stunned. Politics make little difference, it's more about the veneer, what you put out to the public. There's a reason why Ruse hasn't gone off the handle on social media and plays his politics low key. There are definitely a notable amount of lefties that will try to sink you the minute they realize you're a conservative but about 3/4 don't give a shit as long as you're not obnoxious.
shrug something is gonna happen. Something funny i dont really care if somcaine 3 comes out but i know something funny is gonna be out. BTW a lot of the stuff they are gonna release that hasn't been released yet is in the book.
nick has 0 interest in getting back on tv, all they have are old videos now (which they're running out of)
nick says that SNL steals a lot of MDE's comedy but they make it more PC
sam hyde has been stealing his joe rogan/jocko willink bit from red bar, tit for tat
man i remember when h3 was actually good instead of the same reactionary shit that I can find on any fucking channel on youtube
He should lose the fucking weight
In one of the latest hydewars Sam has a whole spiel about people showing how poor they are by pointing out that they got something they perceive as expensive for cheap once. Sam grew up in a single parent home with little to no money and is probably fucked in the head by it and doesn't want anyone to know how poor he is. I'd honestly wager that the "jokes" he tells about living in his car and being broke are the truth and the rest is a coverup. Charls is living in a fucking shed for christ sakes, it's okay to be honest about where you're at in life. I hope these guys can find traction again and make shit happen.
>Chalrs is living in a shed
he streams all the time and is working on new Bombstrap vids constantly, do you honestly believe that?
I cringe every time he pretends to be really mad about something, it's his recent meme in hydewars
the only guy to survive the Sam Hyde implosion
Sam Hyde steals from Red Bar??
sam is not living in his car, he's been staying with his girlfriend in fall river. the guy has about a hundred thousand to his name but he can't afford an apt because of his video game
He is leasing out an office man. He has an LLC.
desu everything charls makes is pure kino. His youtube proves he doesn't need to collaborate to make good content
>hurr hurr hahaha he can't keep getting away with it
>love you sammy hydenberg
>top lad
>gr8 vid sammy thanks
you all have no idea what you did to this man by being retarded faggots
can't wait til he starts begging for money while his fans think it's some sort of ironic humour.
oh wait.
For some reason he began directly pandering to the Sup Forums audience who now comprise the newest and most vocal parts of his fanbase. Even though doing so cost him a TV deal. "THEY WANTED A SECOND SEASON", as he always says
Now he's directly pandering to r9k hy having eggman on KSTV.
Time to move on from Sam, NOTHING he's done since World Peace as been remotely funny and his army of 16 year old fans only keep him deluded
Charls and Trappped are the future
Charls isn't living in a shed i think he's staying with Erick as a guest and that was just """"performance art"""" or whatever
Stop spamming on /tv sam. I've told you this on your YouTube and here. Just stop
>tfw this thread just reminded me to cancel my $5 sub to him
he's not doing fucking anything, he makes rambling videos in his car and that's it. I didn't mind it originally, but that's all he fucking does, and a lot of it actually isn't as entertaining as his old stuff
How can I get a job with him? I live nearby.
he's a comedian
he appealed to an audience (everyone in this thread under the age of 25) that the people at Turner (Adult Swim's parent company) found contemptible and unprofitable, so they pulled the plug
it wasnt politics, it was You, you myopic little faggot.
>"My name's Cody Cigar AHA AH A HA HAHA HA, give me five dollars"
>...something is gonna happen... Something funny... i dont really care... but i know something funny is gonna be out... BTW a lot of the stuff they are gonna release that hasn't been released yet is in the book...
Listen to yourself. You're fucking pathetic, shilling a jews book. Alt right is pleb af now.
There is stuff in the book thats funny and it hasnt been released yet. LOL you cant even buy the book anymore.Im just talking about content thats gonna come out in the future.
>Sam grew up in a single parent home with little to no money
dude you have no idea what you're talking about, he grew up in a swanky New England neighborhood, went to a ritzy WASP high school, then went to two expensive private colleges both paid for by his father. his father is wealthy and sam was never poor growing up, in fact by all accounts he was upper class.
>you all have no idea what you did to this man
a supreme gentleman even?
is there anything that looks more disgusting
I still love Sam and hope to see some cool shit from him, but Carrol is on another level. His streams are really kinda good. He's woke to all the shit in the world but he's more concerned with keeping himself in a good mental state. I love his whole angle.
RIP Sam Hyde's online comedy career
>Sam Hyde's dad is a rich Northeastern liberal who writes for Huffington Post
So the healthcare coverage...of the alt-right
Holy. Shit. this is huge. Sam Hyde's entire persona is the same as every 'fuck you dad' liberal
tall if true
>Sam "Healthcare" Hyde's dad literally works in healthcare
>post yfw Sam is just as bad as the liberals he lambasts
Yeah bevause having an Ivy league doctor for a father really means you know the working class struggle
i'm fucking dead, sam hyde really is over
He won't let on, but he has definitely depressionmaxxed and been engaging in some pretty serious rotting behavior in the last year, probably broke nofap after he got cucked over by other copecoincels
He seems depressed.
>implying Ruse isn't pretty much openly nazi tier himself
Really don't get this meme that its ONLY Sam that displays those things, they all do and have done so for a long time.
Is that why he hopped on steroids?
Yes, fell for the "just inject bro" cope, another bites the dust and falls for the gymcel scam thinking it can save him
it's all true he also writes incest sex fiction and doesn't know how to pump gas!!
evidence of Ruse pushing his nazism?
lol the level of sam hyde fan fiction on Sup Forums is honestly pathetic
i know, we can't keep getting away with it
It's not fiction and Bernie is our President
>Sandy Hook, CT
*breathes in*
I've been telling you underage faggots this for years. Sam is a fucking embarrassment, both of his parents are educated and successful, to the extent where I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if his mother and father combined brought in at least 100k a year AFTER taxes. He's a retarded fucking rich kid who pretends to have ever suffered any hardship in his life because he's insecure about being no different than all these hipster liberal faggots he hates. I really hope this image starts getting spammed because I'm sick of seeing this ugly as fuck poser get posted every day and people actually take him seriously as if he knows anything about real life. Dude has had a wealthy Yale alumni father in his life constantly since he was born and yet rants about how rich people suck and how people who rely on their parents' money are leeches
Maybe that's why he's much closer to his mom (whose name is not Jane).
He lucked out in that regard. It's better to be cancelled for that reason over the fact that he anally abused a teen girl half his age.
I was waiting for you.
Why'd it take you so long this time?
this meme is even more tiring than the school shooter meme
(inb4 "lmeao dued!!! its totally not a meem sams a legit rapist retard!!!")
Sam "fuck you dad" Hyde
Sam will never be able to find a foot in mainstream comedy ever again. See
Sam Hyde is next in the Hollywood purge.
Your damage control is weak Sam. Hire better shills.
>re ddit spacing
Kill yourself.
>everything is called a meme on le 'chan!
Reminder that you're currently defending a manchild with rich WASP parents and an uperclass childhood anally raping a 15 year old girl. Is it because your dad walked out on you and you see Sam and his totally real knowledge of "da streetz and da struggle" as the father/fatherly advice you never had growing up? Look at yourself in the mirror.
Is this Sam Hyde pedo shit real?
Unless something else surfaces, technically he's an ephebophile.
I've been making the point that Hyde, after first glance, is a really insecure and nasty person that's lashing out at his upper-middle class background. Seriously, his whole hardship = virtue schtick that comes up in several of his videos, not to mention is the whole point of that Williamsburg, Brooklyn series is really immature the whole center of his persona and comedy
Sam, while seemingly a good editor, has always been the weakest performer with the weakest material in MDE. MDE is dead anyway
fuck off mena