I'm thinking 86%.
Some people say it's Unforgiven with claws.
Others say it's the best X-men movie--maybe best cape-flick since Dark Knight.
I think it's going to be "eh"-point-six.
I'm thinking 86%.
Some people say it's Unforgiven with claws.
Others say it's the best X-men movie--maybe best cape-flick since Dark Knight.
I think it's going to be "eh"-point-six.
Other urls found in this thread:
300m in the box office.
But The Dark Knight was shit.
97 only shitty tumblr hipsters will hate the movie
86 seems about right. It's rated R so let's see where they wanna go with that. I'm kinda more interested on who the next snikt will be though
Nah, it'll stay around 90.
wolverine and professor x die
Last of us but not shit.
It's going to loose some oomph when Jackedman comes back for Deadpool 2.
Critics don't like serious cape movies anymore, so they're going to shit on it and say it "takes itself too seriously".
I thought critics were finally starting to come around to liking serious and mature movies what with Suicide Squad winning an Oscar and everything.
An Oscar for makeup, the people who vote on that award are not movie critics, they're other makeup artists.
>Suicide Squad
>serious and mature
that shit was the biggest schlock DC ever released
You're just upset your mommy didn't let you go see it.
i had seen it and it was a great insult to not only the source material but the characters as well, the plot was generic as all hell and the final villian reveal was the stupidest shit ever, not the unnescecary use of pop songs to rival that ''other team of misfits'' movie
>waa, waa, waa!
Tell your handler you need your diaper changed, I can't help you.
>im unable to defend a shit movie so im going to act as a retard
maybe you would feel more at home over >>>reddit
>on oscar for make up
even shit movies can win that
im pretty sure that shitty Lone Ranger reboot won the oscar for make up that year
Jonny Depp with a dead bird on his head.
They are in prestigious company.
No, it only got nominated.
>The film received two Academy Award nominations for Best Visual Effects and Best Makeup and Hairstyling.[6]
Dallas Buyers Club won for best makeup and Gravity won best visual effects.
>Makes Leto look like a shit Tranny
>Makes Leto look like a shit Clown
Yea makes sense.
As for other stuff that won best makeup, Suicide Squad is now in the prestigious company of Beetlejuice, Driving Miss Daisy, Dick Tracy, Terminator 2, Braveheart, The Nutty Professor, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Star Trek (2009), The Grand Budapest Hotel, Mad Max Fury Road, and others.
>white make up with edgy tattoos won over star treck
and i thought Zootopia winning best animated was the biggest bullshit this year
why do people still take the academy seriously?
I hope "prestigious" is not meant as sarcasm, because Terminator 2 make-up is actually still impressive.
It's in response to saying it was prestigous
It'll settle about 92% I think. It was a really, really good movie. And I was glad they didn't have a post credit scene, it really would have cheapened the ending.
I'm surprised Fox let them do such a sombre ending and go that far with the R rating, hopefully it does really well like Deadpool
What is it with people taking shitty Mark Millar stories and turning them into good movies?
The Secret Service
Civil War
and now Old Man Logan
what the fuck? Does the guy have great ideas that he then proceeds to smear in semen and feces until he's ruined them as comics, so that later on people can adapt them and make them actually good again?
It's like he's Bizarro Alan Moore or something
He comes up with interesting ideas that can be expanded on and focused well into a movie script
>It's going to loose some oomph when Jackedman comes back for Deadpool 2.
Not if he shows up as Jackman the actor.
Don't forget Wanted, which while just a meh action flick, is still better than the shitfest of a comic.
What do you think would happen if there was an adaptation of a good Mark Millar book, like Red Son?
>He comes up with interesting ideas that he executes in the worst way possible
>shitty tumblr hipsters
What makes you think they'd dislike a well-crafted film with a swearing old man and a feral young woman that works as a swan song to the previous generations so their teen-hero franchise can be entirely populated by Hunger Games and American Horror Story actors?
It's more likely to be butthurt Snyderfags screeching "SO DARK IS OKAY WHEN MAHVEL DOES IT? CHECKMATE MKEKS1!".
>What is it with people taking shitty Mark Millar stories and turning them into good movies?
All his stories are basically movie pitches nowadays.
If this movie does well, will we get a proper X-23 movie? Or will they make the next X-men movie where X-23 basically takes Logan's spot?
>caring about RT
>not understanding how RT works
Deadpool 2 should parody TDKR's restaurant ending with Jackman and Stewart.
after Ghostbusters and Suicide squad, Rotten tomatoes credibility is dead
Is this the best cape movie since TDKR?
I heard this isn't even canon but don't quote me on that.
But it's too far in the future anyway, as the next X-Men movie will have the Apocalypse cast.
Hopefully it would be at a 95 - 90% rank.
It will probably go at 89 - 79% thanks to some retarded critics who think the movie has some big flaws (I mean, it might do have those flaws, but the critics may be more unforgiving due to this movie being more serious than Deadpool).
Company war faggots will try to say this movie is kino and all that bullshit in the first weeks, then when it does better than BvS and MoS, they will go stupid and say it's because Fox bought critics and fans.
That's some high level shit taste.
Even Book 2 which was by far the worst never got bellow mediocre.
Also the V movie was good for what it was.
omg Ikr? Obviously any film with good makeup deserves at least a +30% to their score!
We'll be Wolverine free for a while. Deadpool showed that a mutant movie could exist without Wolverine. And Jackman's been carrying the franchise up until that point.
They just need good scripts and they're set.
Yes it is.
My favourite moment is when
The black Father realises that Wolverine brought all this shit upon them by going to their house and putting them all in danger, and he tries to shoot Wolverine but had already used his bullets on X-24
Charles was a real dick putting that family in danger like that. I was hoping Mr Sinister was behind the end of the mutants but the way they did it was cool
SS is safely one if the worst DC movies.
Do you have to watch The Wolverine to enjoy Logan?
Mark, fuck off.
No, the events of that movie aren't even mentioned
>Butthurt BvS fag
>winning an Oscar
People care about this again?
> RT never likes the same movies I do which is why the movies flop
I know, why dont they have a grading system based entirely on makeup and costumes instead of crappy stories and shallow plots
>since Dark Knight
The first or the second one? Cause the second one was garage and anyone who thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves.
Watchmen, MoS, and BvS were better than the Dark Knight. The Dark Knight had potential but ruined it with poor fight scenes, bad Batman, Joker, and Rachel. It's pretty disappointing considering how good Alfred, Gordon, and Harvey Dent were.
still better than the MCU
Sounds like someone's feelings have been DAMAGED.
Toxic masculinity not understanding the FUNNY WOMEN takes itself too seriously, sad!
I hope this is bait.
>and i thought Zootopia winning best animated was the biggest bullshit this year
Is not like Zootopia had any competition.
Not really.
Which part? It's tough knowing which part triggers people. All of it is true though.
It was literally the objective worst of the five
Moana was shit, Kubo had great visuals but the rest was meh. Nobody saw the others two. "Your name" was the best animated film of the year and it wasn't even nominated, the oscars are a joke.