Superman Reborn part one.
It's time.
Superman Reborn part one.
It's time.
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Superman Reborn Primer:
Prime time?
Based OP. Been waiting all day for this.
So has anyone talked about the fact that the "ha ha ha" in this page are in 3 different fonts, am I crazy or is this hinting at the 3 jokers?
Thread Theme (maybe tangently related):
The "Has" are the same font. But different colors. You might be on to something there.
Nah, it's just Tim's laughter getting louder.
Yeah that's what I meant,
Yeah, I thought about that also. I just thought it was weird doomsday and prophecy was laughing, but I guess being cooped up in a prison makes you looney.
It could also be some of the different inmates laughing too.
Need Gleason to draw more past superman stuff
The optimist in me says that Super Sons got delayed because they were trying to put it out after this story.
Without Jon having his own book, him disappearing would hold a lot more weight
>Action Comics #1 car lift in the corner.
Always tickles me whenever it's referenced.
Are those photos meant to be blank like they were erased? Or..... just an art error?
And jeez this is stressful. I'm really glad Super Sons is a book that exists or I'd be freaking out.
Thanks NoRad.
That felt like it was 5 pages long. I need MORE!
Hey Shirtless John faggot, look, he's not wearing anything!
I feel like I haven't been this genuinely intrigued by a Superman plot in a good while.
Here's hoping Prime Time is a reality.
The variant of #975 has Bizarro and Cyborg Supes, so why reuse them in a silhouette for Superman #19's cover?
Is that Atomic Skull between Doomsday and Tim Drake?
Considering the magic flames on the pictures, they were erased, it's not an error.
I fucking hate single issues, man. This is why I trade wait.
The whole dilemma of this issue involves things disappearing. Including the images on the photos.
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Ah shit, this is going to be freaky.
Next Week:
>“SUPERMAN REBORN” part two!
>Celebrating our 975th issue with a supersize special as another layer of the Superman/Clark Kent mystery is exposed! And in a backup story written by Paul Dini with art by Ian Churchill, learn what it all means for the Son of Superman, who is the prize in a deadly game!
Green Lanterns:
No it's the new bad guy from the last arc.
this is a stupid page that's trying too hard to sound "literary"
Your balls are literary.
I feel like the fact that Cuborg Superman and Bizarro are on the next cover immediately means we can rule them out as being fake Clark.
Thanks friends. It's 3:15 and I'm tired and have work but I can't sleep. I more skimmed than read.
this is a nice page
>No Prime Time
Unlettered page from that issue
his name is prophecy
Well that's fucking bizarre.
>White & Blue color scheme
Is Oz trying to run damage control? Doesn't explain why he took Jon and the house though...
What the fuck?
That is legit fucking weird.
i hope superman kills him..
>"I don't want to read about myself, you idiot. go get me stories of superman"
This is a pretty well done issue so far.
well FUCK
I think fake clark is PRIME He is a story superman:::He can write the story as he wants..
Am I the only one who's genuinely surprised by how well done this is so far?
PRIME He is a story superman:He did it here too.
We haven't gotten to the Jurgens issues yet
What in the fuck is going on?
Okay, what the fuck is going on?
OK, dis nigga is definitely NOT Superboy Prime. Anyone who's been spamming "PRIMETIME" faggotry just got BTFO.
>YFW its not Prime Time
He has deleted jon from superman history.
and the house.
Some unknown entity seems to have escaped from Oz's captivity. That has to be the person responsible for whatever is happening this issue.
I doubt they'll be worse than decent. Jurgens' run picked up after the Doomsday arc.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
I think fake clark and whoever escaped oz's prison are 2 different events. But Superdad will end up helping find the prisoner and that will lead to Oz being thankful and telling him the truth about whatever is the secret between him and new 52 superman, leading to the costume change, which will lead to a fight between the fused Superman and Clark Kent in the last issue, which ends with his son back and integrated into the new 52 universe.
This is all just fan fiction in my head though, so who knows
>No Prime
It's Cyborg Superman for sure
>fused Superman
Why doesn't Martian Manhunter have a book out?
>prime suspect
Cheeky bastards.
update,fused,merged...whatever is gonna happen between him and n52 supes at the end of this
I really think it's New 52 Superman. One last piss on the poor cunt
Oh god the feelings, I need go to sleep but now I just can't do it, thank you very much for the storytime OP but now I can't wait for the next issue, btw how many chapters will have this arc?
And above anything else, Jon will be fine, right Sup Forums?
Then that would imply to me that OZ is actually a good guy and he's trying to preserve history
>Superman is going to punch a man who is only protesting and defending himself
I want to see what's the twist next week.
Nigga he literally boots Superman away in the middle panel. I hope he gets Man of steeled
>you will live to see Action Comics 1000 in your lifetime
Feels bizarre to be quite honest with you.
>break down the list of PRIME suspects
I see what you did there.
Evil Martian Manhunter is too scary an idea for me.
fucking doubt it
But he isn't on that list of suspect either.
The timeline doesn't match though. Tim has been locked up there for about as long as notClark has been around, so he couldn't escape just now.
Unless there's time travel involved, which is just weird even for this.
Yeah, that is absolutely surreal that Action Comics #1000 is actually happening.
Can anyone remind me again why Doomsday was imprisoned?
Was anyone else surprised at how well done of a mystery this is so far?
Many people did not live to see issue 1000. Let's have a moment for those that didn't make it.
Seriously, a lot of people didn't make it. Like all of the World War 2 casualties for starters.