So how do people think S3 will open? How will Star and Moon's relationship be affected by Star's awesome Song Day idea of causing the public's trust in the crown to shatter? What about the MHC being wiped out?
Star vs shocking twists
Other urls found in this thread:
First for "Lock Her Up"
Here's a prediction I have for some time in Season 3. If you want some more Star suffering, or Starffering, try this on for size:
>At some point in the next season or two, Star gets possessed by Toffee.
>Like what's apparently happening with Ludo, Toffee essentially lives in Star's mind and can posses her at will.
>Star now lives with the knowledge that at any point, Toffee could posses her into killing herself, her friends, or her family, and is likely just waiting for the perfect opportunity to do so.
I love you, Marco
What if Jackie actually says this to him in the show?
Let's kick the suffering up a level:
>Toffee starts to manipulate Star
>Star knows he's trying to manipulate her
>She feels so low and worthless she doesn't care
>Toffee actually manages to start perking her up because he actually manages to make her feel less worthless
Then I would explode into goo and cute puppies.
She might, you know. This show might do anything. After this double whammy finale I really believe there's no limit to the cringe or suffering they'll heap on their characters if they feel the plot calls for it
I fully expect Marco to respond with "I love you too, Star"
>S2 endgame had Toffee saying "Hello, Moon."
>S3 endgame has Toffee saying "Goodbye, Moon."
>He makes Star watch
>He makes her watch as Moon dies right in front of her
>Toffee-Star sits down on the throne
>"Long. Live. The Queen."
?? Why? Marco doesn't have romantic feelings for Star.
What was Star thinking including that in the song? It had nothing to do with her being a princess.
She wanted to include a part about her fucking up things and not being perfect but Ruberiot made it about the queen and king being liars that keep secrets from their citizens.
It would like a cartoon f.r.i.e.n.d.s if they did that
#BookGate or #BeanerGate
one job user. one job.
>Star and Marco dilemma solved in first 5 minutes of first episode.
>Tofee/Ludo scheming in secret, until season finale.
Investigate Rivers ties to Pixtopia
What do you guys think Eclipsa was like as a child?
Does someone have a kind of listing of plot points the show should still address or could use?
I tried to compile some:
>Toffee currently being Tofdo the ultra-OP boss
>what does he want, what's the finger keikaku
>Ludo Avarius's character development and family background
>Glossaryck and book contents gone
>magic still on the fritz, why. Also Lekmet ded, MHC fucked
>Eclipsa in the crystal
>Star's Eclipsa connection foreshadowing, will she turn evil
>Heinous + her cheek marks, what's the history
>Heinous still out to destroy Princesses Marco and Star, why
>Monster Marco developments
>Princess Marco developments
>Mentally adult Marco situation
>wand still cleaved
>Glossaryck development, backstory?
>Marco x Star, how will they continue from this
>Blood Moon Bond, what's it really do
>Marco x Jackie, how's it gonna go
>Jackie development, what the fuck is up with the sea theme
>Tom general development, family
>Tom x Marco bromance hangouts
>Tom x Star history, breakup, maybe becoming friends again
>Mina Loveberry, what the fuck happened to her, what job did she do
>Buff Frog and his family
>Star x Oskar and getting over superficial crushes
>Star and returning to Earth ever vs staying in Mewni
>monsters vs Mewnians, who controls the corn
>Star still being a lazy, reckless, selfish sperg who has yet to earn her crown, the whole point of the show is that she was sent to Earth to become fit to rule
>Star still has huge mommy issues and is very reluctant about becoming queen
And then of course random filler eps or other minor points, like Marco's karate stuff or whatever in between. I think it's easily material for 2-3 seasons, no?
Always compelled to hide things behind her.
>Ruberiot made it about
Star okayed the lyrics as they were though
Fund it.
Toffee's backstory?
Only if he does it in the cringiest and most inappropiate scenario possible.
marco will get roped into the toffee shenanigans whether he wants to or not
he will also find star, aint no mountain high enough, aint no river wide enough, to keep him from her
>"Goodbye, Moon"
>Not "Goodnight, Moon"
C'mon, user, step it up.
i have shamed my family
i will now commit sudoku
At some point they're going to have to bring Eclipsa into this.
>"I love Emelia."
maybe as a a princess who did things her way, instead of going by the book
who teaches star how to use dark magic for real
>The name Marco is a baby boy name. The name Marco comes from the Italian origin. In Italian The meaning of the name Marco is: Italian form of Marcus: Mars (Roman god of war)
Holy shit that keyboard scene had a purpose
Princess Eclipsa, so cunning and wise
To steal a boy's heart, a spell she devised
Though passion would bind them at the altar,
Without true love, her heart soon would falter
Yeah, it landed on Mar's.
What happened next? Let me guess: it's a Starco comic? I've not seen a Jarco comic so far, so I'm assuming Starco.
Called it! Also, wow, that looks really sweet.
>You will never hug the bug
sweet, for sure
but it gets a bit spicy in a bit
That youtuber three milk t or whatever her name is.
I lean towards Starco, but I just don't know.
This morning my 9 year old son, who watches the show regularly with me, told me that he likes Jackie and that Marco should marry her, after watching Starcrushed. I asked him, "What about Star? She has a crush on Marco." He said "Wouldn't you be sad if one of your friends said that she liked daddy and he married her instead, even though he was your boyfriend?"
This really left me dumbstruck. It's funny how simple and black and white things are for a child, but yet complicated and painful for an adult. I honestly don't know how to feel about the shipping drama anymore.
>but it gets a bit spicy in a bit
my nephew is about that age, his reaction was closer to sadness since he thinks star and marco belong together, but he also wants jackie to be happy
funny, how kids are the most civil
Goodnight Moon who dies at my feet
Goodnight Eclipsa, your plan soon complete
Goodnight Star, who drowns in her tears
Goodnight Marco, who is facing his fears
Goodnight River, a King without crown
Goodnight Ludo, the idiot clown.
Goodnight H-poo, I blew out your flame
Goodnight Rhomby, without master, tame.
Goodnight Lekmet, who Rhomby adored
Goodnight Omni, you'll guard no more
Goodnight World, the end comes quick
Goodnight All, signed Glosseryck
Heartrude runs for Queen.
Marco runs against him
The proper response, I think, is "Who would he be happier with? Who would understand him the most? Who would be able to truly connect with him? And who holds the highest place in his heart?" Erm, well, you wouldn't say ALL of that, or possibly any of that, but that's just me.
Star seems to get Marco, and vice versa. They understand each other, on a level that seems beyond that of Jackie and Marco. Star and Marco can always tell what the other is thinking, while Marco couldn't. When ever Marco, Jackie, and Star are together, he always seems to pay more attention to her when it matters. He even left Jackie standing there, with her mouth open, to go talk to Star. I don't know how this wild ride will end. But to me, I think Marco would be happier with Star, because Star understands him, and he understands her. And a romantic relationship where another person holds a higher place in your heart then the one you're in a relationship with...I don't think that's healthy, or that it will last
But I've never been in a relationship. So I don't really know.
Kids are too pure to understand.
They don't have high school regrets to project onto the characters. They don't feel the desperate need for Marco to go for the cute sweet dork. They don't really understand what its like to lose a chance at happiness for good.
As blatantly "I am going to be the worst thing to happen to this kingdom ever, you twits" as Star, but classier.
We're talking wardrobes filled to the brim with black, we're talking sinister giggling, we're talking that evil finger tent gesture, we're talking parental resentment but also jealousy towards anything that takes away their attention from herself, we're talking stuff like this
But she was "nice" so people gave her a pass until it was too late.
Didn't see that coming.
Look, I appreciate the advice, but don't go telling me how to swing my 9 year old son's opinion just so you can have another supporter in your "camp". That's something you discuss with an adult, not a young child.
Dear Husband,
I hate Glossaryck. I hate Glossaryck so much. He flaunts his flabby pectorals and fuzzy thighs like the barbarian tyrants of old.
I can no longer love you; I can only hate...Glossaryck.
>Discussing shipping cartoon characters is an adult conversation for big boys such as myself.
I love these threads.
Those questions point to one answer. A cute blonde girl named Jackie L Thomas
Bitch, you know it.
Call your son a fag and tell him that he only likes Plotckie Device Thomas because she has got a thicc ass.
But jokes aside, it's how love triangles always end up playing out.
The show has done its best at trying to avoid the LoK season 1 situation by not making either Star and Marco huge assholes and by not upgrading Jackie to main character for no real reason.
But there has to be a heartbreak or two for the situation to go forward and that's just part of growing up. I'm sure that everyone involved will be able to move on no matter what happens.
I agree, his post was cringeworthy and sad. Starco is really trying to recruit fucking kids? I know that you're torn on the shipping thing, but holy fuck, I'm sorry for you even having to read that.
Aw, that's sweet. He thinks of you as the Jackie. Give him a snack or something as a flattery prize. Oh. were asking what to say to that, so I thought I'd answer it, I...didn't think you'd actually say that. I even said as much. I just thought I'd bring up my thoughts on the matter and...I apologise. I misunderstood what you were asking, and I overstepped my bounds. I had no intentions of changing your son's mind (in fact, I think it's really adorable that he thinks that, it shows just how pure and innocent kids are), I just...again, I misunderstood what you were asking. I'll just shut up now...
>Call your son a fag
>he only likes Plotckie Device Thomas because she has got a thicc ass.
I don't kno who's more confused, me or you.
He did say he was joking, user.
>kids wanting Jackie to be happy, feel sad about the possibility of her getting dumped
I really wonder how it all will end for her. She's becoming too awesome to just kick to the curb when it's time for Marco to board the Starcoline
sometimes things end, and jackie will ride the wave out gracefully
She's probably going to end up finding love and happiness somewhere else. She's a fun character, just tossing her aside would be a waste.
I wish Simon would do nudes again
Imagine a world where the reverse happened.
>9 year old son
Yeah totally believable unless it's your wife's son
That's a woman, user.
Taking bets on who dies in Season 3?
no dying, only the shadow zone
Nah man, the heartbreak she had when she was 15(?) is so painful she will stop looking for a love and dedicate her whole life to skateboarding.
In the epilogue we'll see her in a newspaper clip "doing the 2700"
Me, on the inside
Janna hates all other ships
I'm betting either Moon or River, maybe both.
That sounds about right.
But that'd mean Nefcy would have to do some hard shit to kill the undead in you in S4.
Those are books and tests
Different user here but in general, when parents talk about their interactions with their kids, barging in and opening with the phrase "the proper response in that case" is really, really risky. Most parents don't necessarily react well to strangers telling them "this is how you should raise your child" unprompted.
I kinda got that you were just speculating, so no worries, but just a reminder for the future that when it comes to commenting to strangers about their children and their upbringing and parenting etc, it's best to think your words through and choose them carefully and avoid absolutes like "the correct way to do x is this"
The speculation on Jackie vs Star for Marco is interesting tho
>Implying they wouldn't take the Han Solo route.
nefcy cant kill you if you are already dead
>Toffee is so hopped up on magic he slays the god of time and space
Shouldnt Omnitraxus be out of everyone's league
I still have this feeling that Marco will dump Jackie and she'll be hurt over it. He'll get with Star, but something happens and for some reason, their relationship won't last. They either agree to stay besties forever, or plot circumstances force them to be apart. Marco ends up going back to Jackie, she's upset, but she takes or says they can try to start again from the beginning.
I like Starco, but I just can't shake the feeling that it won't end well and just won't be endgame.
Nope those are fanfics of Starco
that sounds terrible as well
flip flopping that hard back and forth is not gonna go over well
Toffee's the source of the fritz and he's been eating magic since Season 2 started
Maybe S3 will be showing us just how strong Jarco is and how Star grew more and more detached from her friends on Earth.
Then in S4 Jackie dies.
rhombys crystals were once as hard as diamond, but now they're more like rock candy
Go on...
You're right, I goofed. I should have said "What I would have said" or something. "Proper response" was pretty douchey, in hindsight.
Right, I'll keep that in mind for the future. The embarrassment alone should help me remember, heh.
It's pretty interesting, because it's not black and white. Both are good people who deserve happiness, and I think they both truly care for Marco. Nefcy is doing an amazing job with the romance in this show.
I think he's not the god of time and space so much as he is the god of time-space. So stuff like alternate timelines would fall under his control. Father Time controls time. Plus, there's this .
More accurately, the Mewni wand being shattered is what's causing magic to fritz out.
Yeah I get that same feeling sometimes. That Starco will happen, but they won't have a happily ever after and Marco will either go back to Jackie, end up alone, or with somebody who is neither Jackie or Star.
Here's what I'm confused about. The wand's supposed to be something princesses train with in order to gain control of their magic, right? Sort of like training wheels. But if that's the case, why was it being destroyed such a big deal? And why was Toffee able to stomp everybody with only half the wand?
...that would be really sad, actually.
i would think that having star and marco end the show the way it started, together
it would seem like a huge step back for them to backtrack on a relationship
Starfan13 x Marco
If Marco doesn't end up with Star or Jackie, this must be the endgame.
the third most popular marco ship is with hekapoo