Why are X-Men so against a cure? It's all well and good when you when the lottery and get amazing superpowers plus good looks but what about the kids that can't touch anyone without killing them or turn into some kind of hideous bird person?
Has any X-Men ever recognized that these are problems and a cure would be good for those people?
Why are X-Men so against a cure...
because the idea of making a cure available to those who desire it, without forcing it upon people who dont want to take it, would cut the plot short
They may be afraid that it's a slippery slope.
They keep using the X-Men as stand-in's for racial issues and tensions pretty much since inception. So them going "lol lets just cure our 'race'." would be the metaphorical equivalent of trying to cure your skin color because the X-Men are, as I said, a stand-in for whatever race is feeling oppressed at the moment.
1. The Phoenix will literally fuck everyone if mutants disappear from Earth
2. They're against a mandated cure
3. Isn't there actually a cure available at this point in the Marvel canon or am I remembering things?
Something about it being weaponized and used against them so they can be more easily killed
Because of the potential for the Cure to be misused to depower mutants who are not in that situation.
Potentially, widespread use against ALL remaining mutants, which at the time was pretty low. If the opposition is willing to use giant purple robots, there's no reason to assume they're not willing to stoop to genetic therapy.
>pretty much since inception
X-men switched from blacks to gays a while ago, m8.
4. The cure doesn't actually prevent people from hunting them down and killing them out of mutant paranoia.
5. Calling it a "cure" implies they have a disease
When you're ostracised for being a hideous fucking fishman it probably is something you'd consider a disease.
I'm sure there are plenty of people with genetic disorders who'd love a cure so they can reintegrate with society in real life. The mutants are just being fucking dicks to those who have complete shithouse lives because of their X-Gene.
A cure for gays is almost as unpalatable. And is this where the thread devolves into a series of Mike Pense jokes?
>When you're ostracised for being a hideous fucking fishman it probably is something you'd consider a disease.
Yeah, humanity sure is an awful disease. Cure when?
The cure was inside you all along.
Look, all I'm saying is that when the purge finally happens, I'm siding with the fish people.
They were unwilling to recognize the fact that many mutants were definetly happier after M-Day took away theire powers. To them the Scarlet Witch is a genocidal monster.
Didn't M-Day also kill a lot of mutants by depowering mutants that needed their powers to survive with their altered physiology?
That was mentioned in one crappy tie-in and never brought up ever again by anyone, so the X-Men clearly weren't bothered by that. It didn't even make sense, so removing a mutant's power of having a long neck didn't get rid of the long neck, but simply the ability for the long neck to remain straight? Mutants with altered physiology should have become normal humans, it's what happened to Beak and others.
It especially doesn't make sense because these people should have already died when the High Evolutionary removed the X-Gene from everyone on the planet just a few years earlier.
Because Joss Whedon is a hack
>A cure for gays is almost as unpalatable.
>not with the south pole cat people
There was one that basically made you lobotomized tard and was taking away your powers, but Legion shut that shit down
If I could take a pill that would turn my wierd sexual fantasies into normal ones, I would probably take it.
>If the opposition is willing to use giant purple robots, there's no reason to assume they're not willing to stoop to genetic therapy.
But the only reason giant purple robots are in play is because mutants have eye lasers and Scanner powers and shit.
>Mutants with altered physiology should have become normal humans
There are Dregs and Remnants, ex-mutants that still have signs of being a mutant. Marrow still had bone armor and Blob still had his excess skin. Thanks to the leftovers of their physiology, some even had a semblance of super-strength.
It starts as a cure and ends as a biological weapon, assuming it even was a cure in the first place.
That's the first time I ever heard the high evolutionary doing that mentioned.
>Has any X-Men ever recognized that these are problems and a cure would be good for those people?
Hasn't Beast at some point? He's the resident house mugga after all.
And they started off as a metaphor for TEENAGERS ffs
>When you're ostracised for being a hideous fucking fishman.
Then go live in the fucking ocean. Don't try to take away my cool ass super powers just cause you got the short end of the stick.
>But the only reason giant purple robots are in play is because mutants have eye lasers and Scanner powers
I don't see any purple robots going after captain america or iron man. You either accept that you live in a world where superhumans exist or you don't, you can't say mutants are dangerous while ignoring motherfuckers like spider-man.
You mean Mike "By the power of Thor, be gay no more" Pence?
You cant cure something that is genetic.
you can in comics
To be fair the cure is usually some scheme for full on genocide/demutanting rather than just an option for unlucky mutes looking for a normal life
You say that as if superhumans didn't get the sameish treatment for decades.
Mutants = Allegory for gayness or minorities
How would you feel if the government created a pill that made you straight and white? They aren't forcing you to take it, but at the same time you're obviously super butt-frustrated and offended that they made it in the first place, heads must roll burn it all
Why would you trust them? What if it just kills mutants?
It's not the cure that's the issue. The question is if it's actually real and can someone weaponize it and use it against them
I maintain that Mutants in Marvel Comics stopped being a stand in for oppressed groups a long time ago and the cure argument doesn't work because inherently what they are doing is CURING A MUTATION! Not a race, not a culture. THe X-Men are neither of those things. They are buttblasted individuals that have a massive superiority complexes and egos that could drown the world in idiocy and ineptitude. They only individuals the X-Men serve are their own egos. I remember seeing a panel a year or two ago that featured a mutant that had integrated with the government and basically told the X-Men to buck the fuck up and take that massive chip off their shoulders
A mutation isn't a disease, it makes mutants a separate race, though in-universe they say they are a new species, Homo superior.
So yes, making a "cure" for it would be the same as making a "cure" for being any other race. It's not about culture.
Now making measures that can neutralize powers so people can live a normal life? That's a different story.
Also consider that X-Men is an allegory for black civil rights in America. Imagine if someone came up with a 'cure for being black.'
That's why.
Beast wanted to take the cure in that arc. He has spent the vast majority of his life living as a blue, furry monster and getting shit from the normies.
Emma was the only one who got defensive as fuck of Beast when he was insulted.