post animated commercial waifus
Post animated commercial waifus
is she looking at dick?
>developing romantic feelings for an animated character that you only saw for less than 2 minutes
Only Adelaidefags will get this
Direct TV puppet wife
>The women in the Abilify ads
Good taste. It's something about how boring and bland they are.
Production material from the animation studio confirmed that to be a boy.
Hey! They're pretty cute!
Source? There's no way, I can see the long hair being excusable, but those hands, especially the way they're holding that crustable, are very feminine.
>yfw they stopped using her because people made porn of her
You're saying that like it'd make a difference to anybody
Could just be short for Josephine, or Joanna
It's obviously a boy. Just fucking deal with it.
This is a stupid meme that Sup Forums belived at the time, the problem is that in the middle 00's a lot of adult services like insurance, banks and others tried to appeal for the kids of middle class families, making mascost and giving toys as promocional extras to the children of parents signing contracts
All of they had poor reception since is obvious that kids don't even know what insurance is and don't really had that munch of influence in what services their parents choose. Now the main target is young adults
He must have the girliest possible voice ever, then, complete with girly screeches of joy and fear.
Real talk though, I actually looked this up at one point; there are ads from Prince biscuits that use Joe in "Girl power" pictures, and there's some description somewhere of the family of characters, referencing two princesses. But all of them other than Lily have are clad in this tabard and chain mail. The others are clearly male, and Joe is the only one that could fill the second princess spot.
It's just a tomboy.
Caramel bunny
wow fuck those girls, Barry a qt
>Having to research this hard so you can safely fap to a cartoon and say "totally not gay, bro"
You needn't be so insecure about your sexuality, user.
If anything, you should be less concerned about accidentally fapping to a boy and more concerned that you're fapping to a child.
I couldn't have just been genuinely curious? Ambiguity in anything bugs me. Just a touch of my 'tism, is all.
'Sides, tomboys aren't my thing.
Wow, I thought I was looking at character introductions for a tv show. A shame that these commercials blow the water out of a single episode of My Knight and Me.
Fucking no joke, a lot of commercials these days look more professional than entire series now.
I guess since they're usually one-time things, they can pour more resources into it for quality, rather than having to sustain a long-term budget.
Quick translation of her ad:
> "Hey! I'm Joe!"
>"Eh, do you want to explore the cursed cave? Because the others are pussies, they are all afraid of the dark!"
> "Don't worry, those are just little bats!"
> "Hey, I haven't said anything about Rick, ok?"
Make anything you want with it.
Is seriously no one posting this?
> a lot of commercials these days look more professional than entire series now.
>these days
> Nick O'teen
Another victim of superman superviolence.
I will remember you for being a fitting pun.
Wasn't Richard Williams behind that?
Good stuff.
>thinking everything is about fapping
Animated ads have a larger budget per second than most movies do. Truth is if it looks cheap, they're not doing it right.
be still my throbbing cock
what the fuck is this from that they made it so fuck-me
Man those were some weird commercials
And of course we got porn of the wife of course