This week's Superman reminded me how much I love a good old-fashioned mystery villain reveal after months of clues and build-up, so I'm going to post and rate some of the past ones I can remember off the top of my head
Which was the most unexpected?
Which was the biggest OH SHIT moment?
Which had the best build-up?
Feel free to post others and rate them
Best mystery villain reveals!
Starting with GL 60, part of the lead-up to War of the Green Lanterns
One of my favorites, it had months of build-up, with the villain appearing in lots of books, it was relatively unexpected, and a badass moment
Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes
The identity of the villain was relatively easy to guess, but at least it featured great writing, and a cool moment with Jezebel
Hulk 22, part of the Red Hulk saga
>prime suspects
Also, how disappointed would people be if it wasn't prime time? I can kinda see (but not feel) MM happening, h
as he turned up anywhere recent?
absolutely shit-tier, one of the biggest asspull moments in comic history, complete with deus ex lmd-s and disappearing moustaches
Legion of Three Worlds 4
Forgot to rate the Red Hulk reveal: -10/10
The sheer hilarity of this one makes it for me
IIRC he hasn't appeared since Rebirth
Oh hey, it's that girl Batman raped that nobody talks about.
Tons of people called that it was Ross though
back after a break, now with a double reveal!
Batman Eternal 50
Does this count?
The riddler reveal in hush was better
I can't remember much from this, because the story went to shit in the final issues, and I just sorta skimmed over them
but wait, there is more!
Batman Eternal 51
AKA the guy everyone was expecting to be the mastermind!
well, for the purposes of this thread not really, since it was the first issue and thus had no build-up
The whole sleeping with someone under a false identity was ruled rape by courts.
well, then Aquaman was raped, too
This one was especially surprising because Bendis' first arc of Mighty Avengers with Frank Cho-Boobs Ultron was coming out at the same time, so nobody considered Ultron to be a suspect over who the Big Bad controlling the Phalanx was. The Phalanx themselves were a surprising reveal, lots of people were expecting Kang because of the Conquest title.
In a completely unheard of move, it turns out Bendis and DnA were actually coordinating things.
Hey, I totally forgot about that! Nice one
My favourite asspull, can't find the reveal page though
what reason would J'onn ever have to be this Clark and pine after Lois like this?
How much potential is there in the idea of Magog?
>Tomasi wrote a Magog story in the New 52
>even there, he had an alias
>he always had a diverse powerset, maybe even reality warping
>the 'you ruined everything' line fits his backstory even more than Prime's
>he got his powers as a child, that explains his child-like behavior
My money is on him
Yeah, this was impressive
Damn I knew Jezebel got the axe but I forgot this scene
You mean when he was revealed to have been Ned Leeds after Leeds was killed, or when he was revealed to have been Roderick Kingsley all along many years later?
They could have just made it so he had shaved... you can fucking shave off a mustache, guys. It wouldn't have to go away. Hell, they make fake mustaches you can buy if you feel weird about it.
This was absolutely an "Oh holy fuck, they're unstoppable" moment.
>Nu-Clark because he is a Nu-male
Get it?
the ending of Sinestro Corps War is the most bad-ass comic ever
Who was it?
Tao revealing himself in Wildcats under Alan Moore.
>best build up
>biggest ass pull
Red Hulk in general is garbage. All of it. Ross being a Hulk is even dumber.
Dr. Octopus as the Master Planner will always be a classic.
Starman. The reveal dealing with Shade and Culp was pretty big.
>mfw reading The Boys #65
>mfw "I did things"
I dunno about how great a reveal it is when Grant had to give Talia a whole new personality in order to make it work.
I was really disappointed with this. I was actually excited at the prospect of fucking Cluemaster of all people stepping up.
Hoping NuClark is a completely new villain.
The gears were set in motion when Ra's was dead and Talia was poised to take his place.
I wish I could have seen Sup Forumss reaction to this one
I kinda remember people being pretty into it.
>weeks of nothing but threads bitching about SHITTY OC
me too
Did you like these guys?
On the subject of hilarious Legion mystery reveals, who could possibly be the three greatest villains in history?
Different user, but they were cool. They weren't played as a huge mystery and were a good way to show Superdad's distrust of Lex was kind of ridiculous. I did like the way Lex manages to get completely under Supe's skin even while he is (for now at least, I have little doubt he'll turn heel again in the near future) completely innocent
Three greatest villains?
Lighting Lord, Cosmic King, Saturn Queen?
Nope, they're all historical figures
And last but not least
John Dillinger
My second guess would have been Superman, Batman and Robin
I have a mystery for you. Who is the masked murderer? Storytime Adventure comics 310
I kinda get it but she went completely batshit crazy evil by the ends of it apparently she went crazy not being able to get Batman
Thanks, gonna read it after work
Love these stupid old Legion stories
Ex-GF's can be terrible
I remember hating it. Probably because that time was the peak of my hatred of how overused the Joker was. Having gotten over it, I'm more ambivalent. Plus I never thought Morrison's Joker was really that interesting or good.
Came here to post this, what a time to be alive on Sup Forums
What stops him from coming back in 90 days and doing it again?
The reveal won't come until later this month, and at this point it would be a surprise if it wasn't Oblivion, but in this thread of villain reveals I think it's worth pointing out how good the buildup has been in the overaching arc of ultimates and Ultimates2.
Damn Eternity has a giant dick
That seems to be a recurring theme. I mean, I love the guy, but he did almost the exact same thing with Xorneto.
Grant loves villains who are card-carrying evil. This works great with characters like Darkseid and Joker, even if his versions don't really hit the original point of the characters. It works decidedly less well with characters defined by their grayness.
1/10. This fucking Whor still pisses me off.
Watching eternity from the side is worse than watching the powerpuff girls from the side or Phineas face to face. I always thought that thing behind his head was part of it.
Red She-Hulk was hot at least
Bump for villainy