>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"
What happened to society?
I mean this whole comic arc may as well have been porn
>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"
What happened to society?
I mean this whole comic arc may as well have been porn
reported and saged
Thread hidden
Out of all the glaring problems that QC has, the trannny is the least offensive
You know, I probably wouldn't find real trannies so disgusting if they were actually capable of passing.
It is called Questionable Content after all
>caring about the political agendas of webcomic authors
reported and saged
>ywn be this triggered
You trannies are really fucked in the head eh?
Projecting a little hard there, buddy
>IMG 1177.jpg
>triggered by phoneposters
How do people recognize phone posters anyway? How do the filenames matter? My android phone saves and uploads images using their original filename. Is this some applefag shit?
Trump more then likely didn't give a shit about trannies,till he had to pretend to be one of you to get elected.
u wot
I've never seen a reference to this comic outside Sup Forums
>prostate massage
Are you unsure of your sexuality, do you want to talk about it? It's okay, research shows that it can lessen your chances of cancer
Yeah, it's an Apple device thing.
Filename related.
>mainstream webcomics
I chortled
Newsflash: webcomic authors have always been huge faggots, not unlike you.
Clearly you've never read Strays or Tina's Story which has pointless sex sometimes except for Strays that has nothing be pointless sex
how warped does your perspective in life have to be to consider any webcomic "mainstream"?
I mean Penny Arcade is probably still the most popular one and even then it's a fraction of a fraction who know about it
People on the internet are weird
There's a way to post from iOS without that mobile naming convention.