"Villains" who did nothing wrong

"Villains" who did nothing wrong

Frollo isn't a villain
Esmeralda is. She got Quasimodo and Frollo killed

that only applies to the stupid ass book

This movie really is missing a scene in which Esmerelda considers for at least a second turning herself in to the guy that's hunting down and burning her people to get her. As in literally just HER.

Yeah the movie is very sanitised
Esmerelda got her own mother killed because she had a crush on Phoebus

not even memeing

Nobody who watched Kill Bill thought Bill was in the wrong. The moral of the story is that if you live by the sword you die by the sword. I am awaiting the day when the Black girl grows up and kills Uma to avenge her mother.

>Nobody who watched Kill Bill thought Bill was in the wrong

I'm pretty sure there's a bunch who did and still do.


Trying to kill your girlfriend for leaving you is wrong.

He was the best character in the entire movie.

>found the cuck

She didn't even told him. And was getting fucking married 2 months after.

I did not feel sorry for Munny killing him, but he wasn't a bad guy

>if you don't murder the first woman who breaks up with you, you're a cuck

So you're either a virgin or posting from prison. Which is it?

He was kind of an asshole though; he was too quick to abuse his authority


Empire did absolutely nothing wrong.

I liked Kevin spacey's character
Him saving baby driver at the end was pretty cool

He did not know Keamy killed Alex


Neither. And if you feel like that was ''just breaking up'', you're the one who was never into a relationship.

Both in pic related

Yeah, you shouldn't murder your ex girlfriend and mother of your child along with her current lover, all their friends, a preacher, preacher's wife, and a BLACK piano man. Not to mention all the people Bill must have killed or wronged along the way. He's not a chaotic villain like the Joker, but he's still a very bad guy.

He just wanted water and boipusy

Mister World from American Gods is unironically the good guy. The only thing he wants to do is unify the old gods and update their method of worship. Modern man doesn't dedicate death to pagan gods like they used to.

Of course, I've read the book and know where they're going to end up, hypothetically.

Bill overreacted. He said so himself. He was never worthy of The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique because of who he was deep down inside.
Bill was wrong.


Hey man, the book had very nice set of characters, especially the play writer

Pete Mickens from Wind River



why does every football team have one of these assholes

he was incompetent and unjust despite being the 'law'.

beating morgan freeman to death because he was seen with alleged killers was a pretty indecent thing to do

holy fuck i want to marry this bitch

>local man tries to save the galaxy but gets killed by one powerful family of SJW's personal problems.

why is she so fucking mad holy shit


>burns down half of Paris trying to score some ass

He didn't deserve this

Maybe it's just that the commies didn't immediately register as nefarious in the way that Nazis previously had, but I never quite got why she had to be stopped.


>acting like spaseships and fuckin epik outer space lazerz are some big fucking deal when everyone knows what they look like

He deserved everything he got.

Fuck off brainlet


It is literally shown that everything he says about the gypsies is true except for the witchcraft.

They have a giant hidden base where they hide and commit criminal activities like its the fucking Thieves Guild.

>Tfw pristine bussy is taken from you in the prime of its life

Feels bad.


The second movie isn't canon.

To save billions


This but unironically. What's worst is when normies who love their real life chad act like he was the bad guy

Literally nothing wrong at all.

what's his fucking deal? Why is he a weirdo androgynous monster?

my dick

Vulture in Homecoming.

I fucking hated everybody in that movie except for him. Never before have I wish so badly for a villain to win, and not just because I liked him but because I detested everyone else that much.

Fuck homecoming

He gave the bloody colonists what for.

Because she's playing a very important schoolyard game.

Tarantino literally said that would be the plot of a sequel if he ever made one

This man did absolutely nothing wrong

the brightest bulbs burn the quickest

Because he is the anti-christ.

I agree

Prove me wrong


>This man did absolutely nothing wrong

>Led to the death of 6 million Jewish people
>nothing wrong

Looks like Sup Forums's leaking again.

>muh 6 gorillion

Actual records prove that those numbers are nothing but soviet propaganda


It's just a movie, not like something like that could happen in real life


>did away with horrendously ineffective senate
>did away with government-sanctioned child-snatching cult
>did away with sleazy trade union

The prequels were literally everyone fucking themselves over and Palpatine keeping shit together in the aftermath.

The comics actually had an interesting take on this one Storm Trooper had the horrible death games on his planet stopped by the Empire the day just after his father died in one. He grew up loving everything about the Empire, and became special forces. One day after seeing the Emperor face to face he massacres a shitload of rebels with his bare hands and a stolen light saber all while having an internal monologue on the greatness of the empire.

If you pay attention, the BYU players all started with pathetic little cheap shots. Little did they realize they were fucking a god damn valkyrie


Wow. Sounds really interesting buddy. Go ahead and eat some more glue

Vayne Solidor


>Be the president of the US
>Found out all the drugs consumers had been poisoned
>Fuck yeah now we can just wait for them to die, I don't even have to pull a trigger!
He literally did nothing wrong

Only time I've ever found her attractive. I like that hair.

She wasn't even really a threat. Say she got the skull, then what? It would just make potential victims in tune with the aliens like Indy and John Hurt were. Her mind control experiments didn't seem to work at all.



Google the red cross data for Auschwitz and the other camps and the research done in more recent times. Scientific data also points out that there is no way the German could've burned/gassed that many Jews. It's physically impossible even with modern methods.

who are they?

>"scientific data"
>It's physically impossible even with modern methods
Sup Forums please. The Nazis might have been retards, but they were still more intelligent than you fat fucks

I guess the Red Cross and math are racist now for revealed the lies of the Soviet Union

Notice how you haven't actually posted any evidence.

>Now the Hierarchy is based around being a Yes-Man and ability to commit War Crimes
>Jedi only raised kids given to them willingly and none were required to become Jedi, they could and did go on to other careers. you want to ban orphanages now?
>Literally tried to arrest a space wizard whose mission statement was to destroy freedom and had committed high treason by creating and leading the Separatists
>Destroys powerful and corrupt entities that he himself empowered and set loose. If I train a Tiger to eat children, set it loose in a Kindergarten, and kill it after I let it kill half the kids, am I a hero?
>Organized crime is just as bad if not worse under the Empire.
>Makes the Galaxy a place of misery and genocide
>Institutes widespread religious oppression.
>Manipulates a lost and confused young man into destroying his own life to benefit himself
>Justifiably killed in an active War-Zone while in the process of committing murder for religious reasons, remember that Luke wasn't there to kill the Emperor, he thought Palps would be killed by the Death Star exploding, he just wanted to save his dad.
>Was named Sheev

It's widely available for you to see instead of resorting to ad hominem. Not that it matters since you already dismissed it before even looking at it due to your own personal bias.

Wasted enormous amounts of state resources on a personal grudge with a man who already served his time instead of on the very real crime problem paris had.

You're right he should have killed more. Some even escaped and poisoned other countries like the U.K. and U.S.

Jean Val Jean violated his parole and was therefor a criminal. Javert simply kept running into his while performing his other duties across France.


She didn’t campaign in Michigan or Pennsylvania, that’s what she did wrong.

the stage musical is better desu

Gaston was a villain because he doesn’t consider women as people. They’re trophies to be hunted. The beast gets to know and love Belle as a person. He redeemed himself when he let her go. Gaston couldn’t let her go.

clownboi only wanted to eat

Exactly user

Red Cross already explained that what you say isn't at all true.

