Death of Hawkman #6 Storytime


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honestly just reading how this ties into the Future Quest/Adam Strange Annual which if I'm not wrong, is supposed to be this month right? There's 5 weeks.


Hawk of Deathman


Yeah that comes out in March, last week of the month I believe

What happens to Strange at the end should answer your question.


It's not like he's wearing a lot of armor in the first place...











Wonder if this'll tie into the Nth Metal summer event


the wot

Snyder and Capullo summer event



I'd like to reference Robot Chicken to show how much bullshit this comic is alone start at 0:03





>Summer event is Batmans team v Nth Metal powered Desert

Good to see Isamot's still alive.


He ded



That's the end of Death of Hawkman, hope you enjoyed.



I was promised Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman and never got any version of her.

I'm kind of disappointed that it didn't do anything with other cosmic DC characters/teams/titles, aside from the usual Rann-Thanagar war thing. Would have been sweet to see some other stuff that isn't just the same old story and/or directly related to the GLC.

That's a shit ending.

wtf hawkman really died

What a load of fucking bullshit

Hawkman died for literally no reason and nothing else changed

Was this whole mini just meant to be set-up for Adam crossing into Future Quest?

Fuck this, I was willing to give the book the benefit of the doubt when they revealed the title but I should have known


I think this is set up to bring back Hawkman and Hawkgirl together along with the JSA.

This is just set up to put a new Hawkman for the JSA. One with true post crisis pre-flashpoint memories and personality.

Also, so I guess not even a small hint how Adam Strange ends up in the Hanna Barbera-verse? Shame. Either way this was like, an ok at best. Best part was when Tomasi's lanterns came.

They really should have at least teased at that like they did for Adam ending up elsewhere, because as is it just seems like they killed off Katar for nothing

Thank fuck, Isamot is too much of a bro to die off-panel.

I'm glad Isamot is alive but I kinda wanted to see more of the new guy

He'll probably still be a lantern since they lost a bunch of members, but they'll likely just stick him in the background like the rest of the non-human Lanterns.

Is he missing his arms and legs?

They'll grow back.

GL lost his wings for a panel. solid editing.

Eh he's a lizard, they'll grow back, he even donated his legs once for his buddy.

>Death of Hawkman
>He really dies

>Hawkman died for literally no reason
Eh he stopped Despero and got him far away from his home.

See u in the next life.

Nah. A new rebooted jsa hawkman.

Egyptian only.

Then Despero turned out to not be dead

Still put a lid on his plans for a good while and trashed his shiny suit of nth metal armor.

All I wanted was Hawkman Rebirth and instead we get Hawkman dying without any confimed plans for the future
Fuck this

I told you fuckers he wasn't dead and you didn't believe me.

Yeah I was hoping this book wouldn't be what it said on the tin

Then it was

That's on me I guess but still, fuck

>Hug of death


They're gonna Rebirth Hawkman later, r-right? ;_;

Love that cover

Hell yeah motherfucker
But geez, first his legs and now arms too? Can't catch a break, can he

Of course, how many times did he die already? It's a tradition pretty much that they kill him off when it's time for a new origin story


Thanks for the storytime.

Overall enjoyable series though I'm not sure what to think about the ending, felt a bit anticimactic.

Atleast Isamot didn't actually die.

Like someone already said, JSA (the real one, not the nu52 Earth-2 bullshit) is being brought back as part of Rebirth. This series was for killing off nu52 Hawkman so he won't be in the way.

Katar is never going to be written well again, is he

At least I'll always have Hawkworld


>3rd panel

Hawkman likes John Wayne movies

Racist sexist john wayne.

yes we'll still have hawk world...