How will she even compete? Anyone have any good theories for next season?
Star vs ToothPasteHairGirl
Star's suffering for Mabel's sins
Why do people want the end game of the show's love triangle to be a stretched out repeat of Legend of Korra season 1?
Say something nice to Marcia!
You make strange alien men all across the multiverse cum
Not only best boy but also best girl.
I think Ludo is a decedent of Eclipsa.
Best everything.
Jackie goes from minor character back to background character in season 3.
Am I the only one 30yo virgin here who got feelings from StarVsEvil?
How it is possible that the (man)child show is written and executed so good?
Fuck Korra, that show is ass.
And then jumps up in importance in season 4 after Starco breaks up, and she and Star wind up getting together?
It's not a fundamentally bad set up, Korra just did it wrong.
Plus Star and Marco are both likable characters so it's different. Whatever conclusion is made is also more likely to have way more genuine emotion involved in it than season 1 of Korra.
Star has built a really strong relationship with Marco that at some point became romantic for her. It's not just like she saw him and thought he was hot.
I'm ~25 yo virgin and this show gets to me and keeps cutting deep emotionally for me because I can relate to half of the characters
It's incredibly well written and the art and voice acting are tremendous
Why does she look like Mabel?
This pic makes Starco look rapey and non-consensual.
>I'm an X year old Wizard/Mage and how can I be so attracted to a tv show?
God it's like fucking amateur hour in here
Keep dreaming.
They said something nice, not something deeply insulting
That is pretty fucked up dude. Say sorry.
What kind of underwear cradles Jackie's expanding adolescent booty?
>something nice
What the fuck did Marcia do to you?
>yfw Manna becomes endgame
let's face it, a rape baby is all she has left to keep Marco near her now
Best Prince.
Why is Marco a pretty good deuteragonist?
Teddy bear prints.
because he's the only guy of relevance in the show?
>tfw no Manna! fan art
Marco will find Star, he can't deny his thirst for the Dew.
someone please make a green where star loses control of herself and forces herself onto marco.
my dick needs this.
I need more yandere star in my life, I fucking love it
>"Jackie will never have what we have now Marco.... do you love me yet? No? well then i'll just keep having to make you drink this aphrodisiac I bought from the black space market"
Marco's face.
The rest of my Jarcobros awake yet? It's been tough holding the line by myself.
Star hates gays
I'm here. I've got your back mah nig.
Genderbent episode when?
I don't listen to jobbers
Reporting for duty.
Relatable, mostly competent normal human male who isn't a loser dork or Chad Thundercock. He doesn't really do anything extremely stupid, and most people have been or still are as insecure as he is.
Always ready fammo crate
New Victim Spotted.
Hopefully never
>How will she even compete?
Depends if Marco wants a relationship like his parents have; affectionate, naughty, but largely chill. I mean, damn, these two are comfy together.
Star's definitely the Veronica of this situation.
But it could be good
that one user's prophesy came true
>inb4 they fuck themselves
I know you all would do that given the oppertunity
>boy Star still looks female
Why can't people get it right?
You are very brave for enduring the pain of constantly having Jack's giant cock inside you
But Jackie is boring and Star is fun. Jarco faggots make me snooze.
If only Marco went Mormon, he could have both girls.
The boy star from Mathmagic looked almost exactly like that, except he had lightning instead of hearts
Did a quick edit.
He's just a girly boy like Marco
Is it reaching if I think this resembles STTGL?
The skull ain't doing any favors
>That hair pet
I swear someone on this show has a hair fetish.
Jackie's wide hips mean she can safely give birth to children. She is the superior choice.
what prophesy are you talking about user?
Why is there no Marco selfcest again?
that star would shit herself
Yeah, Jarco sounds like a palette swap...
And who knows how inbred Star truly is
Yeah Jackie was always the "cool" girl in season 1 but she's so "normal"
She's a much better GF and person than I thought but I think deep down Marco does crave adventure and weirdness
>Marco wants Star to make out with female Marco
>"Only if you kiss male Star!"
So, we can all agree that he is fucking kill, right?
Marco and Star already have grown old together.
are you trying to imply that next season its get a little weird?
Probably only a little at most
Moon could be high, but we know they hate River for not being Royal
I think you need to rewatch Mr. Candles cares. Goth star really showed off those hips
Ya know, Marco said that Star was the coolest girl he knows in "Cheer up Star".
Plus Star and Marco had developed a level of friendship that is really really intense. They could probably finish each other's sentences.
Of course one could argue by now they are too close a friend to be lovers
It could also get a little wild
So.. what did Star making a whole fucking tree and a perfect apple for Baby mean?
She's regenerative? Life giving?
>too close a friend to be lovers
That doesn't happen.
>D-don't you at least want to try my guacamole? I made it just for you, Marco...
>No, you don't have to, I-I guess.
Yes but he died for his art so it was worth it.
Yes it does.
>hearts on her shirt go from full to broken in the gif
what if star had kept her parent's accent
If Marco hadn't met Star, Jackie probably can give him a sense of adventure that he craves. But now that he had had adventures with Star, it's like going back to a slower computer: hard and unsatisfying.
Of course if he hadn't met Star I'm not sure if he'll ever get close to Jackie.
Hold the fuck up
No it doesn't
Why do Mewmans speak english? Did they get Anglo-enriched?
Was that in the show?
In the 2016 Election AU, does that make Starco=Hillary and Jarco=Trump?
>She's a much better GF and person than I thought but I think deep down Marco does crave adventure and weirdness
What I think Marco wants is to feel at ease, to get a real groove where he won't be so stressed all the damn time. Sometimes that means staying in a dangerous supernatural landscape riding atop a half-dragon half-motorcycle, other times it means sitting on his ass and doing as little as possible. What I'm saying is that he's easily pissed, but he doesn't want to be easily pissed; Naysaya revealed how insecure and anxious he is and how he hates feeling those things.
Both Star and Jackie stress him out in different ways. Star for her unpredictability (which Marco appreciates) and Jackie for her coolness (which he also appreciates). He's looking for that state of chill which he's briefly experienced with the both of them.
Nah, I gotta agree with Being best friends with your lover is optimal. The only reason people have started segregating friendship and romance is because of new perception of romantic interactions, plus the fear of the relationship ending romantically and ruining the friendship.
Turns out Star's tees had some magic in it and the heart shape acts kinda like a mood ring. Then through that magic tee monsters will come and hunt Jackie.
She can do advanced magic that can bear fruits.
>only reason
>posts two reasons