I'm excited
IZombie season 3
Me too.
On my birthday too.
Do people just not know what a monster Che Guavara was, or do they not care?
The Zombie revolution are the antagonists.
Don't even know if I'll be able to watch this legitimately now.
Chicago channel I get that used to air CW shit no longer does it, and no canadian channels in my area aired its previous seasons, right now I can't even see "high def" version of that archie crap
Not completely sold on the premise of this season, but still cautiously hype
All the CW's current shows are on their website with commercials. I didn't even have to log in with TV provider?
>mfw just got qt liv action figure at TRU
>now this
Will they finally use When Doves Cry this time?
>Is reminded of the Just Cause box image
>thinks that this season will be causing havoc and wrecking everything in sight
...Sorry about that, I'll go back to Sup Forums now.
>Persona 5 and iZombie on the same day
>tfw iZombie, Riverdale, and Legion are the only comic book shows I unironically enjoy watching now
iZombie is like my favorite thing ever
I can't wait
It's an iconic image.
I don't think they're endorsing Che or his ideology, it's just supposed to look cool.
I don't know about Canada, but I believe CW made a deal with Netflix where they get the new seasons almost immediately after it ends.
And like said, every episode goes on their website after it airs.
Awsome, I'm cautiously optimistic since season 3 is usually when things go downill in terms of quality.
Now if only The Flash would bring back Spivot so that i can enjoy pretty girls
>or do they not care?
A little of both
ok a little ironic, but I do think the visuals are far more cinematic than anything else on the CW, I like the central mystery, and enjoy it as a fun twist on Archie
So if this turns out to be the last season, would you guys be satisfied
I'd be sad, but fuck if it wasn't a great run
I'd have been satisfied if 2 was the last season, that was a hell of a finale.
Are they going to top it?
I, for one, welcome our new qt.pie brain eating zombie overlords.
Sure, as long as it has a grand finale.
>Che was mean and wanted to help poor people. He's LITERALLY HITLER.
>but Hitler did nothing wrong
Fuck off Sup Forumstard
The streaming rights were sold to a netflix clone that died last year Canada. The service was created with the sole intention to split the rights to shows away from Netflix. iZombie has yet to appear on any other service.
We don't have access to the CW app in Canada. CW does not air in Canada, but can be seen in some cable packages of US channels. Their shows instead get split along ~4 networks now
fuck off classcuck go suck your boss's dick some more
What's the premise?
> tfw your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you try again and your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real socialism....