Being Nate is suffering, mark 3
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3 storytime
you sneaky motherfuckers! ha!
(this is the joke that Nate is telling as he's blown up in the experiment in the first issue of the original run)
>Will Conrad is on two books as Penciller this week
It's still pretty weird. Also, someone please storytime Cyborg.
fixing stuff~
That's our Wade!
I was waiting for this, thanks OP.
Don't read Cyborg, but give me a sec to download it.
>mfw we slowly progress back to a more classic Megala, and get Babylon back too
you're welcome, this was top on my list to read today
Heh. Yeah, we knew this was coming...
Being Nate is suffering.
who hasn't dreamed of blowing up a drone?
hoot hoot?
hoot hoot!
Another main component of classic Nate that was horribly neglected later on (except for a memorable lewd): restored
We've necessarily lost the really personal aspect of the Nate/Eiling relationship (probably, never say never with Weisman), which is a huge loss, but we've got half the compelling dynamic back.
this is so meta and, well, that name
skipped a page, will clean it up
All red while dr m is blue.
that's classic Eiling
There was the carrot, and now there's the stick.
who's your friend?
thanks for reading! elegant, a bit slow, but now there's three issues of ????, at least?
Could have just printed the picture instead of sending a tablet, but hey, if you have money to throw away...
I hate seeing Eiling try to be chummy.
This is the guy who one put his consciousness into a giant ape-man's body to become indestructible trying to pretend he's a nice guy.
Not the same Eiling. That was Morrison's bad writing of the character.
>Will Conrad on two books out this week.
Pencillers literally have no excuse right now to work on multiple books
Morrison justified his writing with a brain tumor that changed his personality. :^)
Now has Eiling been taking care of this kid?
Conrad ain't any good.
I am really enjoying The Continual Sufferings of Nate. Thank you, OP.
Good read as usual.
There are a lot of nuance to Nate's suffering. Something you don't see a lot nowadays
If this were Marvel, I'd say that Captain Atom was about to become the new Major Force while we got an all new, all different Captain Atom.
God, I hope that's not the case...
Classic Eiling was always a combination of carrot and stick, but the stick was only shown when it had to be. Manipulation is the game. Morrison threw that all out the window for nothing good.
That's amazing.
HI user
I fucking loves Bates and Weisman. So goddamn neat.
>Cameron Scott is back
Man, sometimes you just get that thing which is exactly for you huh
I think that was basically a take on legacy superheroes and the new All-New All-DIfferent approach. It was pretty cool and something they couldn't have done if the character hadn't been rebooted by the New 52.
This was really beautifully tied up, and I'm so glad it was in 3 rather than 6.
Think this'll be from his sergeant buddy? Think Eiling will have raised him?
The real question now is that this is kind of tied up, where can they push it in three remaining issues to make this more than just an admittedly extremely elegant and catering 100% to me fix-it.
>Captain Atom refused to hit his pre-Flashpoint status quo while quoting The Prisoner.
I wish this was a ongoing.
Who do you think is sending the info? Is it Megala in secret? His assistant? Rathaway? Some unknown party?
Same. Too bad the sales are middling. Weisman is also back on YJ, but as long as they have Bates on, it'd be fine.
>Cameron Scott
Oh Eiling you fucker
shit, at least Eiling didn't marry this one too
We don't know that. The Eiling we know and love wouldn't pass on the opportunity, right?
We don't entirely know that just yet. She may be dead, but Eiling could've been pounding that before she died which is why they'd be hiding Nates son from him.
Having Nate's son is also the absolute cannot-refuse on the job offer. In which case the tablet could be from Eiling himself.
It's a shame we likely get no ongoing.
The solicit for issue 5 teased a new killer with Nate's powerset, but clad in silver. It could be him.
>It's a shame we likely get
Quantum Bump!
Captain Bump
Are those construction workers Bates and Weisman? That's a pretty subtle one if so.
They do look like them. I can't recognize the farthest dude, but it could be Conrad.
Problem is I don't really know what Bates/Weisman look like now.
The mustache dude looks a lot like Bates from the 90's for sure.
Weisman doesn't look too different from Google photos, but with more hair. The dude in the middle resembles him a little, but not too much.