What do you think was the most retarded fan theory by far concerning cartoons?Pic related for me.
What do you think was the most retarded fan theory by far concerning cartoons?Pic related for me
fan theorys are the best storys
Now I actually think about it, that was very retarded in many levels.
We should add a rule that forbids all the all characters are dead/purgatory, lost episodes and St Elsewhere shit.
I never really looked closely at that art, because the idea of it being real was too stupid to acknowledge. But holy shit, how could the people who believed Aang = Amon use that image to defend their theory? The arrow isn't evenly drawn, and the shadow on the right side of his face looks completely inconsistent with the rest of the shows art.
Wait, WHAT
did we ever find out where this image came from? who made this?
>We should add a rule that forbids all the all characters are dead/purgatory
In some cases it's a reasonable theory, though.
Well, he was the fucking Phoenix at the time.
So what, you think they all just killed her when she was inside the box or something?
The only good fan theory that came out of Korra was Amon being Koh.
Also that Sandbending avatar project that we had was pretty damn fun for what it was.
>that was 2.5 years ago
Time flies huh
Amon's real story was practically retarded fan theory made true. Why they couldn't make him a legitimate non-bender who hates benders is beyond me.
Amon being some unknown, forgotten Air Nomad would be better than his true origins, to be honest.
fuck I didn't even see the year it was posted.
sure does user.
The box is a metaphor.
Every one
>I cannot look at wander/woy without thinking of that weirdo from tumblr now.
Did people seriously thing Amon was going to be Aang.
That's fucking hilarious, how did I miss this during Korra season 1? Aang being Amon makes no sense at all.
The most recent one I can think of is people saying Connie from Steven Universe is secretly a Gem. Sometimes I think people just pick the most outlandish shit to believe in because it makes them feel smart for thinking out of the box. It's kind of in the same vein as most conspiracy theorists.
What annoys me most is how much traction it somehow got
Remember that time Sup Forums got someone arrested because they wouldn't leak the season 2 premiere?
Um, wot?
>Amon is an Air Nomad Holocaust Survivor that discovered a way to spiritbend
Still better than what Bryke gave us. Fuck bloodbending.
yeah it makes me want to kill myself
that would have been ok, because balance is a pretty cool thing for air nomads. OP's pic though represents the idea that Amon=Aang, solely because Amon could take people's bending away and the only other person who we had seen do that was Aang. Forgetting the fact that for Korra to be the avatar, Aang HAS to be dead. Uhg I hated that theory, maybe because I was scared of it actually happening.
Korra and Aang were in fact switched around in the pre-Mandela shift world.
The signs are all there. Very perceptive of you, anons.
It really isn't.
I don't know why Bryke decided not only to bring one of the most boring and OP types of bending back, but make it even more broken, to the point that literally no one, outside of the Avatar, has a chance of defeating a bloodbender.
Plus, bloodbending is just so fucking boring to watch when you know 99.9 of the characters can't even fight back. It's like watching Palpaltine using lightning against someone that doesn't know how to absorb, deflect, or redirect it.
Amon making a deal with some evil spirit entity just sounds way cooler than special snowflake genetic mutant bending ability that never explains how they block chi.
It took me a while in the archives but I found it
It was more thought out than most stupid cartoon theories. So, basically, it was better than a comma-fantasy theory. You have to give it that at the very least.
Boring? Really?
>Paying attention to fan theories
i doubt that but ok
>He thinks bloodblending isn't boring
Yeah, bloodbending is boring because it's a one-sided match. It's just watching a person being controlled like a puppet and being tortured painfully. They can't fight back, they can't dodge the attack, they can't block it if they're not bloodbenders themselves or access to Avatar powers. They're just helpless victims until the bloodbender decides to stop. How the hell does that make for a interesting fight? It's like Luke being attacked by force lightning: just a lot of screaming and torture.
Is there any more to this?
I absolutely hated the "shard of the avatar spirit" theorys
>"shard of the avatar spirit"
People kept on saying koh gave amon a shard of the avatar spirit and that was what allowed him to take away bending
Ah, that's right, what a retarded idea.
How would Koh even have a shard of the Avatar spirit?
From stealing Kuruk's waifu's face?
Just this other one sorry user.
That's pretty good, thanks.
jesus christ the internet is terrifying.
>I'm reminded of the asspull of Giant Spirit Korra
>I remember that Korra's father is not only royalty of one nation, but now is the Chief of another, making Korra royalty
I can't believe the writers of season 2 thought this was a good idea. Korra's parents just being a normal couple was great. Why change it?
Yeah, being a prince, granted a banished prince, of the Northern Water Tribe kind of undermines the whole democracy vs nobility that fueled the split in the first place.
This crossover would never work because either character switching places would be storybreaking. Aang is amazing at diplomacy and Korra would go full Punisher during the war.
It'd be a fun elseworld story even if they both end up short.
>Hickman sidelines Doom at the beginning of his Avengers room
>Think he actually got his fill of Doom after he was done with F4/FF
>Doom is actually shown clueless about the Incursion shit
>Turns out the final bossu was Doom all along and he already had killed the guys who started the collapse of the multiverse
[/spoiler]>Saves the remains of the multiverse and becomes God Doom and steals Richards waifu and daugther
[/spoiler]>Phoenix powered Rightclops and Thanos fucking job to God Doom
Got me good Hickman.
Someone on tumblr who claimed to be the real life wander of WOY harassed a bunch of people who interacted or were "doubles" of wander. He was also notable for crytyping and lying about being abused and so on and so forth. Naturally people got tired of his shit and turned on him. He ran off tumblr and has been hiding on vent since then. Pic above is from a time he claimed he got beat up irl because of a tumblr post. He's a pathological liar plain and simple. I think he went by jollywander or something.
Joker being Robin
I get annoyed every time I hear/see it
That one theory where Amon is just some asshole with hax bloodbending and cheap horror movie makeup.
I mean, that'd just be silly and uninteresting if it were canon, right?
How'd he do that with his lip and still talk?
Dry out the inside with cottonballs so it'd stick?
Fuck, I don't know where I left off with this comic. It was right after they lit the giant fire or after the talent show, whichever of the two was later. Does anyone know what month of the archives that is?
>Jasper is a Fusion
She's strong and her eyes have pupils. Need I say more?
Does she still wind up with Katara?
I love this au.
I blame Batman Beyond.
>Everyone is based on a dead kid
>The show is just X character's imagination/coma
People should really learn what the term "theory" means before using it.
But user I liked season 1 why do you say it was bad
Did we ever figure out where this came from anyway?
He was just making up for how badly Doom in 1610 was done.
Amon being Aang was stupid but him being another Airbender that hated Aang for letting their people die would have been a pretty big curveball.
Be thankful this movie was made. Because of how dark it was, a second Batman Beyond movie was axed, the plot of which was Catwoman stealing Bruce's DNA, using it to make multiple women pregnant, and if the family had a boy she would kill his parents until one of the children became the next Batman.
Also she has one kid on her own that she raises to be Azrael.
Man, they must have really been in love with that concept.
A more interesting would have been if it had been Sokka. Having him and Zuko dead in Korra was a missed opportunity.
Dini called it retarded because Catwoman has no knowledge of genetics and managed to rework it to make sense with the CADMUS Arc in JLU.
Theory has been colloquially used in this way for decades.
Zuko wasn't dead.
I was always partial to the theory season 1 would end with a gunshot.
Korrasami was the worst fan theory i can remember. It becoming a thing pretty much fucked up the show.
Epilogue was still shit.
If Korra hadn't retconned bending to be genetic you could've done a lot with Amon.
I always liked the theory that he was a supremely skilled chi blocker who sought out the lion turtle and learned to bend pure energy. That would've actually been a nice contrast to Aang and would've made more sense with what the Lion turtle said in TLA.
>If Korra hadn't retconned bending to be genetic
citation needed
It wasn't overtly stated to be genetic in TLA, and the idea that the original benders learned the styles means that it can't be genetic, or else it's insanely convenient that anyone managed to figure it out.
Because its ending was ass. It was ass beyond ass.
>or else it's insanely convenient that anyone managed to figure it out.
Look at Katara in episode one, she could waterbend without a teacher and mostly did it on accident. It seems there's less style needed to bend then you give it credit. Plus look at all the master fighters who can't bend and have style out the ass.
If all bending originated by people learning to control energy and learning from the environment then how convenient is it that all the people that thought to learn bending JUST SO HAPPENED to have the special bender genes.
More like Spirits gave people the ability to bend and then their kids could the LT did it first with energy then that style was lost and corrupted to what remained.
But perhaps the shows lore contradicts itself some there.
Wow he went from child abductor and rapist to a guy who saved orphans and helped puppies.
Sup Forums sometimes really changes face on people in a flash, kinda like what happened with Zuke I guess.
But that's stupid.
If energybenders like the lion turtle can grant chi abilities, why didn't Aang make the air acolytes benders?
Fuck, it really bugged me because I figured the show was building up the air temple refugees as being able to rediscover air bending.
>If energybenders like the lion turtle can grant chi abilities, why didn't Aang make the air acolytes benders?
Because it wasn't their 'destiny or whatever, the Lionturtle was a shitty Deus Ex Machina from the get.
>Fuck, it really bugged me because I figured the show was building up the air temple refugees as being able to rediscover air bending.
Lets be honest here the show was filled with disappointments. I mean that fucking rock.
My point was that we didn't know if bending was truly genetic or not in TLA. There were things(the identical nonbender/bender twins) that suggested it wasn't.
It was overtly genetic in Korra and REALLY stupid about it.
If people learned bending from the environment, how are there even non-benders when you can just look at the moon at night and become a waterbender?
It's a vague folklore-y origin. It's not meant to be taken literally.
I assumed it's a spirituality thing. We see over and over again that bending requires a certain view and mindset or it doesn't work.
but there are also very obvious limitations on who can and can't bend. Like even Bolin simply did not have the ability to metal bend, and Zuko couldn't generate his own lightning. I think it definitely involves having a certain type of elemental aligned energy flowing in your body. That's why chi blockers can stun benders, it's why energy bending can remove bending altogether. Even Amon couldn't completely take away bending, just block it more permanently than chi blcokers.
Zuko couldn't generate lightning because he wasn't calm enough. Azula could do it in her deranged state because she is the result of eugenics and was raised to be a super soldier. Zuko could, however, pull off the more difficult task of redirecting lightning.
I don't think benders are assigned a "bending score" on birth that determines ability. I imagine it's more like learning a martial art. You notice nuances and hidden things in forms you've done a thousand times. That's how Toph did metal bending, she simply found something hidden.
>We see over and over again that bending requires a certain view and mindset or it doesn't work.
Not really.
We're TOLD that bending requires a certain view and mindset, but it gets contradicted all the time. It only really applied during the episode Toph teaches Aang earthbending, and even then it kind comes across as trying to excuse Toph's shit teaching.
>Azula could do it in her deranged state because she is the result of eugenics and was raised to be a super soldier
So was Zuko. Azula could do it because of plot armor.
>All this
>For fucking Korra
>Season 2 no less
We also see it when Zuko loses his mojo and has to be retaught by the dragons.
>So was Zuko. Azula could do it because of plot armor.
I always figured that was because Zuko was written off really early as a failure, and thus never got Azula's training.
But that would imply that anyone can learn to bend as long as they focus and practice long enough, and we have seen time and time again that that is not the case. If it were, it would seem plausible for everyone to be able to bend all the elements. The reason the avatar can do that is because Rava holds the other 'types' of energy for the avatar.
bending is certainly like learning a martial art, that's the difference between the people in the Wan episodes who are given fire, and Wan after he learns to actually bend the fire from watching the dragon. But there is definitely a physical difference in the body of a bender vs. a non bender.
I mean at the time, people were hyped for season 2. People thought it would kick off an epic saga that spanned multiple seasons, because the first season had supposedly been a "test run" or something. Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.
Season 2 honestly gets a bad rap. It has some problems, yes, but starting with "Beginnings" it gets a LOT better.
Look hombre I'm in a good mood tonight. I don't feel like making you look completely fucking wrong, so I'm gonna let that idiocy pass.
Is Aang called Kuba in Arabic?
Or is Amon called Kuba in Arabic?
Essentially what the subtitle says is [name], I.
However, this is incorrect; it should be أنا كبا, "'Ana Kuba" "I am Kuba."
>I don't feel like making you look completely fucking wrong
I fail to see how you would make my opinion "wrong". You have your opinions, I have mine. No need to be so pseudo-confrontational about it.
sometimes i finally think i got Sup Forums them i am reminded that i didn't