Why do so many writers forget that Bane is Batman's Moriarty?
Why do so many writers forget that Bane is Batman's Moriarty?
because it's easier to have the Brute.
Tom King trying to fix it tho
Same reason Batman is portrayed as a "Punisher that doesn't kill" as opposed to Sherlock Holmes. Muh-scles.
What make him that?
Because he isn't. Hugo Strange is Batman's Moriarty.
Bane is truly extraordinary. While Batman was tutored under the greatest trainers the world had to offer, Bane is one hundred percent self-trained and manages to stand toe to toe with the Bat. He is Batman's greatest, and most challenging adversary.
have a (you)
>Bane is one hundred percent self-trained and manages to stand toe to toe with the Bat.
Isn't he always at least a little venom'd up when he does that though
Joker is Batman's Moriarty. You're fucking deluded if you believe otherwise.
Bane doesn't deserve how he's often portrayed though, Dark Knight Rises and Arkham Origins have really helped the common perception of him recently.
No he's not. Joker wasn't even prominent until he killed Jason. Only casuals feel that way cause he was pushed so hard in recent years. Joker works better as a background character.
Go away, Chuck Dixon
No, Hugo Strange is literally Batman's Moriarty. That's what he was created to be. A criminal professor to act as a foil to the world's greatest detective.
Tom King has been sucking Bane's dick by half-year by now. I think he remembers it.
But he uses venom?
Because for some reason writers love to either forget his character, or don't read anything and act like Venom is his entire thing (looking at you Dini).
King did SOME good, but his writing is so weak it just makes Bane seem like a crazy mommas boy instead of a militaristic supercriminal.
Which is still years before Bane was even created. He was still pretty big and popular during the 70s and he was big in the 60s show.
His rematch with Batman he didn't have any Venom. By that point he basically forced himself to kick the habit, then trained himself to be as strong without it.
Bane is based af.
I'm not going away, matter of fact I'm coming back :) so bite me!
No one knows how to write an overpowered character unless the character is the protag.
But Joker isn't a foil for Batman in any way shape or form. I don't even know where that meme came from. Those are the same people that think Joker is insane. Joker does what he does for fun but he always has a plan and rhyme to what he is doing. He hides behind insanity.
Tom King is fixing it by putting the world to sleep, so they can dream of a better Bane-centric storyline.
The thing is Joker completes Batman
Joker feels alive when he is opposing Batman, he doesn't wanna kill Batman, he wanna break him, he completes him, just like Batman will never kill Joker
Batman is the definition of pure discipline in life, while Joker is the other side of the coin, pure anarchy and hedonism
Bane is to Batman, more like a reminder of his dark past ( they both had similar training ) and the fact he has no powers also gives him the rivality
Just my 2 cents, no the same guy you've replying to
That's not true at all though. Joker would try to kill Batman the moment he stops being entertaining to him. To Batman Joker is nothing but another psycho to put away.
Shut the fuck up shitter. You don't know shit.
Like most of every hero's rogues gallery, every villain is a reflection of Batman in some way. The Joker is just the chaos to Batman's order, along with Moore's addition of the 'one bad day' thing.
Bane is Batman's equal and opposite. He's a demonstration that it's fully possible to become what Batman is, without any of the money and just the mind boggling self determination.
Kek sorry to ruin your homolust
Well, I'm not gonna lie, most I know is from games/movies and a lil bit of the new 52, so I may be wrong
But thats the vibe I got from BatmanxJoker, specially after playing Arkhan Origins
Bane is a Batman without morals like this post said
They are both the iconic villains, I feel like Joker completes Batman in a way like L and Light from Death Note, and Bane is the ultimate opponent skill-wise to Batman, a different kind of rivalry, they don't need each other to exist, but they still have a interesting dinamic
Anyways, I may be wrong tho
And how's it working out? Turret skyscrapers. Yeah.
are giga roids not superpowers
At the pace King is writing, half a year of dick sucking doesn't amount to much more than a couple of licks to the tip.
Because that's why they created Ra's al Ghul; Bane was Batman's Doomsday.
Because he's a big guy
Because nobody cared who he was till he put on the mask.
>But Joker isn't a foil for Batman in any way shape or form.
>someone seriously wrote this on Sup Forums
He's only been Batman's most iconic nemesis like, forever. Children don't sing "The Batmobile lost its wheels and Bane crashed the plane with no survivors"
And Batman is covered in millions of dollars of technology, what's your point?
For you.