/sug/ - Steven Universe General

hot gem edition

Last Thread: [NEW RELEASES]
>Tiger Philanthropist
Airing March 3rd at 7pm EST
- Source: su-g.pw/qs367
Mega: mega.nz/#!bhJRnRbJ!UEKpCGi58NlxJimjTEJTRJ9ySjF1CtscJuwDD2RCFEI
Direct: dl.sug.rocks/preair/04x17.mp4
Marebucks: marebucks.com/sun/119
Dailymotion: [Dailymotion] Steven Universe 417 - Rocknaldo
>Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags when discussing)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff

[SoundCloud] aivi & surasshu

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>Archived threads

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lapiven thread


This show is inferior to the Kirby cartoon.

we hiatus after friday?

Reminder that Navys coming back and moving into the meme barn



That's a zappin'

That's unfair, the Kirby cartoon is literally the greatest show ever made

I can't follow /sug/ into the /trash/, When will /sug/ return?

We have at least another 2 weeks lads


I hope so. Especially after that call back from AiLD. But it sounds like a Sapphire and Ruby need space episode

Thank fuck, I like you glorious bastards too much to see you all die.

I was actually welcoming the return to /trash/ around a week ago, when /sug/ became absolutely unbearable and was full of blatant newfags that were asking what tripcodes were. I dunno why things got better so suddenly but I ain't complaining.

>rocknaldo awoke are need to shitpost and meme

Any preview for Tiger Philanthropist yet? It's already Wednesday

Stevenbomb s4 finale soon
What could happen

>"Steven, what's this bump in your pants?"
>"Why is it getting bigger?"
>"Steven stop touching me! I'm really uncomfortable now.."
>"Please stop touching my thighs, you're weirding me out!"
>"No, please! You shouldn't lift up my skirt like that"
>"What's gotten into you Steven!? Don't touch me there, it feels weird.."
>"Fine.. keep going if you insist.."
>"Hey wait, don't put it insi-- Unff!"
>"Oh my god, where did you learn this? It feels amazing!"
>"This feeling, it keeps building up! If you keep going I'll--"

>Room for Ruby
Wow, the writers didn't forget. That's impressive

I remember when the show first started it was supposed to be about how 'off' steven was, how he was supposed to be a hot dog compared to his porkchop of a mother.

you can see some amazing differences based on the original pilot as well. when steven sang his song the crystal gems laughed at him, even pearl, saying he'd look silly.

when htey recreated that scene for the extended OP it was instead fun and charming.

he went from this fat weird looking 'off' kid who is now everyone in towns favorite kiddo.


>sorry lapis, it just feels so good my hips won't stop moving

Zachary is NOT for sex!

>Steven becoming even shorter
>now has super strength and weird durability
> still overly optimistic to the point where most characters love him almost immediately

Steven is just kid goku now

>more developed
>more powerful
>much more mature
>body doesn't shapeshift to reflect this
It's all so tiresome

Hoping for Gem SoL. Something to cap the townie eps.

SU version when?

check sug.rocks before you ask stupid questions Reddit

Steven will grow up when Ruby part of Garnet gets shattered and he has to take the helm of the leader.


>body gets smaller the more he matures
>mental age reflects physical age
>trauma can excuse any plot hole

11 years but I doubt SU is as popular as samurai jack.

canon thread



if I was cartoon network id create fake leaks at this point. id have the artist come up with amazing screenshots of pink diamond being shattered by jasper, and a green diamond fusion and rose holding connie hostage and just watch the fans go wild.

it aint easy being cheesy

Should Steven have pink hair?


Garnet or Garlic?

Nice thread


>No screenshots of millions of Rebel soldier gems.
>No screenshots of mass corruption.
>No screenshots of the rebellion.
Not hype enough.

Did you ever forgive Pear?

Fuck Pear

Is that a good signal to have in SU? When something traumatizing happens it is ok to regress into perpetual childlike mentality.

i wonder how it'll go down, or what causes steven to suddenly want to go after seemingly fucking around for a month

well that shits all bound to happen, those would just be practically real leaks.

the points to troll no to purposely spoil.


Pear can go straight up my ass for all I care.

finally some good steven on lapis rape

>you will never cuddle with zachary

>more fucking lapis and peridot
can they please fuck off for 10 episodes like usual?

Jasper vs Casper?

pearlcuck pls

>Still no gem licking stories

is that a fetish picture

>Says the Pearlfag

How corrupt is the president?

Lapis on her own actually needs to be developed, she feels out of place at the moment and it seems like the show's almost struggling to justify her even being there. We need a strong episode that builds up Lapis as a character honestly, similar to what On the Run did for Amethyst or what Rose's Scabbard did for Pearl. Maybe even an arc, she feels so boring right now she could probably use one.

I want to see her birth certificate

if you can defend gem harvest and the new crystal gems seriously kill yourself. the memegems are cancer.

Pearl is the original memegem.

>Implying he won't change as the show goes on

Rebecca herself said she wants him to grow. A while ago too so it's still possible.

she had her fucking chance with alone at sea, now fuck off with your shitty emo waifu

at least her episodes and lines are good

Who's to say they'll all be in the same scene?

I can't imagine just Ruby running around near Lapis or Peridot

Haven't watched Rocknaldo yet due to work and college bullshit. Is it worth the watch or is it Sadie's Song Tier?

>Last One out of Beach City


Who is the Bardock of the show?

Is everyone on homeworld as retarded as these guys?
I imagine this is what basically happened to all the scouting reports telling the current status of earth.

We will see in time.

one of the best in the series

Will Pearl ever get to use her 18-incher on a giant woman ever again?

Don't bother yourself with it.

Retardation is a universal constant in SUverse.

Why do Lapidotfags always use that episode against Pearl when it was one of the most popular episodes in the fandom.

>A young nigga got it bad cause I'm brown.

Lapis was never my favorite man, she just feels like a waste of a character at the moment.

Surprise surprise, a Pearlfag has shit taste

could someone explain this picture, it's cute though

Oh, you're a pleb. Makes sense.

If Rose found Pearl's 18 incher inadequate compared to Greg's how massive is the murdercock?

just watch it and form your own opinion you fuckin attention whoring sheep

She's got Steven, she'll do fine.

I'm surprised that no one hasn't done anything with these two yet..

>I can tell who the dom one would be.

>using "most popular episode in the fandom" as an argument.
this fandom is literally tumblr, do you know how nonexistant the favor that episode has would be if mystery girl weren't female?

>a character gets one chance and one episode to develop
user, you can't possibly be this retarded.


it was all a misunderstanding. Pearl is 18 centimeters long. not inches

>officers run plates
>identified as Greg's car
>Greg is arrested for resisting arrest and reckless driving
>his only alibi is that he was at a friend's house, with no time stamped evidence and only the word of his friend

Still waiting for this episode.


That's probably for the best. 18 inches is a bit too much for Steven.

That's like the perfect size for dicking lapis

Women value girth over length. Pearl may be a foot and a half long but she's only 4 inches thick.

Green was best
Now is memeshit

Ah ha! But who is more stupid? the person who asks or the one who responds?


You are, redditor

Good job posting best girls.