What was your favourite fight?
Samurai Jack
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Stop spamming these threads, faggot.
The Cemetery Fight with Aku.
Haunted house.
Jack vs. the bounty hunters is the only non-pleb answer.
so do you think the Guardian or this portal will show up again?
It feels too important not too, clearly Jack needs to do something major first before this.
Wouldn't make sense for Jack to just forget about this one sure he has to return to the past.
Nope my man
He got knocked unconscious at the end of the episode.
This would be my vote as well.
But also the bounty hunters and that one in the pilot with his dad vs. Aku
v Ninja
the one where he walked slowly then beats up some robots
>has not watched SJ
vs X9.
The whole episode builds up to it, he goes down as quickly as any other robot mook. This time it feels horrible.
What are you talking about? That sounds like 99% of SJ episodes.
In 50 years or so, when machines achieve sentience, Jack will be just another slasher villain.
Either the Minions of Set or the finale of Princess and the Bounty Hunters
Your joke isn't funny, explaining it won't make it much funnier.
VS the ninja. I loved the light/dark.
I didn't make the joke and neither have I explained it. It is my honest belief that Jack can be described as him walking around and killing robots, especially since that what the show was when the writers were too lazy to copy-paste AKA "reference" a classic action movie plot.
Go back to watching steven universe, faggot
Probably a stupid question considering western developed licensed game but his Shadow of Aku any good?
As for favorite fight, that definitely has to go to the one in Haunted House.
Jack vs the Ninja
jack vs the hunters i don't know if that counts as a fight thogh
Fucking this. I don't think Aku ever had an edge on Jack like that in any of their fights, really showed how scary Aku can be when he ain't screwing around.
The funny thing is that he was totally screwing around in that fight. Had he not been trying so hard to kill Jack with his own sword Jack would be dead.
Commit sepoku nigger
I rewatched the entire series but dont remember any cemetery fight, maybe i skipped an episode, which episode is it
Jack vs Zombies.
>People actively whining about Samurai Jack of all shows getting some love
I just can't
>i just can't
people wonder why Sup Forums is called the tumblr of Sup Forums
That one, probably.
I also really liked Jack vs. the Ultra-Bots, Jack vs. the Minions of Set, and Jack and Not-Leonidas vs. the giant robot spider thing. That last one was so based.
Yes, grammar is the reason. Go back to whatever containment board you should be in.
you are actually special if you think im bitching about your grammar
>Three Blind Archers
But fight?
Minions of Set.
He got the SHIT beat out of him. They were fucking relentless and the fight showed it.
Then go ahead, explain your complaint without using "tumblr" or "Reddit."
>i just cant
is literally just some fag shit its like
>i cant even
>im literally shaking
only sjw's or tumblrinas use that kind diction
This is the real answer you faggots
>is literally just some fag shit its like
Kind of like how redditor's misuse the word "literally"?
sure but i didn't misuse it, it is literally only fags who talk like that
Anons here do the exact some thing.
Redditors are the exact same people that you find on Sup Forums just with the anonymity removed. Sup Forums hasn't been the "secret club" you want it to be in almost a decade.
Yes, you literally did
>i think anyone who talk like that is a fag
>i say LITERALLY only fags talk like that
what are you not getting? are you perhaps retarded? because i literally didn't
The minions were fucking ruthless.
You can practically feel the sweat dripping off of Jack's back when he's running through scrambling to get that little fucking scarab.
Intro was great too.
>"The minions of set!"
>Instantly a fist out of nowhere.
>Fight ensues.
The neat part is in most cartoons that kind of jump would be expected, but since Genndy likes to take his time in setting, a jump like that was a real throw off.
>Can't explain it without mentioning the tumblr boogeyman
So basically you proved his point.
>people wonder why Sup Forums is called the tumblr of Sup Forums
>Then go ahead, explain your complaint without using "tumblr" or "Reddit."
>explain to me why I'm tumblr without using the word "tumblr"
What the fuck would that prove?
Rewatching the series, so far here's a few of my notable favorites:
Jack vs. the Basket Robots
Jack vs. the Bounty Hunters in the bar*
Jack vs. the Three Blind Archers
*(the second time, the one where the Scotsman interrupts. I like it because the whole time Jack is so casual since this happens all the time. He takes his time to eat a bit more first, and then when hiding behind the counter takes the opportunity to get a drink.)
what tumblr boogey man? also explain how someone likes to suck cock without using any iteration of the word cock
What is Aku?
A tree?
A demon?
A dragon?
A living slime?
a shape shifting master of darkness.
What are your thoughts on the different Samurai Jack Writers/Boarders?
>Paul Rudish & Genndy Tartakovsky
The Beginning
The Samurai Called Jack
The First Fight
Jack and the Baby
>Paul Rudish & Charlie Bean
Jack's Sandals
The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
Jack and the Swamp Monster
The Aku Infection
>Paul Rudish
Jack and the Flying Prince and Princess (The Winged Children)
>Genndy Tartakovsky
Jack and the Hunters
>Mike Manley
Jack and the Warrior Woman (with Genndy Tartakovsky)
Jack and the Lava Monster
>Don Shank
The Birth of Evil (with Genndy Tartakovsky)
Jack and the Labyrinth
>Chris Reccardi & Chris Mitchell
Jack, the Woolies, and the Chritchellites
>Charlie Bean & Carey Yost
Jack in Space
>Chris Mitchell & Carey Yost
Jack vs Mad Jack
Aku's Fairy Tales
>Erik Wiese & Chris Mitchell
Jack Tales
Jack and the Monks (with Charlie Bean)
Jack and the Rave
>Genndy Tartakovsky & Erik Wiese
Jack and the Traveling Creatures
>Jim Smith & Erik Wiese
Robo-Samurai vs. Mondo-Bot (with Bryan Andrews & Brian Larsen)
Young Jack in Africa (with Genndy Tartakovsky)
>Chris Reccardi & Charlie Bean
Jack Under the Sea
>Chris Reccardi
Jack and the Gangsters
Jack and the Smackback
>Chris Reccardi & Aaron Springer
Jack and the Farting Dragon
Jack Is Naked
Chicken Jack
Jack and the Creature
Jack and the Haunted House
Samurai vs. Samurai
Jack vs. Aku
>Mark Andrews & Bryan Andrews
Jack and the Three Blind Archers
Jack and the Scotsman
Seasons of Death
>Bryan Andrews & Brian Larsen
Jack Learns to Jump Good
Jack and the Ultra-robots
Jack Remembers the Past
Jack and the Spartans
Jack and the Zombies
Jack in Egypt
Jack, the Monks, and the Ancient Master's Son
Samurai vs. Ninja
Robo-Samurai vs. Mondo-Bot (with Jim Smith & Erik Wiese)
The Princess and the Bounty Hunters
The Scotsman Saves Jack
>Bryan Andrews & Genndy Tartakovsky
Tale of X-9
>Mark Andrews
Jack and the Scotsman II
Jack vs. Demongo, the Soul Collector