Amy is the worst futurama character. Prove me wrong (you can't)
Amy is the worst futurama character. Prove me wrong (you can't)
She is rich, hot, but still friendly.
She's literally perfect.
That's not Zoidberg though
Zoidberg is GOAT
She's pretty mundane. Her parents are funny though.
Zoidberg is the only one of the PE crew that became insufferable as the show went on
That romance with the florist was just fucking weird
no spluh, she's awful
>Hermes' son
She's a complete slut
>Fucks on first date
>Covered in tattoos
>Will throw herself at anyone the second you turn your back
Enjoy your trash waifu.
She is loyal even to her cuck husband Kiff.
you hurt my brains with that sentence
You can't have a loyal wife AND be a cuck. That's now how that works.
You can if you have a mistress but she is cheating on you
Bender is the worst in my opinion. He is just unoriginal, as if someone of the creators said "Hey, Fry and Lila seem a little boring on their own, we need a bad guy to lighten the atmosphere. Oh, why don't we just take all the "cool" negative traits known to mankind and merge them into one character? Sounds cool!"
He is a cuck not a cuckhold. He is a literally spineless pushover.
Kiff is the worst Futurama character, though ironicaly both become insufferable when they are in scenes together.
The problem with Zoidberg is he is the most flanderized of the characters. He was originally not poor, or smelly, etc... but eventually he was given those traits and they consumed him completely to the point it's all he ever did on screen, be poor and be smelly. I'm not saying I don't like Zoidberg, mind, that's just an observation I had.
I actually find Leela to be the most annoying due to her pretentiousness, hypocrisy and moral-faggotry(even though she's often a total bitch). Amy was the more likeable of the two girls.
They dont mean anything different retard
"cuck" is short for cuckold. Moronic Reddit Tier meme spouters like you have robbed it of any meaning, though. You have no idea what you're even saying anymore.
Kiff has no spine so literally is corrrect.
You can pretend that the word isn't used that way but that's delusional.
Looks like you're the delusional one dude, and baiting too. This is your last (You)
The true answer is Bender
We all know this is the case
That's not Bender?
They dropped the premise of "90s guy adjusting to the future" to "Bender, the emotional robot" in two episodes.
I mean, I liked everybody. I honestly can't bring myself to complain about Futurama.
fuck you, scruffy was awesome
I actually never thought about that.
that makes them shitty "characters".
maybe they became like that because writing is hard and it worked very well with the masses (including me).
god all the shitty porn, I remember fapping to a shoop of bender's arm in amy ass or something
That's not Leela
Leela can be fun when ever the episode isn't about her.
Zoidberg is the epitome of meme characters that the writers began writing more ofr the fans than to make the character actually enjoyable.
The fans actually like him. He doesn't have much depth but I like him like Moe from the Simpsons.
He just became obnoxious in the later seasons, given that he was shoehorned into just about every episode to spout off some "hilarious" dialogue and had at least one pure trashball off an episode centered on him.
But the worst of the show and usually the lowest points of an episode are when Leela is being either stupid or a cunt, which happens more often than it should.
Shame too since she can be fun like you said.
Honestly, I hate Bender more. Incredibly overrated, unfunny, annoying faggot
>worst of the show
the worst of the show were bender episodes. all the worst episodes of the original 72 (didn't watch too far into the new ones, made it past the movies and the first 6 or 7 comedy central episodes) were all about him.
I don't know, I love Obsoletely Fabulous. OTOH, Bender's Big Score is memorably bad, as are several other Bender episodes, so you've got a point.
I think bender works because everyone else on the show, while maybe not likable, are not total assholes. When bender does something shitty it's a nice foil.
Family guy has everyone behaving like an assholes so there's no real comedic effect. It's just unfunny negativity and edginess.
amy has a cute tummy
>Kiff is the worst Futurama character, though ironicaly both become insufferable when they are in scenes together.
The writers clearly had no real ideas for that relationship after a certain point but couldn't be bothered to end it permanently.