So what were Sup Forums's thoughts on Batman Inc.?
So what were Sup Forums's thoughts on Batman Inc.?
it was great. shame new 52 happened and grant had to tailor the story to fit with the reboot. dickbats is still best bats.
are there people pleb enough not to like it?
The last time they tried to make batman make sense
Bruce having a new loss in his life and managing heroes around the world should have been the real endgame
I just finished it. Tell me what I thought of it?
almost killed the franchise
terrible art, plot conviences all around
ended on Morrison giving a tantrum about Nu-52
only liked by people that aren't actually fan of Batman but only hang around for the meme-family
Snyder pls go
>liked by people that aren't actually fan of Batman
Worst excuse by all characterfags, which were whata as killing batman before. Bruce is the main energy during all the plot, a main character needs to be affected by the surroundings, not be the cause and solution to all the elements
Rushed ending.
>terrible art
Here's your reply
>liking mashed potatoes people
>liking the terrible issue in the cyberspace
muh faces
That's the only criticism people EVER throw at Quitely or Burnham
I miss all the Batman Inc members of it. I wish DC would do another one-shot or mini again.
The New52 launch should've done a "Batman of All Nations" book instead of that shitty Batwing book we got
good up till the New 52 switch, and then it went to crap, one of many reasons I decided to treat it as though DC hasn't published anything between the end of Flashpoint and the beginning of Rebirth(minus the handful of comics absolutely essential for Rebirth to make sense)
He's not wrong though. I love Morrison's run, I love the story, the characters, all the Meta shit, but I feel out of all the stories, Inc suffered hardcore due to the art.
And muh proportions. They both have very dynamic art, which I enjoyn, but the characters themselve look like they're drawn by a 13 year old, playing around with anatomy, who's in that weird phase where they think adding lines and bumps to everything adds texture and realism.
Good but super disappointing, tons of characters who get no follow up or are just killed as a easy way to make bad guys look tough
You have autism chief, there's a lot of good stuff from the initial launch and inc isn't half as bad as you claim
I liked it all apart from the stupid ending.
Damien just died because of Talia; and yet Bruce makes out with Talia in the batcave.
What the actual fuck? Ruined the entire thing for me.
>post the shitty Tomasi Batman and Robin thinking that it was Batman Inc
Must be awful to be as retarded as you
Rebirth is garbage.