Opinions on the three seasons? How the show went, what you think worked and didn't.
Are you still watching? Still liking it? Because i'm not anymore.
I stopped at the winter break, and came back for the Gorilla City episode but it was both boring and stupid so I guess i'm done.
Chase Miller
>Are you still watching? Still liking it? I watched it for the budget killing gorilla episode, because i wanted to know if thier cg got better. I stopped liking it however when Spivot left
Jayden Foster
Once he said the words "I'm not fast enough", I checked out.
Jaxon Collins
S1 > S2 > S3
Chase Williams
>every major villain is a fucking speedster >some "mysteries" gimmicks are re-used every season so you could see the Julian thing coming from a mile away >Wells' actor was amazing in the first season, but they obviously don't know what to do with him >the drama makes no sense and the characters go through the same arcs and issues over and over
I think what killed me is that I could forgive/overlook some stupid stuff, or look at my phone during boring drama scenes, but at some point it just became drown out and annoying.
I was also very disappointed in Zoom, who started creepy as fuck, really mighty, and they stretched the whole thing too long, gave too many stupid explanations for things, and in the end I just wanted him gone.
Savitar is a transformer with no personality so I don't give a shit. The only two villains who had personality left for Legends, and one of them died.
Hudson Jackson
It's gone the way of Arrow.
Kayden Powell
They're jobbing to fucking gorillas and guys on dirt bikes , I'm glad I dropped it after season 2
Ian Flores
Evan Turner
I still like it
Leo Ward
EVERYONE who gets a speed power is faster than him after a week.
Nicholas Ward
It stinks
Kevin Reed
The Wally dick-sucking is crazy. >omg ur faster than barry was at this point >omg ur getting faster >omg only u can save iris
Nathan Jenkins
its by far the most boring comic book show
Jayden Lewis
Plot twist:
He's not fast enough either.
Benjamin Reed
omg he gotta get faster
Zachary Baker
I binge it every so often but I'm about to drop the DCTV shows.
The Vertigo shows are still alright (Preacher and iZombie) but the rest follow the same repetitive format. They're good in their first season when theirs the hype and everything looks cool but it goes away quickly.
Arrow and LOT are hitting series lows now too.
For The Flash in particular:
S1 > S2 >>> S3
I'm over the evil speedsters
I don't give a shit about any of the characters anymore.
That said, I'd rather they keep this Flash on the air then give us Power Ranger Flash from the movies.
Nolan Morales
It's such a shame. The first season was hype as fuck.
Christian Gomez
season 1 was good
then every major villain is an evil speedster
Same shit Different Episode
Christian Mitchell
Brody Parker
This. It's just beyond stupid. I'm also sick of everyone learning Barry's identity. I put up with it because it was just a time waster, but the poor writing and the constant adding of screen time for Black Wally is going to make me drop it soon.
Anthony Diaz
1. every main villain is a fucking speedster. 2. there are villains that should not be a threat to Barry whatsoever (Plunder). Worst yet is that these characters could be threats, but the writers refuse to make them use their abilities in unique ways -- always instead just shooting straight forward. 3. Barry still refuses to hurt female villains, yet has no inhibitions about beating up a minor male villain. 4. him punching Julian just to shut him up was really bad -- like, imagine if you read a story about a cop doing that. He literally knocked out a civilian. 5. holy shit why does everyone keep secrets from each other? Three fucking seasons in and they still don't trust each other enough to not withhold information? Worst yet is that this will always come back to bite them and we, the viewers, are forced to watch the shitty drama that comes from the reveal. 6. Barry really doesn't seem that remorseful about deleting people from existence.
Matthew Young
It seems the writers only know how to use the same tropes, cliches and drama bait over and over.
The secrets are especially annoying. A friend got mad when Caitlyn went to her mom, who she never speaks to, in search of love, instead of asking her friends to help with her powers.
Oh and btw, Frost only served to be saved, and suffer from her boyfriends dying. Her getting powers just made her stupid on top of everything else.
Liam Flores
Why the fuck do her powers make her crazy when that happens to nobody else who gets some?
Josiah Moore
I have no fucking idea.
I guess the concept is that Earth 2 Forst was bad because her life was shit.
And Earth 1 Frost is goign nuts because she's afraid of becoming bad. The problem is, every time her powers take over, she just starts acting like a bitch for no good reason.
Joseph Scott
Is odd seeing a Flash show where The Rogues don't fucking matter and are practically nonexistent
Daniel Ward
Too much relationshit. Takes up time.
I wish animation was better regarded.
The DCAU is miles better then anything currently made in the live action department.
Matthew Gonzalez
I haven't seen any of season 3 yet. Season 2 ended up disappointing me a lot for basically recycling a lot of the first season's plot and getting held up promoting LoT.
I'm also sick of Barry, the so-called "fastest man alive" always being the slowest speedster in the room. Fuck, he's been at this for over two years now and apparently Wally as Kid Flash is already faster than him with only a few weeks/months of training.
Jacob Cruz
>LOT >series low
Not really. Everything about this season has been significantly better than the first except for the absence of Captain Cold.
Mason Martin
I'm enjoying season 3, but I'm not caught up with the post-winter break episodes.
It's definitely not as hype as season 1 but I feel it's solid.
Jace Foster
This. It's a major step up from Season 2, and while I agree, the lack of an organized Rogues group and constant speedster villains don't help, it's still a solid show.
They should kill off HR, though. It was a decent subplot, but now he's superfluous. Bring Harry back or return Reverse-Flash to a Wells mask just to fuck with Team Flash.
Isaiah Young
Patty needs a come back for sure
Josiah Richardson
The Gorilla City event episodes made me realize how much I hate the CW formula. I understand these shows don't have huge budgets and that drama is a big part of them. But God damn the trip to Gorilla City was hyped to be a grand adventure in the jungle. Instead it was them sitting around a cage.
And last night's episode was hyped to be Grodd and the gorillas attacking the city. They didn't come face to face with the Flash until the last ten minutes then were taken out in a minute. There wasn't even a battle.
Hudson Howard
That's all due to budget.
Hunter Flores
So disappointing. Especially since a television show is the perfect format to use and develop the Rogues outside of the comics.
Angel Howard
>Arrow >S5 >hitting a series lows Kill yourself >
James Murphy
We need more Patty Iris can go die by savitars hand, shes pretty ehh
Dylan Torres
I think it's the idea that being cold makes her lack empathy and blunt. She's numb to everything, so I guess she doesn't suffer shit like emotions.
It's dumb, but it sort of makes sense. Plus she paranoid about it.
I just wish they'd drop it and let her go full frost.
Oliver Scott
Getting really annoyed that Barry can't think for himself. He is supposed to be smart enough to do super hero stuff without everyone shouting orders to him in his ear
Wyatt Harris
It was awesome during the crossover when he was thinking for himself vs mind-controlled Supergirl.
Christopher Martinez
Enough with the fucking sidekicks.
Legends is the team show, let arrow and flash focus on the Green Arrow, and The Flash, fuck all these other jackasses.
I mean did they purposely write the other "heroes" to be as mediocre as possible, don't recall a single episode of Arrow this season where those goofballs didn't get the shit kicked out of them by someone. It seems the moment afro boy paints that stupid T on his face thats when he's curled up in a ball getting stomped on.
Lincoln Diaz
I don't think Savitar is going to be anyone we know
Adam Reyes
I'm just hoping season 4 rescues the show like season 5 of Arrow did.
Flash S1 was equal to Arrow S2 in quality Flash S2 was almost as bad as Arrow S3 Flash S3 is just as awful as Arrow S4
Mason Roberts
This is what happen when the creative team is shit. They can't find a way to nerf him so that he isn't invincible, as he would logically be, so they make him straight up retard.
Carson Morgan
Didn't even read my entire post I see.
Jonathan James
>Flash S1 was equal to Arrow S2 in quality Don't get me wrong because Flash S1 is my jam but didn't most people shit on it until the wells reveal?
Gabriel Nelson
Has Barry ever just nutted up and saved the day without his Team telling him what to do? It's really old.
Joshua Cooper
this ^ unknown big bads who just show up for 5mins an episode to "act bad" and slap the hero around for a bit before running off while they're in absolutely no danger gets old fast.
Ryder Perry
>he never read the comics also this image is actually missing some speedsters
Wyatt Baker
it kinda feels like there's only 2-3 "good" writers spread out across way to many shows and they are having fucking interns who think Twilight & Harry Potter are the pinnacle of writing write 90% of the shows
Ryan Morgan
what the hell happened where every show has to have these huge full time casts? Stuff like Quantum Leap or the original MacGyver where you had 2 maybe 3 full time leads at the most are completely nonexistent now
Nicholas Gutierrez
Constantine at least got that right. Shame it got shitcanned.
Robert Campbell
I think as these shows go on it becomes more and more obvious they are about relationship drama first and superheroes last
Connor Phillips
how many times have they used the "put in all the combinations to find the password"?
>there's no time >i'm not gonna make it >9000000 combinations >gets the right combination anyway
really thought they'd just dismantle the fuckin missile launcher
Brody Moore
I don't know anything about missile launchers, but I felt like taking out the missiles could have worked.
Alexander Sanders
that doesn't feel as heroic as dismantling the missile launcher pad bolt by bolt
John Collins
It's pretty boring now. At least season 2 had all the crazy Earth-2 hype at first, but season 3 has just been meandering with no clear direction. Season 1 might have had some pointless monster of the week episodes but the mystery and defeating of "Wells" was top notch.
Also FUCK THE CW DRAMA, goddamn every fucking episode they have some issue that the stretch out over at least one episode because one character doesn't tell another that would easily resolve the issue. Romance has gotten better at least, even if it's boring as well.
I want to believe, though.
Luke Howard
>I was also very disappointed in Zoom, who started creepy as fuck, really mighty, and they stretched the whole thing too long, gave too many stupid explanations for things, and in the end I just wanted him gone.
I cannot agree more, this was so fucking sad to see. He was like an amazing horror movie villain at first then they shit the bed.
Liam Smith
Is there any MEGA uploads for S3 up to this weeks episode? They used to get posted so I was never afraid of missing an episode, but the one time I missed one and nobody uploaded anything after.
Levi Mitchell
>Also FUCK THE CW DRAMA, goddamn every fucking episode they have some issue that the stretch out over at least one episode because one character doesn't tell another that would easily resolve the issue. Romance has gotten better at least, even if it's boring as well. What do you think CW's core demographic is? Women for their teens to the 40's, just cause you throw in a little capeshit isn't gonna change that, so of course they're gonna cater to their "tastes"
Angel Martinez
No. It was extremely propular here and everywhere.
Justin Brooks
First couple seasons weren't too bad.
S03 is fucking awful, though. I thought the Grodd episode would help this time, but nothing came of it. Also, no Patty whatsoever.
William Parker
How far behind are you? Because the CW website has episodes as far back as episode 10.
Camden Smith
All superhero TV shows are like that. Mostly because the budget does not allow for balls-to-the-walls superhero setpieces every week.
Eli Wright
Didn't the leaked pilot help it actually get greenlit or something due to positive reception?
Colton Hall
>Fast enough to vibrate through a wall >Fast enough to travel through time >not fast enough to dodge a punch to the face
Barry fucking sucks
I hate this show
Grayson Evans
It was already greenlit, but the "leaked" pilot earned it a lot of goodwill.
Zachary Phillips
Agreed, although I think an animated series would be better for that. I'd kill for a Flash animated series.
Colton Jackson
I remember Arrow using the smallville clock house.
Joshua Thompson
I'm in Canada. Unless CW has changed their rules or something I don't think I can watch anything online
Ayden Kelly
CSI happened - it broadens the scope/selling points (different people see it for different characters), you can multiply scenes by having characters relay/repeat information to different characters in a chain, and you also have to pay your actors less, because they all show up less days, and you never get one with enough leverage to ask for the moon as a salary.
Justin Hernandez
The moment Barry went back to save his mom for real is when the series went full retard. There was absolutely no fucking reason for doing it and it was obviously a bad idea, but Barry still does it for really weak reasons and also because Iris told him to. Remember when he held his mother while she died? That was an amazing bit of character development and I might've even gotten a bit misty eyed, it was almost on par with Slade killing Oliver's mom. It was absolutely ruined because the writers suddenly became retarded. Then he decides to fuck off to "Flashpoint" for a while and instead of telling Barry that he fucked up right away the Reverse Flash wastes time being cryptic despite his own existence also being on the line. Considering how careful Thawne was with time travel it makes no god damn sense why he'd play that stupid mind game instead of leveling with the Flash as fast as he fucking could.
So Barry fixes his fuckup by confusing the fuck out of a well written Barry and ends up back in the present, everything's fixed right? Wrong, everything's -slightly- different now and also Cisco is crazy intolerable because Barry won't go back to save his brother. This makes no sense at all. Kid Barry is still safe and his mom is still dead, nothing really changed there so why is the present effected at all? Because one Barry went poof? This only gets worse when everyone finds out that Barry fucked with the timeline, so now everyone's mad. It's drama for drama's sake. Also Iris, don't get me started on Iris. That's the least believable love story I've ever fucking seen and it's crazy painful to watch the actors try to struggle through it. All this only gets worse when Supergirl needed a teamup to help fight her poor ratings. Once everyone's teamed up Future Barry decides to fuck with the timeline -even more- and sends a message back with the Legends telling them not to trust current Barry FOR NO FUCKING REASON. That's when I quit watching.
Easton Collins
SHIELD's been alright with it.
Even when they do relationshit they at least have it either serve the episode's plot or they keep it short and well established - although last season every fucking plot-line was about a different fucking ship.
Who'd have thought back in 2012 that SHIELD would become the best capeshit on tv almost by default. They keep puling interesting (if not novel) twists here and there and manage to never dangle too much on each story line.
Thomas Rivera
The entire point of Flashpoint both in the comics and in the show is to be a mistake born from grief and from Barry's abuse of the powers he's been given. In that sense I felt it was efficient enough even though it changed the core concept of the Flashpoint timeline being awful because of the fractures in the timeline. As for Thawne, he was just playing mind games as he is known to do.
It's also been established (and it's one of the rules they mostly adhere by) that altering events far into the past alters the future because of all the ripples in the timeline. Not to mention Dante didn't die BECAUSE of Barry, he was alive when Barry "left" for Flashpoint and had died when he "came back" three months later. It actually never sat well with me that they all unanimously attributed his demise to Barry when there was reasonable doubt he had nothing to do with it.
As for the love story, it's meh. Every episode basically amounts to Barry and Iris having some would-be cute couples moments and that's it. Doesn't bother me but it's not my favorite part of any episode.
Carter Phillips
>Placing the garbage fire that was 2 anywhere near S3 Season 3 has been a little weak but it isn't retarded as all fuck
Samuel Campbell
I agree, Season 3 has been weak, but Season 2 was god fucking awful.
>Zoom is big bad scary voodoo man >wants the Barry's speed because he wants to get faster >gets the Barry's speed >doesn't actually get noticeably faster because literally every single speed setting in this show is just "lightning" and there is no way to actually gauge how much faster anyone has gotten outside of the characters loudly announcing it literally three times an episode >Zoom could just slaughter Barry at that point but doesn't >there is no why
Zoom was fucking awful. I'm glad we have For Actually Jay Garrick now, but I really wish he'd bother to show the fuck up more than twice a season.
Matthew Bennett
Why do that to yourself? I like Flash, but you couldn't pay me to binge watch any of this CW garbage
Easton Powell
This user knows whats up.
Xavier Cruz
The crossover with him figuring out what to do by himself against supergirl is probably the best thing we've gotten since he went against wellsobard and out-thought him in that time travel/bottle episode.
He's had maybe 3 situations where he did shit for himself without someone talking in his ear or jobbing and the whole needing a support team is getting really fucking old.
Isaiah Bell
What? The point was that if Barry had never gone into the past and rawdogged the timeline nothing would have changed and Dante would still be alive, that was their point.
Christopher Hill
Wally was faster than Barry. Most people forget that the Silver Age Barry was actually pretty slow compared to the current speeds we see from the Flash.