Who will Disney decide is gay next?
Who will Disney decide is gay next?
Which is the top tho
I am.
Do you want Timon to die?
>two single men who lived with each other and did everything togeather raising an adopted child
>not gay
Either Timon & Pumbaa or Elsa gets a Girlfriend in Frozen 2.
Those are the only ones that I see that would make any sense. (Of course this is assuming that they don't just create an entirely new Gay character all together)
It'd be a crime if it wasn't those two.
Woudn't this imply that gay couples make shit parents?
That also fart a lot
Prolly this guy.
>name is Flower
>names his kid Bambi after the guy who accidentally "kissed" him
>when Owl was talking about being twitterpated, he points to Bambi, Thumper, and Flower in turn, saying "It'll happen to you, you, and..."
>hesitates a moment before pointing at Flower and finishing, "And you!"
Only the bedroomiest of bedroom eyes from that girl skunk could turn his head.
Why does it always have to be about sex and attraction? Why can't people just have fun and be friends ignore their genitals and not want to sex?
There is no being in existence that does not want to have sex with Pumbaa
Nah, Elsa is too much of a relevant, popular and marketable character for Disney to do that.
There is more money to be made from selling Elsa&bf dolls to normie girls than there is in tumblr.
I don't want to have sex with pumbaa. I don't want to have sex with any male organisms at all.
>I've never seen full house
Plz, Timon obviously the bottom
i seriously thought flower was a girl for a long ass time. For some reason I'd only seen the first half of Bambi. When I finally saw the end I was confused as fuck.
>There's more porn of these two fucking than of Tod and Vix
Really? That's kinda funny.
I don't understand, Disney already had it's first gay character.
That was a reply to
clawhauser isn't gay
Yeah, but that's hot.
That's because furries are mostly gay/bi. They're more likely to draw gay porn than straight porn.
He's about as gay as they get.
Like, come the fuck on:
>anyone who is eccentric or overly ecstatic is suddenly gay
Gay furfags ruin everything.
>having a dull childhood
>anyone who is eccentric or overly ecstatic is suddenly gay
>implying they aren't
is it bad if i commission gay porn of Sup Forums characters?
Considering 80% of the people on here do that, if not worse, you're in good company.
Wait wait wait wait wait WAIT! Flower is fucking a boy?
Good night sweet prince
As tradition to speedsters
Because alternative sexualities is the only way these people know to deviate from the norm
Remember those taky wrist bands that supported cancer research or anything sold in hot topic?
The audience. And all future children. Except Jews of course!
>He doesn't know
On a related note.
>Gays being allowed to serve in zootopias glorious police force
It's one thing to let a token rabbit or a fox in, but faggots? Never
>Dat tail boner for donuts
That's right, keep the force clean!
they can't be gay, you dumb furfag
Byron and his husband say otherwise.
>his husband is the worst disney furry
Yes, Disney already had it's first gay characters
Disney has to turn anything that could possibly be implied as gay at most into literal buttfucking on screen to show how progressive they are to the LGBTQWTFBBQYXZ community
>Timoan and Pumba
>Jamba and Pleakley
>Jafar and Iigo
to all be literal gay duos in the inevitable live action movies
This guy. He was already pretty gay in the original, but who can blame him for wanting to fuck Ping.
Considering the crossdressing, how both their voice actors are gay, and the whole TV episode about Pleakley introducing Jumba to to his family and being worried about how they'll react, I'd say Jumba and Pleakley are a bit more than "possibly implied"
i liked when people joked about it, but now it became a selling point.
Isn't it implied that he wants to eat out Gazelle?
>tfw this will be true
>violet will fuck a nigger
>jack-jack will become a tranny
>Jafar and Iago
H-how would that work
Like in the Maleficent movie.
with Gilbert Gottfried screaming like a parrot being fucked in the ass
Jumba and pleakly also go through two scenes very heavily reminiscent of traditional "forced breakup" and "get back together" scenes in the third movie
I think it even happens over the phone with pleakly hanging up after getting mad at jumba (who was forced to be mean to him)
And the line "dont you miss your aunt pleakly" also occurred on that same phone call
if any two characters are going to get "forced" to get together, its those two
Nick Wilde. He's already director's fursoa.
Why beat around the bush?
>male organisms
Got it, Professor
Would you fuck a female Pumba?
Pumba is a power bottom, he derives his power from being on the bottom.
Elsa and Frozen is too much of a marketing juggarnaught for Disney to risk losing money over being progressive.
>Any character that actively inhales pure unconcentrated cock isn't gay
>>anyone who is eccentric or overly ecstatic is suddenly gay
Shouldn't these two be on the top of the list then?
> next
Who was gay in the first place?
Rattigan would be gay if Great Mouse Detective ever got a remake
Thankfully its a forgotten movie and won't
Switch the first two, they're the only ones who can keep up.
>Pumba is a power bottom, he derives his power from being on the bottom.
If he were on top, he'd squash timon dead and have no lover. Lousy comparison.
Basil seems more likely.
it would be pretty painful
I want to see Elsa get married to a woman only to spite the incest shippers.
It's refreshing to see the police being portrayed in a positive light in these #BLACKLIVESMATTER times.
Timon clearly is the top , he is the one who decides everything for them
>making the villain gay
this does not serve the agenda, user
I love how your foul little cock works.
Flower was super cute.
I was surprised when he fell for the girl skunk but then again he seemed like the type to blush at everything. Also I can't remember, but the girl skunk was super alluring right? I guess Flower is super gay leaning bisexual.
I want to see Elsa marry a man.
Scar was gay as fuck
>Two single men voiced by Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick who sing showtunes and raised an orphaned child together
Nothing ambiguous here, no sir.
How did you not see Full House?
It was everywhere you looked
Wasn't Matthew Broderick Simba?
I want to see Elsa basically go back to what she was doing before "coming out"
Living in seclusion and enjoying her ice powers while telling people to go fuck themselves for bothering her.
To be fair, in the movie it's more like they're just all bros hanging out.
It's 1/2 that really plays up the raising him like a son angle.
You sound like a preachy what-cha-macallit, an asexual.
My girlfriend is asexual.
This makes sense
Typically when a new Male takes over the pride, they kill off all of the children of the previous leader
Scar didn't kill Nala and potentially other cubs, why?
I assume it's because he didn't want to actually mate
Also, Kovu isn't Scar's son biologically
Scar was a multicultural hero
Did you know the original movie was exact opposite? prey was the bad guys, cops were the villains, and movie was going to add fuel to the fire.
Clawhauser just likes some dumb fun, stop trying to make him gay. He is straight.
They can. People are just aren't used to affection between non-lovers. Expecially guys.
Or Gaston and Le Fou.
Google it.
Sigh... 4U.
Like so.
>Timoan and Pumba
>Jamba and Pleakley
I mean its not like these are a stretch at all. Hell i'd agure that the Lilio and Stich guys are straight up canon
>Jafar and Iigo
>Jafar and Iago
Nah, Gazelle's just a fag hag.
No that was the kid from full house
Since he's based on Holmes, he is probably ace.