Is he talking to Atlan?
Is he talking to Atlan?
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Can't wait.
I was expecting Atlantis to be like a underwater hotel but this actually looks neat.
It looked like Ocean Master
Why does Aquaman look like a cross between Jack Sparrow and the guy from this comic?
I would guess it's Vulko.
Cool! I wonder how they figured out how to do it. The VFX team recently talked about how difficult it was to make that Aquaman underwater scene. They must have found a new method.
>how difficult it was to make that Aquaman underwater scene
It can't be that hard, Harry Potter had underwater scenes over 10 years ago
>yfw fucking AQUAMAN of all things ends up being the only legitimately good film in the DCEU
MoS and BvS were already legitimately good though so you're wrong.
This is from Justice League though
shit that looks beautiful
His legs should be more fluid at least thats what other underwater scenes have taught me but this looks amazing.
>MoS and BvS were already legitimately good though
How so?
Boring characters, stupid plot holes, characters whose competency, skill, inteligence and sanity vary from scene to scene for the sake of the plot, shitty greenscreem on not talk about the awful writting, that looks like a textbook on how to not make a cinematic universe.
Even if SS was shit, we can only hope that WB had learned with it wich tone people want to see.
Who says it wasn't difficult when Harry Potter did it? How much progress can be made in 10 years about the specific challenges for shooting underwater? I'll bet water-proofing has improved, but people still need to hold their breaths for long enough for a take and move around properly so they don't look awkward. Coordinating things is going to be a bitch no matter how much technology has improved.
Is he talking to John Sheppard or Rodney McKay?
that was for a whole movie and this is where the majority of it may take place in. Wan has been researching new tech to pull off underwater scenes where dialogue may take place. I'm going to guess telepathy may be how they communicate.
>Moisture is the essence of wetness
>and wetness is the essence of beauty
will Aquacuck fans stop complaining and crying all the time after this flick?
I wonder what's the significance, if any, of the statue he swims up to.
I wish Snyder released this segment in HD, since he posted on Vero.
But Aquaman is already the best character so that wouldn't be hard.
DC fans never stop crying because if it's any fanbase that has a bad case of the "Not Muhs!" it's them.
Looks like it holds his trident
It's a mix bag.
On one hand, maybe people will finally take the character seriously, on the other hand they will probably hate on the comic book design for not being "a bearded badass" or whatever.
If you are talking about the whole DCEU debacle it's less about "not muh" and more about "your version of this character is shit", DC fans love elseworld stories.
>people are ok with Aquaman being turned into a minority while everyone else is left white
truly DCucks
>inb4 banned as usual for having controversial opinions
Definitely could be. I was thinking more along the lines of a secret entrance to Atlantis or something like that.
Spouting buzzwords isn't an opinion, my dude. It's called bait. Have a (You) though on the house.
Jamie Lannister wasn't available.
>Caped Baldy
>DC Fan/Occasional Marvel Enthusiast/Senior Pastor at Church Of Snyder... @ZackSnyder Shill.
You know what, I can respect a man who knows what he is
We're gonna be waiting until June for a JL trailer, fuck.
how do underwater people deal with plumbing?
>I wonder how they figured out how to do it
>They must have found a new method.
Yeah. 100% CGI.
Try July, When Comic-Con happens.
>How so?
Amazing characters, acting, dialogue, music, cinematography, plot, scene transitions, depth, emotional impact, themes, volume control, sound effects, visual effects, lack of plot holes, respect for the material, mythological background, references, jokes, pacing. All of it was top notch. I didn't think a movie was capable of being a legitimate ten out of ten until I saw Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.
>it's less about "not muh"
Don't think so. Look at anywhere they talk about the DCEU. They're always complaining that it's not the version of the character THEY grew up with. Most egregious example is with Lex.
This must take place when Aquaman agrees to join the JL. That's Aquaman's armor on the right with trident and all.
Snydercucks really know nothing about good movies. Seriously, if you think that this dumb blockbuster is god's gift to cinema you are an idiot.
Pic related for example is alone miles above any snydershit.
People only complain about this kind of stuff, when the "new take" is really fun king bad.
Just look at Nolan's Batman reception, and even Iron Man.
Hey, you're the Rango shitposter. Nice to see you again.
*fucking bad
Really, Snydercucks act like any interpretation of any character is automatically good because of "elseworld" without taking in consideration execution.
The shills are patethic.
Acting like you can't have a shot elseworld or adaptation.
Someone's triggered HARD! Posting pics of bad movies and saying "this is better" proves nothing. I could post a worse movie and say it's better than the entire MCU, easily. What would that prove?
>say that I like a movie better than other
>suddenly shitposter
Snydercucks have thin skin.
Cavill posted these yesterday. Is it happening?
>Rango shitposter
Shit! Good way to confirm his point.
The DCEU has an Oscar. Ant argument over quality is redundant now.
Go fuck yourself
>The DCEU has an Oscar.
For make-up and hair styling.
So what you faggot? It's still an Oscar winning universe.
That actually looks amazing. Please DC, I'm tired of the failures, please start making good movies. It's upsetting to see people root for DC's failure, especially when I enjoy the big 2 and can't wait for Spiderman.
People don't understand how rich the lore and universe is, especially for characters like Aquaman. That footage of Atlantis just won me over.
DC already has 3 winners. It just needs one that gets upvoted by Reddit Tomatoes. Hopefully that will be Wonder Woman due to the woman angle. We'll be fine.
This actually looks good.
>Momoa is the lead
Don't kid yourself, it'll be the worst one yet.
Nigga, you just confirmmed that you don't whatch good movies.
>DC already has 3 winners
Pretty sure that user was talking about teh DCEU, so you cant use Batman movies or Reeves as an argument.
>Pretty sure that user was talking about teh DCEU
I was too. DC if you count its entire live action library has a huge number of winners. Just the DCEU is 3.
>Hopefully that will be Wonder Woman due to the woman angle. We'll be fine.
How Reddit Tomatoes reacts to Wonder Woman will be an interesting to see how they handle this Dilemma. Do they hate DCEU so much more that they would pass up the opportunity to look woke? Or critically bash it and look like misogynist in the process?
What? They have yet to make a good movie.
I really don't know what you are talking about.
Only an idiot would say that "Sucker Punch" tier movies are actualy good, even with such lack of good writting.
Like someone that actualy thinks that the Prequels were high art.
Who even would be on that level, and claim that he needs to be taken seriously?
This is true.
I loved MoS but Suicide Squad and BvS were a mess.
Squad was supposed to be packed with a prison full of minor characters. King Shark was rumored for years to make a 2 second appearance. The Xmen movies are special because they actually give nods to people who read the books with little cameos. Besides such weak villains, the best part of Suicide Squad was Batman.
BvS also made Superman into a huge crybaby with sprinkles of greatness (the montage of him saving people is one of the best super hero pieces ever captured on film.) Batman is also a murderer.
It's so funny how mad you are.
Waiting for you when the movie flops, has bad reviews, and also happens to be shit.
Because I really can't see how you can take anything good out of what they showed us.
But are a paid shill....
If CIS-Busters can get a certified fresh, so can Wonder Woman.
>Rango shitposter needs to make a space after each sentence.
You are forgetting that 90% of action movies lead by women are critical and comercial flops.
True, but there has also been this cry for women to be leads in comic book movies since the whole cinematic universe craze kicked off.
>barely coherent post but a butthurt shill
Face it, the DCEU made 2 great, high quality films and one acceptable one. All it needs is upvotes to be considered """successful.""" But the quality is there, and that should be all that matters.
Well then I guess critics have no one to blame but them selves when distributors don't feel like taking risks.
I'm getting Green Lantern Oa scenes vibe from this
>Boring characters, stupid plot holes, characters whose competency, skill, inteligence and sanity vary from scene to scene for the sake of the plot, shitty greenscreem on not talk about the awful writting, that looks like a textbook on how to not make a cinematic universe.
But, all of this is wrong.
Are you dumb ?
"The DCEU has an Oscar" is a valid rebuttal to any criticism
No matter how 'irrelevant' someone calls the award for makeup and hairstyling, how is it DC can win this meaningless award while Marvel didn't win it or any of the categories its ever been nominated for
>shitty greenscreem on everything.
But sacred OSCAR, the new objective judge of quality, has never given any of the DCEU kino even a nomination for Best Visual Effects.
So you really can't argue with that user at all.
>Never even in the top 5 films for visual effects, only won an Oscar in a field so small they have to pad it with Slav movies.
Must be suffering.
Except that you can judge something without comparing it to Marvel.Also, a movie can have good make up, and still be worse on every other aspect to others. Seriously, how would you even argue if someone said that this is proof that bvs is worse than ss?
BvS did prevent Suicide Squad from being the second film to ever win an Oscar and a Razzie.
So there's that.
"The DCEU has an Oscar" is a valid rebuttal to any criticism
No its not. The fucking Nutty Professor won the same award. Is that magically a good movie now? How about Wolfman or Iron Lady? No?
This console wars shit is beyond pathetic, especially when the DCEU has been objectively terrible movies and not even a decade ago, Nolan was making great films with these characters.
>"The DCEU has an Oscar" is a valid rebuttal to any criticism
about as credible as reddit tomatoes as the definition of quality
Armie Hammer liked the GL images too. It's gonna be great.
You think Abin Sur will be played by a guy or be straight CGI? He's basically confirmed to make an appearance in JL.