Well, who is gonna win Sup Forums?

Well, who is gonna win Sup Forums?

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Blue Beetle
Like stupidly easy win, the Scarab is OP as fuck.

>Venom vs a guy whose primary weapon is a sonic cannon

Theyre not really doing this are they?

Well it is gonna be Venom vs. somebody, but the neckbeards who post on their internal forums said blue beetle

This is a no brainer.

Blue Beetle can make essentially any weapon from his armor, right?

Like, Superman killing shit.

>>venom vs guy who can make anything like nukes on command

Isn't one of Blue's weapons literally a sonic blaster?

There's no match up here

I know almost nothing about Blue Beetle, but it already looks like he has this in the bag.

Big venom fan here, blue beetle can make sonic cannons. Not even a fair fight.

Blue Beetle, obviously.

Why would they even be a match up? Blue Beetle vs Spider-Man 2099 would be a better themed matchup.

And an even bigger squash match

It'll be intersting how they'll try and make it a fair-ish fight,because Jamie's scarab is just way above the symbiotic in destructive power


>Batman beyond vs Spider-Man 2099

Doesn't BB have some built in fire/sound shit?

>Latest video was completely one sided battle that anyone who spent more then 5 minutes looking up research of the two characters could instantly tell you who'd win
>Another episode like this immediately is already on the works
Seriously, whose idea was it to pair Scrooge and Shovel Knight?

Should have been Scrooge vs. Wario


>Hey guys give us an opponent for this mountain lion!
>C'mon, guys.


So what's supposed to be the theme that connects these two guys, if this is indeed the case? Are they just posting a popular character against a less popular/unrelated one who would stomp him to make casuals assmad?

I remember when they did Ryu vs. Scorpion, and all I could think of was, no shit Scorpion wins, but why not have Ryu against Liu Kang? Ryu wins that fight and it makes more sense as a match up.

Venom's still pretty outmatched here. Senketsu is some real bullshit

Alien lifeform hijacking a human host that revolves around bugs

For a guy wearing an alien power armor, he is sure anti-alien.

That's not even a fair contest though.

Unless you mean, like, very beginning of the first game Alex mercer.

db is really truly terrible

They got some ones right, but they have made some, bad, REALLY bad matchups and verdicts

Why do they hate Venom? What did he ever do to them?

Deathbattle is pretty clickbaity sometimes.

Like Tracer vs Scout, where they legit could have gotten the Scout VA who offered to work with them, had him get super murdered for publicity even though Scout is pretty much toon force.

>no shit Scorpion wins,
Says who? Ryu can always go Evil Ryu on Scorpion when things get tough. And we all know Evil Ryu > Oni Akuma.


As I said here That's one of the shit ones, Ryu has the upper hand in stat by so much he could kill Scorpion before he pulls him into hell

>Undead champion of the Elder Gods
>Has survived and escaped having his soul torn apart in the void
>Basically the video

Didn't Alex survive a goddamn nuke?

Literally hit with an insta kill taunt, still wins.

Nothing will ever live up to Raiden VS Wolverine, that vid was perfect on all fronts

>>>Venom vs a guy who can create weapons with "theological implications" on command

why doesn't he just create god tier weapons and solve the universe's problems then?

uh they know Blue Beetle without Jaime's control can take on guys like Doctor Fucking Fate right?

are you retarded?

That's more or less what the Scarab WANTS to do. That's why it keeps suggesting super-powerful weapons. Jaime simply won't let him. At almost every turn he forces the Scarab to use non-lethal weapons, which it isn't designed to do so it kinds sucks at that and has to improvise a lot.


This triggered me

As a huge Marvel fan, and an even worse Venom fan, Venom has 0 chance of winning this fight.

Chamber vs Constantine

This is a much better match up.


The comments from casuals arguing about how Venom should've won will be fucking glorious.

fucking barely "he" had to swim all the back to shore as an amoeba and eat a crow just to survive

To be fair, with very few exceptions all alien life on New Earth arrived to destroy or conquer it. Including the guys who made the alien power armour he's wearing.

Is that actually the matchup?

>all these matchups
Does venom just blow?
Anything else like a parasite just blows him the fuck out.

I think it's probably Alex Mercer vs Venom

Venom is pretty weak once you realize anyone could beat him with a gong


Doesn't his armour give Livewire nonstop orgasms? If anything ,Superman just cockblocked a woman desperate for mexican dick.

Now that we know the outcome, what's the next death battle?

Scorpion's ending in Injustice is that he kills Trigon do you think Ryu can do that?