>Why would you do that?
Why would you do that?
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The lulz, Tom.
Cruise is surprising cool-headed for a mega manlet.
It helps when you're genuinely aesthetic apart from that one critical defect (he is), and you enjoy both mainstream success as well as high status in the cult of your choosing.
t. homosexual. No, posting some pic of a now-flabby Cruise is not going to impeach my argument. Prime Cruise was a bit of all right, and almost all men go to shit after 50, whereas for women it's more like 30.
That was actually kinda cool watching him psychologically destroy that guy so easily without losing his cool. I mean, you argue back and forth about whether or not he should have, but damn it was cool to watch. Literally made the guy cry.
Because I'm in love with Katie Holmes.
Yeah, he kept his cool but at the same time looked like he was in full control of that guy.
>No no, don't walk away
Prank wasn't even funny, I don't think he thought very far ahead.
He still looks better than 90% of people. Pic from "Mummy" release, so quite recent, 56 YO.
Holy shit, that tooth really is dead center.
what kind of bitch just starts crying like that?
Ye, thats the only "defect". His teeth were really fucked. Now only centred tooth left.
I just saw that minority report piece of shit. He deserves it for that if nothing else. Though it was more spielberg's fault.
You're a jerk, you know that?
He seemed petty and repetitive until he said
>no no, don't run away
Then it was like he was scolding a child, and it became a total destruction of that guy.
Not bad Tom, not bad.
what if this is what led to him to being a crazy scientologist
Seth roggen
Dumbo. He'd been in for many years already.
He's got that Scientology training.
Someone who acted with thinking about ahead of time, like a toddler. It's like he didn't imagine that things might go down differently than what he had imagined and he was totally unprepared for it.
Someone post the video. I was searching for it for like 29 mins the other day and couldn't find it.
Also FUCK captchka
literally just google "why would you do that tom cruise".
How can tarantula even compete?
what is this