I just saw this.
I just saw this
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I'm sorry
Are you feeling okay? Need to cry?
I just saw these.
It wasn't bad guys. I enjoyed it, I also enjoyed the scene where you get a close up at gal gadot's ass.
Just got back from the theater. It was better than Thor. Its a little slow at the beginning but it picks up. Wish there was a little more conflict but I guess after the whole thing with BvS they don't want any of that shit. Flash was funny, Cyborg was better than I thought. I didn't like Aquaman. Don't get the hate for it.
It's not a bad movie by any means,
but it's too little, too late for DC Cinematic.
Yeah I just saw it too. Man Marvelfags really make themselves llok foolish after the smear campaign they tried to pull on Justice League. This movie is fucking really well done and it flows naturaly, it hits all the right action notes too and it wasn't heavy on slow scenes either.
>Gal Gadot's ass
Now i know you're lying
She wears like some yoga pants thing and in the IMAX sceen they managed to make it look like an ass atleast albiet a small ass.
Dudes just finished watching the movie. I went to call my girl to take her out but she wanted to talk about something else. Apparently she lost her feelings for me quite a while ago and doesn't think we should see each other anymore. Five fucking years down the drain. I wasted five fucking years on her. And the kicker is I still can't stop thinking about her. Anyways the movie was alright, the flash was a little too goofy.
Actually had a rather tasteful upskirt shot which I'm sure was Joss' idea
>supporting this
That's why you DCUcks can't get good movies, the only way to make WB give you good stuff is forcing them to make quality movies to get money.
Is simple, rotten score?Shitty cgi?you can clearly notice badly made cuts?Is nothing like the comcis?NO MONEY
But of course, you cucks will give them at least 700 million dollars, that's barely a profit for Warner but is enough excuse to his wife to force the team to hire him for at least 3 more movies and be the produce of the others
It was so incredibly mediocre
The plot is actually a meme of over simplifying plots
We tried shitting on the movies. it didn't work. Instead of listening to the fans criticism and improving the writing and direction, WB decided to listen to retarded plebs and just added more color and quips.
nah, that was before Joss. it was in the first trailer/comic con trailer.
but if you listen to Grace "MUH SOURCES" Randolph, she'll tell you it was Joss Whedon's fault!
Just got back from a 7pm showing here in British Columbia.
God damn, the girlfriend and I sat in the very back row near the isle, and some 40+ year old fat man with a bucket of popcorn and a large soda who was alone decided to sit RIGHT next to my girlfriend, even tho at least 1/3 of the theatre was empty.
Also, only one autistic faggot awkwardly clapped when the movie ended and then quickly stopped when he realized no one else was joining in.
Overall, this felt like such a fucking safe flick, it was incredibly boring and generic, some of the CGI is laughably bad, most of the action set pieces are not interesting or fun to watch. But hey, they're JUST LIKE MARVEL now, and that's all that matters in this day and age...
Justice League is good though, stop lying to people on Sup Forums mousefag.
how long until we get the "Definitive Edition" ?
Tell us more about the Fatman.
>the girlfriend and I
stopped reading
>not thinking her tight ass is hot
Did he touch your hand...I mean girlfriend?
can we discuss the scene where the two neo nazi white dudes are screaming at the muslim store owner and then the cops push them down? I think it was during the credits, when they were showing how the world has fallen into "chaos" since Superman died.
Snyder is a "political commentarist" and by this I mean that he repeat what twitter faggots say.
"better than Thor"
This guy...
Didn't notice that at all, must have been minor shit.
I'm going to a movie tomorrow.. you guys make my decision, this or thor? also imax or nah?
Motherfucker are you blind? I fucking loved MoS/BvS and the only fucking memorable scene was Superman’s resurrection/fighting the Flash. Not to mention it was one of literally TWO in re-shot Superman scenes
Holy fuck you shills need to make yourselves a bit less obvious
The whole fucking movie is memorable far as action is concerned. Eveytime steppenwolf showed up there was Apokoliptian action I really enjoyed Justice League. Even that flashback with Steppenwolf and the Old Gods is fucking dope.
Thor is definately the less offensive of the two
So stop shilling anti-DC shit where it doesn't belong, Marvelfags have been shitting on this movie when it's better than the Avengers lmao. You're like those guys I saw earlier at the theater, literally everybody had a good time wathing the movie and then right as everyone is exiting the film after it was done, some whiny dipshit out of nowhere mumbles... "Mmmm muh-Marvel" with his mousy voice as if real life is like the internet, hahah.
Yeah that shit was good.
Yeah it's great I saw it yesterday. Right now I'm playing marvel shill thread bingo on the catalog.
did they tell him to stick out his upper lip intentionally so its easier to edit?
OP here. It honestly was great.
No, it’s fucking not. Literally the only memorable piece of the film is Superman’s return and kicking Flash’s ass super-speed mode
List the things about the movie that made it great, I have to decide whether or not to watch it
I really like Justice League, it's better than all Marvel films for that matter too. It's difficult to rank JusticeLeague to the other Snyder DC films becuase they're all really good but I'd say that it's better than both MoS and BvS and I loved both of those films.
>Being so mad at DC films Marvel fags have to resort to talking about Marvel films in JL threads and making doctored photos of the actors
Stay mad Mousefag
Marvel Morons are full blown mad
RT is a joke, it's true.
Is that where the FX budget went?
Holy shit, just got done talking to my buddy about this.
Why would Marvel Fans be mad when Justice League is set to make less than Thor's opening weekend?
>better than the Avengers
You've been having too much fun tonight, user. But then so have I so who am I to judge
The Mousepatrol has been shitting on JL well before it was even out, everyone knows how militant Marvelfags are about shitting on anything made by DC. We'll see what these weekend holds for the box office, fuck these predictions made by faggots.
After watching Justice League fuck yeah I'm having fun way more fun than that thios shitty disney flicks made for children.
avengers was a bit of a blue-balls when it came to the team fighting Loki desu. Granted he can't do shit, but that's why wonderwoman aquaman getting blasted by steppenwolf was so based
It's literally identical to avengers 1 and 2
If you liked avengers, you'll like this
Flash is 11/10, batman, Alfred and aquaman are 9.5/10, ww is 6/10, cavill is 4/10. Supes never has a mullet a beard or the black and silver suit. The editing in the introduction scenes is atrocious and you've seen 95% of it in the trailers. Steppenwolf is boring and a new dimensional, and his plan is revealed 100% through exposition. That's it. You'll have fun but the movie isn't really rewatchable.
So Sup Forums, since it is clear the DCEU is gonna be reassessed by WB in the next couple of years, I have a question.
How would you handle the DCEU and what would you do to fix it?
inb4 Flashpoint
I did like seeing Supes just knock the bad guy around like he was a street-level thug, punching him into the ground and lasering the fuck out of him was pretty awesome. That's the sad part about these movies, they're not all terrible and you can see well-done pieces or clever ideas in between the staggering errors.
Just keep on course and make a billion bucks per JL film, Snyder is the best thing to happen to DC don't listen to the haters.
>Flicks made for children
Sooo Justice League as well?
Are you high? It would be a fucking miracle if this movie made a billion, and that's sad considering it's the JUSTICE LEAGUE
>Flash is 11/10
Worse than Hollendaise as Spiderman, and he was terrible.
What errors? IMO Justice League is nearly perfect, they left very little room for error, it's very well edited for being 2 hours long.
Keep Cavill
Maybe Momoa
Flashpoint...but with Grant Gustin. Flash movie should be a flash multiverse movie. Okay I'm talking out my ass...
Serious, flashpoint but with an injustice twist. Leave this eu to be consumed as dark and gritty and turn it into crime syndicate injustice hybrid. Reboot with new actors of a different earth. Then bring in the inevitable this EU vs new rebooted EU
Justice League was a $250 million movie that didn't even earn $875 million worldwide.
None of the DCEU have broken a billion yet, not even Wonder Woman.
Justice League could have been set to do so if 1) it wasn't riding in on the DCEU non-hype train, and 2) the reviews weren't already slamming it. Plus the budget was about $300 million, so it has a bigger hurdle to clear than BvS.
It really isn't, JL isn't as adult focused as previus snyder DC films but it's certainly not kidfocused either like Marvel capeshit. JL manages to hit the right tones for slightly older crowd while being just out of range for children.
Yes. Both MoS and BvS managed to rake in just about a billion each all things considered, I'd be surprised if JL didn't atleast reach 800 million by the end of its run.
>Leave this eu to be consumed as dark and gritty and turn it into crime syndicate injustice hybrid
No. Not now that Superman has been fixed. It's a shame it was in this movie but Superman was spot on
Nice argument fag
See, I would have said keep Cavill, but he has already had 3 movies to prove himself as Superman. He has neither the charisma nor screen presence. Which is sad because everything about him behind the scenes and in real life screams Superman. But from every movie I've seen him in, it is clear that the directors don't know how to direct him or something, because he is a void.
Otherwise, I'd say keep Gal Gadot, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Mamoa, possibly Batfleck if he is interested in sticking around.
Dump everything else.
>implying he wouldn't go full 180 if someone snapped Lois' neck
Do it. Dooooo it.
Gal Godot would look lovely as Superwoman
Watch out! The Marlel poojeets world is crumbling all around him!
>Both MoS and BvS managed to rake in just about a billion each all things considered
Neither did, that is the thing. Their worldwide earnings didn't even break $900 million each.
They managed to break even, and that is about it.
You're more committed than most care to be, good on ya user. I admire your style.
>Thor will make more money total, has much better reviews
>JL cost more than BvS, will perform worse, and is getting shit on left right and center outside of Brazil
Oh yeah man. Marvel's total in crisis mode.
Justice League hasn't even been out for a full weekend yet, ow the fuck do you know what it grossed alreay? You don't.
When you take into account the money DC makes from blu-rays product placement deals etc, both MoS and BvS raked in about a billion each. The Nolan Batman trilogy raked in about 2 billion total.
Holy shit. I thought my thread died after no replies for nearly half an hour.
Fucking kek.
Mos did like 700 million, BvS did 900 million, both of whihch are pretty close to a billion bux, that's where getting more movies in the franchise.
Blu-ray/DVD/release sales are just icing on the cake or a last ditch attempt to break even most of the time.
What execs look at are box office earnings and critical reception. Plain and simple. 80% earnings, 20% reception.
BvS and MoS not breaking a billion in an industry where their direct competitor can break a billion with what was once B and C-list properties easy is a warning sign. Sure, they broke even and got returns on their investment, but it was a struggle to get there for BvS which had a massive friday-to-friday drop in ticket sales.
At this rate, the DCEU is a slow sinking ship because they keep misunderstanding what the audience wants. It is clear between both Marvel quip shit and the more serious Logan that there is room for both ends of the spectrum. So it isn't the grimdark or the lack of quips sinking the DCEU.
Just look at these posts and tell me it's not one or two guys desperately damage controlling this failure of a flick
It's one guy having a ton of fun raking in endless (you)s.
Just saw it for free since i work at a movie theater
Villian looks like a moblie game tier villian, generic as fuck
Horrific Cgi
The pacing feels like i pressed fast forward on the entire movie, and every scene is 5 minutes tops
Not enough fleshing out or screentime of the newbies
You can tell what scenes are done by Joss and which ones are done by Zack
Batman still can’t do much and just looks stupid when he cant
Superman turning evil for 5 seconds was disappointing
Alot of pointless mercedes adverts
The random russian family subplot
You can tell Ben Affleck from Reshoot Fat Ben Affleck
Should not have been just two hours
The team
Their chemistry and teamwork
The flash was probably my favorite
Superman was likeable
I even liked Cyborg
Supermans return is cool as fuck
Both Post Credit Scenes I liked
If WB release an extended/directors cut for Dvd it probably improve the movie a fuckton
This is coming from someone who hates dc
I liked it.
Honestly, hard reboot. (mostly) new cast, new artistic direction, start from scratch. Make it match the vibe of the cartoons. Restore a reeve-like Superman.
Literally just take the boring safe route they should have always gone instead of trying to ape Nolan's style.
Just got back from a free screening. Wouldn't pay for this shit. It was better than I was expecting but I was expecting BvS levels of incoherence and boredom. Some problems I had:
>Bruce is shown giving himself a clean shave during a conversation with Alfred but has full on stubble when the group is together less than a day later, then it's gone in later scenes with his mask off
>Jeremy Irons and J. K. Simmons, the best things about the franchise, are wasted in bit parts
>Superman's distracting English accent when he's resurrected
>everyone claiming Superman was some massive paradigm of morality and justice when we as an audience know that was never true in the Snyder films. Like the beginning of BvS, they're backpedaling and hoping the audience just goes with the flow
>at least fifteen minutes of screentime dedicated to a nameless family with generic dialogue hiding from parademons with the only payoff being that Flash saves them
>Flash got annoying fast
>Steppenwolf CGI looked like absolute ass
>Batman jobs constantly, spends half the film on his back
>ending is literally a DBZ fight complete with Goku showing up to save the day
It's kiddie-core. Steppenwolf was an insipid character whenever he wasn't fighting. BvS was at least interesting in its ambitious failings. JL is Transformers x Thor 2 with better characters. Except for Batman, who was a completely different character from BvS.
>every time wonder woman would do something or moments like superman showing up someone in the back would yell WOO
I took some pictures to commemorate my experience
Ok this is really specific but the janitor cyborgs dad talks to has a nametag on and in the first scene pictured is a man with a full white beard and in the second scene it switches to the janitor. Did anyone else notice this?
Any webms for end credit scenes?