Sup Forums movies

That are WORST than BvS (DCEU), YET Sup Forums STILL LIKES!

>Worse than BvS
That's all movies user, including the ACADEMY AWARD WINNING, Suicide squad

And this, Sup Forums, is the average DCEU fan.

I hope shills at least get a good price for selling their dignity and self-respect.

Wait, no I don't. I hope they rot.

Say ONE THING that this movie did better than BvS.

Go on Disney.

Looks like Mr. Rango shitposter showed up!

>He didn't like Rango

Opinion discarded.

First of all, the script isn't a mess

More believable characters.

Decent attempt at bait to try and catch Rangofag.

The characters looked less fake when CG was involved.
Thank you for distinguishing between DCEUfags and actual DC fans, there's no way they could ever overlap too well.

*worse than

For the part where things were moving i could see what was happening

Whey they were talking i could care for was being said because they weren't spilling a lot of fanfiction subtitles that the writers came up with before there was even a place in the script to someone to say such things

Rango's tale of self-realization and becoming an inspirational hero to his people was more profound than Clark's.


I can actually distinguish the characters from the background during action sequences

Its fans aren't faggots in denial

>Needs a space for every sentence.
There he is! You caught Rangofag, OP.

More intimidating and charismatic villain.

LOL lol old rangofag!


Ringo was a decent movie, people say Sup Forums blows it out of proportion but I've never even seen anybody give much of a reason on why it's more clever on a second watching. There were definitely a few really good scenes but it was awkward and slow in a few parts. Didn't feel like much of a comedy or too adventurous. It was just kinda charming, and that was all it had going for it really.

Why are you people comparing bar stools and pool chairs?

What is this thread even?

Someone said that Rango was better in some regard compared to BvS, and snydercucks went insane.

The same shit as usual.

Is this bait? It feels like bait.


Look, I don't care for some of their policies either, but lets not go nuts Captcha.

mmm lizard waifu

Do I even want to know who that is?

It's liter Kay just a guy who said that Rango was better than BvS.

I don't know why a faggot blew it out of proportion.

That Lee Van Cleef mustache is still one of the best aesthetic tics I've seen on a villain. It's just perfect.

You'd best watch that moon speak while you're addressin my ruff n' tumble desert flower.

all of this+it had a sense of humor and better acting

better villain


i'm always upset that they state it draws inspiration from El Topo, but there isn't a lick of that to be seen in Rango whatsoever.

>"I tip my hat to you, from one legend to another."



How is a superhero movie somehow muddier looking than a movie set in a town called Dirt?

Some guy's been going on the past couple of days about how DC is terrible and keeps bringing up Rango as a comparison. >

It's a metaphor user.
The grimy putrid brown in BvS is meant to represent how it's a piece of shit.

>Keeps bringing up Rango on a comics and cartoons forum.
>Keeps shitting on movies featuring Aquaman.
I think we all know who Rangofag is. You broke up with your wife, just move on man.


>couple of days

>only one comment

I wrote that. What the fuck you mean with "days"? I wrote it in 2 threads today, and just it.

Is it really worth of having an autistic fit and making a thread?

>I don't give a shit enough to hunt down the other comments, so that means there aren't any.

How many others are them?

But wait...rango had characters
BvS just had people dressed like characters serving a plot

Beans cheesecake fucking when?


Charm can go a long way though
Look how many people love undertale, and let us never speak of it again

Why does a lizard have hair?

It even had the better Hans Zimmer score

Why does a lizard have tits?

It's the dress

It acts as a stabilizing frame to sustain realism for an abstract set of facial features.

No it isn't.

Because the voice actress insisted on them. God, bless her.

>false flag thread to make the DCEU look bad

I mean its like playing t ball here but
>>DCEU needs help looking bad

I find the E in DCEU pretentious

The DCEU doesn't need a thread to make it look bad. It already does that by itself.

What's the E stand for?


Snyderfags are know spergers.


I would've rated lower, but all these idiots keep falling for it.

>intimidating and charismatic villain
I wonder why this is so hard for live-action capes to do.
I don't remember a single live-action cape villain I could describe with those words.

Extended, as in relatively unrelated movies bound by an overarching universe

It really marries "snake" with "wild west gunslinger" beyond broader strokes like the hat.

>not liking Rango

No way.

Eh, the pacing is a bit strange. But I'm grateful he didn't spend the entire movie stumbling blindly into victory like Jar Jar Binks.

Because superhero films always rely on the hero being pro-active and not being scared to dive into threats headfirst. Villains can't be intimidating if the hero doesn't fear them. Rattlesnake Jake worked because he was huge and could have killed Rango in an instant. Every superhero has to be over confident and have zingers before they fight.

speaking like in a western movie should be more common than weebshit talk

Nolanbat's enemies were:
Buncha ninjas he kicked the asses of upon graduation
Weedy little doe-eyed psychiatrist with gas
Scarred Nihilist with dynamite
Highly upset DAMAGED guy with revolver
(not really) Big Guy he jobs to while having a bum knee.

Objectively, none of these guys really stand a chance against a multi billionaire with a better arsenal than the pentagon, on his home turf.

>go to hell
>where do you think I come from?
Seriously, this movie is a gem.

>tfw never get a superhero movie where a normie hero beats dudes up Hotline Miami style

It's a lot more powerful if you've seen/are into that era and genre of movies. Arguably the whole thing is deconstructing the mythology and the totem characters of spaghetti westerns.

Also Campbell study.

It's not a perfect movie, but it is a movie for people really into storytelling and westerns.

I can look at it without wanting to slit my wrists

I think you mean reconstructing, partner.

Rango was a movie that explored themes of identity, the line between reality and lies and what a man can become if he tries.

But it's also an 'ole fashioned sagebrush western and rebuilds a lot of those "deconstructed" tropes.


You're right about reconstructing, I was using deconstructing wrong.

It successfully deconstructed it's genre, while also very clearly showing it's love for it and capturing it perfectly. BvS failed at both.

better casting

Obadiah Stane and Darren Cross are the only two I can really think of from any of the recent movies.

Netflix MCU's had Kingpin, Purple Man, Copperhead, Shades, and Black Mariah.


I give you that Stane is charismatic. He was not intimidating though. The faggot from Antman is best forgotten.
Meh. Boring manbaby with anger issues. I'll wait until he develops into proper Kingpin before calling him good.
>Purple Man
Don't make laugh. He's a joke. The fact that people praise him is a proof how low standards are for villains these days.

The rest are absolutely forgettable except Cottonmouth.

>Meh. Boring manbaby with anger issues.

Confirmed for not having seen season two.

The one movie where Logan & Professor X die by Logan's clone?

That better not be a spoiler for Logan.

>Purple Man
Purple Man is literally the most well handled character in the entire MCU

B-but costumes and makeup = Best Story,cast,plot,visuals.

Who needs to clear the 1 billion dollar benchmark when you can flop and still win and Oscar! Buy our blurays btw because just like our last 2 movies that's where we fixed the problems. Just pay to see the same movie again good goyim

And he was still utter garbage. Congratulations.


Caught me.
Is he any better now? Is he still more intimidating than the purple faggot? Because if yes, I might give it a watch just to try to forget how cringeworthy that faggot was.

I don't believe that people actually agree with rangofag. Fuck you people.

If "Rangofag"s only standpoint is that Rango is more quality than the DC movies, he's right in all regards. Only denial or lunacy could convince someone otherwise.

Kiddie shut will never be better than the DCEU.

I want Sup Forums to go

this thread is funny

This movies art style makes me want to vomit. Is that normal?

>the DCEU wins an Oscar before the MCU, on a fraction of movies released and budget
>two hundred false flag threads

Pure coincidence.

Rango was great though, any news on a possible part 2?


Stop using words you don't understand kid

That's fine but to be honest a movie needs more than bank to survive.

Avatar made over a billion dollars and was one of the first wave of Mega 3D Blockbusters. Yet nobody remembers it nor are still fans on the level that it would need to be continually successful.

I really want good DC films. But whatever formula they are using isn't giving them the returns they need.


You sure havent read the other threads, and your post makes you look like a dumb soldier of company war faggotory.

If anything I thought the Oscarposters were false flags. Clutching to a meaningless award makes you look worse than whatever OP is trying to do.

They are on a learning curve I think, trying new things out of panic. They may hit gold or may keep doing underwhelming movies, who knows. Making bank ensures they will keep trying though

The Avatar sequels are going to be Star Wars tier big though unless they are really bad

I am a DC fan myself but I don't like the movies, I didn't go see Suicide Squad. I couldn't care less about the Oscar tbqh, it's just fun to see autismal company warrior screech.

>The Avatar sequels are going to be Star Wars tier big though
Nothing is Star Wars tier big.