This autist just revealed that he's a Namor fanboy on Jeopardy.
Any other unexpected moments of people revealing their power level?
This autist just revealed that he's a Namor fanboy on Jeopardy.
Any other unexpected moments of people revealing their power level?
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There are Namor fanboys?
>Any other unexpected moments of people revealing their power level?
>Namor fanboy
But of course!
Pure unadulterated autism
>mfw DC forgets this and the homages.
Fucking uncultured faggots.
That just means he fondly remembers reading Namor comics during his childhood back in the 40s.
Jor-El Cage wins every time
Hahahahaahhahaah. Dudes talking to us. Funny.
Golden/Silver Age Namor was a very confused person
That last panel looks like it's drawn straight out of an old manga
He reminds me of my father.
>alex trebek
You can go straight to hell.
Clint Eastwood is another one user
No way.
Yeah I also hated my father. Lust for my mother ya know.
Freud's ghost only grows stronger.
Jappy makes me happy
>Eastwood surprised me by, with a wink, boasting that his funny-book allegiance was to Namor, Bill Everett’s imperious sea prince.
Hard to believe that motherfucker is 76 years old
Add Johnny Depp to the Namor fan list
Is there a link to the clip OP??
>Many light-years away
>It's right there, fully visible
doesnt he think it's wrong to kill animals or something?
Wait is that....
Fucking MIT students, I swear.
He's become pretty based over the course of the show. He shits on the contestants without hesitation if they make fools out of themselves.
>i cool right?
>this what america student do right?
>ha ha
Don't forget Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford is a Namor fan too?! Imperius Rex! The fan list is getting pretty long for the Scion of Atlantis.
The better question would be which of Avenging Son did each celebrity like? The Bill Everett's Golden Age Submariner or Stan Lee's and Jack Kirby's Submariner?
>“Hey buddy,” Eastwood said with a thumbs-up gesture, “the Sub-Mariner, that’s the one I always liked. I had all of those comics when I was a kid.”
Based Clint
Namor was my old man's favorite character too, and he was more of a Silver age baby.
So I guess Namor really was famous among kids way back then, I wonder if they still believe F4 are iconic
My dad is still a FF fan, mainly because he watched the cartoon as a kid.
Learn your history m8
forever /ourguy/
t. /trash/
I remember that my dad was excited when found a few FF and Captain America episodes on youtube and he ain't that old
Fuck I am so jealous of people who grew up in the Gold, Silver or Bronze Ages.
FF were iconic until Marvel decided to destroy them out of immense butthurt over movie rights. That and modern Marvel could never feature a white nuclear family. Shit would hit the fan.
FF were iconic until a half century of milking Kirby's work finally killed the cow
Roy Thomas used to go to comic book burnings that his town held with a comic that he didn't like and would scoop out books that looked interesting to him out of the fire.
This is what comics are missing these days.
When will /ourgirl/ admit Judy Hopps is his new waifu?
There's now bestiality porn of his character from Fantastic Beasts getting fucked by his beasts
Eddie must be so happy
The best part is he chose the dumbest fucking name.
He didn't name his kid "Clark" or "Johnathan" or even "Perry".
It's like being a huge Dr Strange fan, and instead of naming your kid Stephen, you just name him Agamotto or The Ancient One or something.
You name him Dr Strange obviously.
Man, if someone wrote a series nowadays that read like this, it'd be hailed as the most genius satire of our time.
holy shit
>Putting Mickey Mouse right behind Eyeful
*Hory shet
Am I ever missing the /rs/ page at this moment.
this is incredible comedic timing
Everett is GOAT
Remember when Mike Rowe talked on TV about his waifus
I find everyone's inability to notice what's explicitly NOT being posted or said to be vexing. It's like pic related all day every day with you people. Where's the Blast Barrel again?
I have a newfound apreciation for Namor. And Clint being a fanboy of his is just too cool.
Wait what
Was about to post this. He seems a great guy, though.
Now this is the stuff
Well, you're a bit off. The kid is named Kal-El. Which isn't quite as bad. Plenty on guys named Cal in the world.
Still. He is a power nerd. One who had his copy of Action Comics #1 stolen and then later recovered.
She was american retard
How casual can you be that you don't even watch Jeopardy?
More of these?
Look up Michael Kupperman, his whole writing style is based on that
I had to do a double take, it really looked like a dude. Still not sure.
You can find a lot of old girlie mags at libgen and Internet Archive
>Depp said he was no fan of Captain America. “No, not really. But I liked Spider-Man and I liked the Fantastic Four for a bit. I really liked Sgt. Rock. But the Sub-Mariner, he was the alternative one. The alt-superhero. He was the sort of Bohemian comic book. I like that.”
Fucking hipster.
I'd never heard of him before but I love how macho he's trying to be about it.
Ted Cruz
When asked who his favourite comic book heroes were, he listed Spider-Man, Wolverine, Batman, Iron Man and Rorschach. That last is a little worrisome and says a lot about him really.
No one likes namor
Obama is a Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian fan.
Eastwood's a huge nerd
Oh wow. That's amazing
I can't blame him, honestly.
Context doesn't make this story better.
To prove it, I shall storytime it.
Back when comics were fucking awesome.
>when keikakku goes wrong
This can't be real.
That right there is the expression of a man who knows he should be happy with what he's got but still misses his waifu whenever he sees her.
That second panel is terrifying.
There it is.
Most famous for doing Dirty Jobs TV show.
>you will never travel through an interdimensional portal to Hyboria with Obama and team up to destroy Shuma Gorrath
So his solution was to kill all the sentient creatures on the New Moon? Namor is no hero.
He was an antihero basically from the beginning, and flip-flopped throught his entire career.
Yeah, but he just committed unnecessary genocide.
Kal-El. Which is far from the strangest celebrity kid name. I'd rather be Kal-El than fucking Blanket or Sage Moonblood or something.