Anyone here excited for The Punisher on Netflix?
It's releasing in a couple of hours, and so far the reviews seem to be good.
Anyone here excited for The Punisher on Netflix?
Yes, I'm hype af after seeing the trailer a few days ago. Can't believe no one is talking about this, but I guess everyone feels the need to shit on DC.
The reviews seems good, but not great.
Lmfao get some taste you fucking faggot.
Yeah but I can't deal with some weird skinny turkish guy being Frank fucking Castle.
Can I watch The Punisher without watching any of the other Netflix shows?
That's good enough. Every live action version of the Punisher hasn't been that good to date. As long as it is half-way decent, I think people will be happy.
That's a huge step up from what we have been getting from the marvel netflix shit recently.
>Every live action version of the Punisher hasn't been that good to date.
Wtf are you on? Every live action version of the Punisher has delivered on what the brand is supposed to be. Maybe they aren't cinematic masterpieces, but they've all been outstanding thrillrides in their own way.
After reading some reviews the show seems to be more of a violent crime/conspiracy thriller than a classic marvel cape series. The general complaint seems to be it's a bit too lengthy. I'll be giving it a chance anyways, hoping I'm really going to like it of course.
All I see is "durr bad timing on this show" which makes me wonder how fucking sensitive people are. There will never be a time for this show so might as well release it. Or do we have to wait until we've gone ten years without a single murder on Earth?
>Daredevil: 10/10
>Jessica Jones: a bit cringeworthy but manages to overcome it
>Luke Cage: breddy gud
>Iron Fist: Am I being trolled?
>Defenders: Yeah, I MUST be getting trolled, that's the only way this makes sense.
can someone post the exact moment this show goes up on netflix
i have my account open and i dont see it yet
ill post if i see it first but if one of you do just give us a heads up
Another talentless jew in a lead role? No thanks
Not too pleased about it being about a conspiracy against him by his former employers which is the plot of every other action hero ever. The enjoyment of the character is that he's the aggressive party. He of his own free will picks out a criminal who never messed with him first to hunt down and murder just because he wants to which is a very cathartic and rare story structure. But Bernthal is great at the role and he was the best part of DD S2 so I'm still hype. Hope we get some side stories with actual vigilante content.
might be alright
imo the only good netflix capeshit was the first season of daredevil
it should be live at midnight pacific coast time (so in 2 hours)
i figured as much
Yeah, I feel like the ideal way to do a Punisher series is to structure it like X-Files. Have an overarching story that moves along occasionally with some important episodes, but fill the space in between with one-off "monster of the week" ones where it's a mostly self-contained episode of Frank hunting down and executing different villains.
i like when the hit that accidentally killed his family is portrayed as just a random senseless accident, and something he can't really ever get payback for, rather than part of a conspiracy or so on. but i suppose it makes more sense this way for a self-contained miniseries approach
cool thanks for being so polite and helpful
Feeling more skeptical than anything. Reviews are all saying it's very violent, which is great, but they're also saying it drags on and could do with episode trimming. Also not big on the secretary from Daredevil being on the show to likely whine about how Frank should stop Franking.
Skinny guy better not be Micro.
that's not how you snipe
>looks like some Bourne shit instead of Punisher
>reviews aren't good
It's going to be shit.
second season started off good but became boring imo.
I am curious about jessica jones tho. Kilgrave seems like a really interesting antagonist.
That's my plan.
>implying reviewers aren't SJW females
reviews don't mean shit.
I think it starts after the events of his appearance in Daredevil s2, but it should be OK to start here.
I'm actually really excited for this desu. I hate capeshit, but I love the Punisher, I hope the show does him justice.
No. Superhero shit jumped the shark. Not looking forward to 13 hours of shit with like 2 hours of good content through all of it
Just watch the first 4 episodes of Daredevil S2 since he's real excellent in all the scenes he's in and that's where he's properly introduced. Those 4 episodes are really the only good ones in that season.
Is this going to be based on the Garth Ennis comics or what?
I feel like it's gonna be too tame, more like a shitty soap opera with gun fights inbetween muh feelings
but still going to watch it just because the hollyjews are too fucking stupid to make a proper movie
As long as it's 13 straight hours of him making niggers good I won't be disappointed
I'd be okay with her being in everything ever desu.
Karen can be annoying but the beauty of trying to appeal to Frank's sense of humanity is you know he doesn't give a shit and won't listen.
so when does it drop?
15 minutes
its up
ok everyone can start watching it now that i started so we can all be at the exact same moments like a live broadcast
>5 minutes on
>starts rubbing his head
>8 minutes in and he's been doing nothing but opening fire on a crowd of innocent blacks
what the fuck are you doing Lightfoot?
I dont really like this rock guitar riffs
dude im only 4 minutes in stop being a faggot plz
yeah.. like it's 'cool' to kill people
Its your own fault dumb fuck. How new are you?
torrent when?
weak b8
At my place
idk in a couple hours
probably by 8 am give or take a couple hours
What? Stay off Sup Forums if you're worried about spoilers newfag.
Fuck the liberal do gooding assholes!
stop replying anytime kid
>5 seconds in
>blows a beaners brains out
rated 5 stars and closed netflix
>releasing in a few hours
Just finished the series. Pretty good over all, not as good as DD and JJ tho. Strong finale
this thread is a couple hours old
its up now
read a thread before posting in it you faggot
Guy at Christian meeting: "The only oppressed class is Christian patriots."
What did he mean by this?
sorry i have a life unlike you lol
>he skipped to the last episode
fucking mad mad
wtf does that even have to do with it?
all you had to do is noticed what time op made the thread and then just scroll down the comments to get your information
youre fucking retarded cancer
literally /ourguy/
lol get a life nerdo
>come into capeshit thread
>get """"trolled""""" by retarded underaged/manchildren
They wanted him to say "white christian males" so bad, but they knew that would be pushing it to far.
*rubs beard*
>muh SJW boogieman
25 minutes in, and I think this is already pushing some SJW, anti-military themes. Fuck this shit, I'm not here to be preached at in a fucking Punisher series.
uuuuuhhhh so much talking get to the shooting and killing
i was being sarcastic btw you faggots
i forget some of you actually think this way
stop posting
good. Might actually be worthwhile
no faggot
make me
>Luke cage 79
>punisher 56
yeah solid site
it's up, bud
nah i think i'll just go watch the show instead
not a huge Daredevil fan but that scene with Frank in court killing his chances and proudly declaring he'd do it again was god tier, that absolutely nails the character
>nah i think i'll just go watch the show instead
btfo faggot
>muh sexism and racism
this is already looking like shit
>zomg a random faggot on the 4channel telling anyone about taste.
L o fucking L
I've only watched Daredevil, while the others didn't really grab me but I was thinking about giving this a go
how good/bad is it lads?
>L o fucking L
Lmfao facebookfag
its been up for less than an hour
literally nobody has finished the first episode yet
how the hell are we supposed to know
watch it if you want fag or dont whatever
>muh secrete Peruvian thumb wrestling forum!
Full of sjw bullshit so far.
Still having a ficititous mob in 2017. I like it.
what the hell are you even talking about
Go back queer
Sup Forumstard go home.
The one govt agent girl has some SJW characteristics. Not sure if it's a characterization or endorsement of her beliefs. Probably the latter.
Eat shit reddit.
nobody likes you faggots
not even on your favorite website
disfunctional shithole
Why dont you gays stay in your hugbox?
Sup Forums is my hubbox safespace where i can be a racist faggot anonymously just like you :^)
Lmao top work brah we did it rebbit
character wise frank would not give a shit about this person. castle does not listen to anyone unless they're a soldier or someone he can use to kill more people.