Star vs. the wait for season 3

Do not say nasty things to Starfan13

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope to see at least one ghost girl in this show before it ends.

These threads sure are moving fast.

>Heart Boners
Its called an AFFECTION ERECTION user

It's the hype from Season 2's ending and the anticipation for Season 3, coming out in Summer.


What are her horns made of? Never seen toilet paper rolls shaped like that.

So, what will happen to these threads during the hiatus? Will we go back to weekend threads only?

>have to wait until summer for starco
There's a void in my heart

So anyway, like I was saying

Okay here's my thing with Jackie. I don't hate Jackie. I think she serves her purpose well. But I don't really feel anything from her the way I do about Star. She's too perfect, she has no real issues, she's just Marco's reciprocated crush. And in a show when you have characters growing and changing or even just being around at all, Jackie sticks out for not really being all that interesting because she's 100% around to be connected with Marco

For comparison, when I started watching Star vs, I hated Pony Head so much I actively dropped the show and didn't pick it up until season 2. That's how much she annoyed me. But we come down to The Bounce Lounge and Starcrushed and I don't mind her presence at all. I actually kind of like her and think she fits decently in because the writers learned to use her better. That's the difference. The writers aren't using Jackie to her full potential because she's not endgame and they don't want people getting super attached to her which is something I don't feel when Marco is with Star

only the mods know i guess

you will. Star will die.

One of my main concerns about season 3 is that we won't be getting any of this precious cinnamon role

Requesting art of Starfan13 putting the moves on Marco.

please stop with this autism, kiddo

I guess we can go on until we get so fucked that they send us to /trash/ again until S3 starts. We know the mods are around here all the time

I love how they showed Nefcy's love of cats in the show

Does this help?

He'll be freed from Toffee, and join the good guys for revenge on the Lizard Man with the Master Plan.

Well, we have been getting new episodes until this week. It will normalize soon.
Same. Same... Why did I get so invested in this show...

Hey Jackie do you like jazz?

I dont think Toffee is going to either stay in Ludo's body or be active 100% of the time while he's in there.

Is it weird that I genuinely hope that?

I'm going to have to read between friends and broken every day for the next 3 months to maintain sanity
I havent gone an hour without thinking of starco for the past week

>read my mind Marco

this is your date for tonight

d-delete this
The writers didnt focus on her this season as a red herring. Next season they will use her better because the veil is revealed that Marco wil not feel the same way about Star. Star's true character arc is coming to terms with this and still remaining good friends with Marco. To undo Mackie which Star worked so hard to set up betrays all of Star's development. Star doing all that showed that she truly loved Marco and wanted to ensure his happiness.

Does anyone have a screens hot of the bard flashing his suit looking high like a kite?

That image cracks me up

I want Marco to jazz in my mouth

Bloodmoon Bowl was a ruse

Horny Princess Moon
She lusts for something small
Every guy she fucks and sucks is under five foot tall

P-princess marco you're looking very hairy today

So when the shipping doesnt plan out do you think it will end up like adventure time, regular show, or LoK.

Does Starfan 13 have a crush on Marco, or is she just a Starco shipper?

Anyone have a google drive with the season 2 episodes? please and thanks

All will be well, user. Just wait.

>Janna's face
>Oh God, Jackie's going to start murdering people

>Bloodmoon Bowl

Has Marco told Jackie about Princess Marco yet? How would she react?


absolutely not
Marco's gonna realize his life is boring as fuck without star around and he wont get the same satisfaction hanging out with Jackie
if starco doesnt happen im gonna have an aneurysm

Starco shipper, according to the live chat.

When is Jackie going to fight to win over Marco. She's so passive its boring. She should be trying harder since Marco is hotter and more interesting.


If you want cute and perfect fanfiction with a side of lewd I can recommend these:

>start drawing fanart of this show on tumblr
>out of the woodwork a bunch of presumably underage girls start messaging me and asking to be friends



Don't even think about it senpai


thanks friend.

I love you, Marco.

calm down, user. its just internet friends.
isnt it cool that people appreciate your art?

>The writers didnt focus on her this season as a red herring.

>not drawing fanart on Sup Forums and having a bunch of overage men asking to be friends

I love you too Janna

Don't do it man
Too many waifu will ruin your laifu

Don't you fucking dare.

Next season, maybe? It...probably won't go well.

Just put your age in your bio user.


change "undecided" to "uncucked"

Remember dude......WIZARD POWERS

>She's so passive its boring
And that's the rub isn't it?




What if she found out about the adult version?

Careful user. You never know who might be watching.

Jackie's best quality is what a chill and accepting girlfriend she is. Star is a step down in every way.

You poor virgin. Girls make friends with everybody and that doesn't mean they'll be into you

I love you too Sta.......i mean Jackie

I love you too, Star-WAIT, SHIT.

Why is Star blonde? She should have mixed hair

When is River going to get his time to shine?

I'm seeing something like Moon gets hurt and before Tofudo does the finishing blow, River runs in, rips off his shirt and literally beats the shit out of him like Cosmo in that one FOP movie. It would ultimately be futile but it would look so cool


You had your chance. It's too little, too late.

You are now in charge of writing season 3. How do you get Starco to happen ASAP in the most hackish way
Hard Mode: Without killing anyone.

How is Star not accepting?

her children are gonna be mixed if you know what i mean

Mods hate discussion of any current shows out of season, it seems. I blame it on /gfg/, personally.

That's Jackie's ONLY quality, you mean. Jackie character development when.

Do it faggot.

Because this isn't anime

What was that Jackie?

Nevermind, I'll get back to you later, Star needs me now.

does anyone have download links?


I don't. I shatter any hope of Starco permanently and lead Star down the path of darkness because Star and Marco aren't good for each other..

Not that user - putting age doesn't help a lo

She can't accept not having her way.
She wakes up in the middle of night to steal his cereal

>Jackie so passive that Marco thinks she isnt into him
>breaks up and goes to reunite with Star
I can only hope

You should probably just kill yourself at this point, Mango.

What is there about Marco that Star isn't accepting of?

>arent good for each other

No, that was her face before throwing her parents under the bus.

This was the face she had before confessing by song

I wish I stuck with my original plan to watch the Season 2B episodes, I was gonna wait for all them to release and then I'd watch them all weekly.

I wouldn't have had to wait as long, but I just had to be so impatient and so selfish!
the worst part is that if I had stuck with my original plan, I wouldn't have watched Face the Music and Starcrushed out of order


boner status: condoned

>a chill
Literally the only trait they've focused on with her

>accepting girlfriend
Explain how Star isn't accepting?

do it user

go for the loli harem

Probably adventure time.
hopefully stackie tho

When and why is Star going to collapse sobbing against Marco's chest?

Leave it to Tumblr to reach that level of tard

Marco has been ruined by Star. He's no longer really the safe kid. He's had so many crazy adventures the last thing he wants to do is "chill" and not be challenged. He's going to be extremely bored if Jackies not a mermaid

>She wakes up in the middle of night to steal his cereal
She is just making sure to keep his body fat low so he can get back his hot body.