After Superman's death, immortal warrior Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) relocates to Paris, where she later receives a letter from Bruce Wayne asking her to join his meta-human alliance, and replies with an e-mail detailing her life.
Eons before, Zeus created the Amazons to defend Humanity from his jealous son Ares, the god of war, who then enslaved the Amazons. Zeus sacrificed himself to rescue them and lead them to the island of Themyscira, and brought Diana to life from a clay statue molded by her mother, Queen Hyppolita (Connie Nielsen). Desillusioned with mankind, Hyppolita abandoned them.
During World War I, American spy Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crash-lands in Themyscira while transporting stolen evidence that the German forces led by Kaiser Eirich Ludderhoff (Danny Huston) are developing groundbreaking chemical weapons. Diana deduces that Ares is responsible and chooses to accompany Trevor back to the United States to stop Ares. Before leaving she also steals the Godkiller, a magic sword that can slay gods.
After Trevor presents the evidence to his superiors, he is deployed to Paris alongside Diana and their team - Trevor's secretary Etta Candy (Lucy Davis), an English actor (Ewem Bremner), an Indian sniper (Saiid Taghmaoui), a Native-American smuggler (Eugene Brave Rock) and a wimpy British scientist (David Thewlis) - to stop Ludderhoff and his chief scientist, Maru (Elena Anaya). Diana deduces Ludderhoff to be Ares in disguise and attempts to assassinate him at a party, but is dissuaded by Trevor. She later joins the battle to liberate the town from invading German forces, but the Germans proceed to bomb the town after being driven away, causing Diana to despair at the brutality of men.
Elijah Fisher
Diana and Steve find out Ludderhoff is planning to transport the chemical weapons created by Maru out of France via plane and raid Ludderhoff's fortress to retrieve them. Diana confronts and kills Ludderhoff, only to learn he was only a discipule of Ares. The wimpy scientst then reveals himself as Ares, destroys the Godkiller and defeats Diana. Meanwhile, Trevor sneaks into the plane and sacrifices himself to blow it up and destroy the weapons, proving to Diana that men are also capable of love and courage.
Diana defeats Ares, who reveals she is Zeus's daughter, born from an affair between Hyppolita and him. Diana realizes she is the Godkiller and bangs her bracelets together, creating a shockwave that disintegrates Ares. With his defeat, the war ends, and Diana celebrates with her comrades while Maru and the rest of Ludderhoff's followers are arrested.
Diana concludes her e-mail by revealing that over time it became apparent humanity was corrupt regardless of Ares's influence and chose to leave it behind, but Superman's sacrifice has once again shown her that men can be good. She agrees to join Wayne's team and leaves to help people trapped in a burning building nearby, once again embracing the mantle of Wonder Woman.
Ryan James
General thoughts from recent test-screenings.
>It's an efficient and well-rounded movie but still presents the same flaws from previous DCEU movies. Basically, if you liked "Man of Steel" and "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice", you'll like "Wonder Woman". The tone is also fairly bleak and most similar to "Man of Steel".
>The action scenes are good but overuse slow-motion. Also Diana kills numerous German soldiers, which conflicts with the concept of her wanting to bring peace to Men's World.
>Gal Gadot is alright, but not impressive, and is overshadowed by Chris Pine several times throughout the movie. Pine is reportedly great in it.
>The romance subplot is endearing and Gadot and Pine have good chemistry and banter.
>The supporting cast barring David Thewlis is wasted: Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Elena Anaya and Danny Huston only serve to deliver expository dialogue, with Nielsen and Wright in particular only being in the movie for roughly 20 minutes. Anaya stands out only because of her character's design. Steve Trevor's team is also mostly useless, although Lucy Davis and Ewem Bremner at least provide some eventual humorous moments.
>Ares's true form is completely CGI like Doomsday from "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and Incubus from "Suicide Squad". He is a towering armored monster with a massive sword, a retractable shield and a skull-shaped helmet.
>The movie ends up Diana vindicated in her hope for humanity and hopeful for the future. Her subsequent desillusionment and abandonment of humanity happens off-screen and is explained in a throwaway sentence.
Brayden Davis
>Basically, if you liked "Man of Steel" and "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice", you'll like "Wonder Woman".
Robert Davis
Isn't that a good thing?
Isaiah Butler
Looks like I'll be happy then
Justin Fisher
Not really. Those are highly divisive and pretty bad movies.
Elijah Ramirez
>still has Gal Gadot
yeah, no, this is still going to be trash.
Bentley Hill
>Her subsequent desillusionment and abandonment of humanity happens off-screen and is explained in a throwaway sentence. this is somehow makes me mad, it feels like it takes weight off the movie
Luis Morris
honestly at this point was anyone expecting anything less?
Anthony Nelson
>WW1 caused by Ares >"Great! Now that Ares is gone, no more war right?" >WW2 I'd be mad too.
Nathan Brown
>replies with an e-mail detailing her life.
Ian Brown
Sounds kind of fake but it's at least more entertaining than previous fake insiders. Any source?
Zachary Bell
Women, right?
Aaron Gutierrez
It sounds legit actually. Most of the stuff checks out.
Leo Scott
I will never understand how people thought Mos was bleak.
Luis Stewart
nothing can save Gadot's "acting".
Joshua Collins
>Dude ask her if she wants to join his ragtag team of losers >She goes on to tell the history of her live nah, fuck this
William Morris
Superheroes are for the most part garbage.
Oliver Garcia
What is it with the DCEU and exposition dumps via emails?
Joseph Taylor
Btw Bats, I attached my logo. I like?
Dylan Morris
I mean it's easy to imagine what happens. >Put your life on the line and the see the man you love die to save humanity from a world war brought on by a mad god. >Not 20 years later the fuckers start a new war on their on and the is one is even worse with genocides and nukes
Julian Cruz
No matter how they try to spin it, Diana looks like a huge cunt for sitting out WW2
Hudson Myers
Maybe she went back to Paradise island and didn't know what happened.
Noah Fisher
Good. Fuck you, you hypocritical bitch. If it was up to the amazon, everyone would be castrated and placed in breeding farms. May all the nukes and brutal soldiers of the world stay pointed toward Themysicira.
Oliver Garcia
She didn't.
David Baker
>Ares is a cuck and couldn't even do the biggest war He's gonna freak so hard!
Easton Diaz
Not really, those films suffered for it.
Now imagine if it happens to a movie without Batman or Superman name value.
Nathan Peterson
>If it was up to the amazon, everyone would be castrated and placed in breeding farms How many WW books have you read in your life?
Christian Watson
Its a safe bet hes only read Azz given the sailor shit. Which to be fair is a fine run, but its nowhere near required WW reading and unfortunately was the jumping on point for a lot of new readers. As an elseworlds its fine
Jeremiah Lee
Won't have the virtue of RT tricking people anymore. The jig is up.
Tyler Brown
It's baffling to me as well
Caleb Wood
>Amazons created by Zeus What the fuck
Gabriel Young
Yeah, what's up with that? Of all the possible origins of the Amazons, they invented a totally new one that manages to be the worst I've heard of.
Jonathan Harris
Its really says something about the WB writing staff/producers when they cant get DC mythos, or even basic Greek myth, correct
Grayson Price
It's straight from Zack Snyder.
Leo Cook
Elijah Carter
And The Blitz. Just assaulting Europe with no ambiguous nature toward the Reich.
Bentley Gonzalez
It's pretty obvious that this movie is supposed to parallel the first Captain America film, but even in an alternate timeline where he fought in WW1 instead of WW2, he got frozen and only recently was recovered in the modern day. It's excusable for Captain America to miss out on some conflicts he should have taken part in because he was out of it those years.
Wonder Woman has no excuse.
Michael Allen
>>The movie ends up Diana vindicated in her hope for humanity and hopeful for the future. Her subsequent desillusionment and abandonment of humanity happens off-screen and is explained in a throwaway sentence. I LOVE how WB kept on going on about how WW would become disillusioned by humanity by the end of the movie and how DCEUfags kept on going on about the same, acting like it was going to tell a ground-shaking tragic story, when it sounds like they can't even show it without contrivances. Assuming this is true, of course.
Jackson Diaz
Yea one of the pinnacles of evil regimes conquering the world. And she couldn't be bothered.
Wonder if they'll have some moment where is saves some German solider that's painting. Just to complete the Tone Deaf
Nolan Taylor
>Gal Gadot is alright, but not impressive, and is overshadowed by Chris Pine several times throughout the movie. Pine is reportedly great in it. Triple keks if Steve Trevor gains a fan base, gets a comic and turns popular thanks to wondy movie
Samuel Thompson
>coming from the same imageboard that kept saying Ares was a cloud.
Leo Morgan
Etta Candy was a soild sidekick for Wondy back in the day. Full of gumption , and candy. Shame she's underused.
Joshua Ward
>Still the most generic ass evil armored guy he ever was Oh yeah, Ares's look has been so iconic up to this point hasnt it?
John Thomas
>I LOVE how WB kept on going on about how WW would become disillusioned by humanity
disillusioned by humanity disillusioned by humanity disillusioned by humanity disillusioned by humanity disillusioned by humanity
Oh, shu up! She's a fucking Super Hero, not the the Savior of mankind
Caleb Russell
>She's a fucking Super Hero, not the the Savior of mankind So are you agreeing with me or what?
This is some terrible damage control.
Justin Brown
You were memed, senpai.
Alexander Hernandez
Jackson Flores
its because of "muh [realistic] collation damage"
they wanted Avengers were an entire city falling from the sky results in 10 deaths.
Samuel Gonzalez
How will they do to bring Steve Trevor into the next batch of movies??? Circe and magic time travel in the nick of time or something like that???
David Hill
Trevor sneaks into the plane and sacrifices himself to blow it up and destroy the weapons, proving to Diana that men are also capable of love and courage. >Diana defeats Ares, who reveals she is Zeus's daughter, born from an affair between Hyppolita and him. Diana realizes she is the Godkiller and bangs her bracelets together, creating a shockwave that disintegrates
Jesus, this is terrible Who wrote this?
Caleb Wilson
nice fallback, cuckpai
Jason Russell
>The tone is also fairly bleak and most similar to "Man of Steel" >The action scenes are good but overuse slow-motion >Diana kills numerous German soldiers, which conflicts with the concept of her wanting to bring peace to Men's World. This fucking reeks of Snyder.
Bentley Scott
i liked MoS and absolutely hated BvS what am i in for?
Isaiah James
>As an elseworlds its fine
Shut up Rucka! Azz Wonder Woman is infinitely more interesting than yours.
Lucas Hill
I hated MoS but BvS was pretty good. However, I've sworn to never support any Wonder Woman product that uses Ares as the villain, so I'm torn.
Isaac Campbell
>but Superman's sacrifice has once again shown her that men can be good
But he's an alien.
Isaac Sullivan
a male alien.
Camden Bell
Veronica Cale can rot in hell.
Levi Collins
>everyone would be castrated and placed in breeding farms Nigga, do you even SCIENCE!?
Henry James
Eh, I like MoS at least. Nice boredom movie to watch on rainy day.
Cameron Rivera
>Is the DCEU saved?
It's like you didn't even read the shit you just copypasta'd.
Brandon Evans
>After Superman's death, immortal warrior Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) relocates to Paris, where she later receives a letter from Bruce Wayne asking her to join his meta-human alliance, and replies with an e-mail detailing her life. The story of Wonder Woman starts off with an email. I would defend Man of Steel and BvS to the grave, but that's dumb.
Rest sounds gud tho
Chase Reyes
You're lucky I said it was fine, a good portion of Sup Forums has a massive hateboner for Azz's Wondy
Robert Collins
> castrated and placed in breeding farms How is babby formed?
Carter Price
>end of the e-mail >Batman replies "TL;DR -Bruce"
Hunter Hill
Themysicira? That place looks like the Victoria Secrets Island
Juan Smith
A-Ares could still be a cloud! Just you wait!
Charles Sullivan
Stop trying to back track Rucka!
Josiah Robinson
Avengers had to be retconned because of the ridiculous nitpick in Man of Steel. It's hilarious how nobody complained about collateral damage until DC did it. Gee, how convenient!
Nathan Lee has to be true! It just has to!
Nicholas Thomas
It's somewhere in the middle (just as I expected) so if you liked either film you'll like this one.
Josiah Bailey
>Ares is a cloud for a small part of the movie >Wonder Woman gets an Oscar for visual effects because of it >ACADEMY AWARD WINNING cloud!
Cooper Bailey
The difference is in the lighting and the framing. There's a morbidness and terror to MoS's fight that's missing in Avengers 1. They both show roughly the same amount of damage, but Avengers 1 feels decidedly more heroic.
Colton Allen
Did Transformers ever get this shit?
Tyler Barnes
>There's a morbidness and terror to MoS's fight that's missing in Avengers 1. That means Avengers is worse. It's glorifying the destruction and death of all those people rather than treating it solemnly and with respect. "It's okay that thousands of people died! There's always time for funny quips and shawarma!"
Asher Perry
>but Avengers 1 feels decidedly more heroic.
You mean it looks decidedly worse?
Thor is just up in the Sky doing nothing for the majority of the fight. Why can't we see Thor slay those flying serpent things? WHY?!
Also, what about those "ear pieces"?
Jeremiah Stewart
But thousands of people didn't die. 70 did. Heroes, amirite?
Kevin Bell
3rd movie.
Charles Powell
Jesus fuck I must be tired.
So there was literally no problem up until the 3rd movie? Assuming the 2 were before MoS.
Kayden Moore
Superman is supposed to be an ideal for us all to strive towards. Tony Stark is supposed to be an alcoholic egoist.
Adrian Nelson
Carson Lopez
Tony Stark, arms dealing extraordinaire literally nuked an alien race out of existence with zero remorse & ended it all with a gay joke & schwarma, and we bitched about Supes snapping the neck of a mad man that was just as hell bent on killing humans as the Chitauri?
Kayden Cruz
It's not glorifying it but rather refusing to focus on it, preferring instead to focus on the heroic actions of the superheroes.
And sure, you can say that that minimizes the impact of the civilian casualties, but you HAVE to do that or else you have exactly Man of Steel's problem: the fact that nobody thinks Superman looks heroic.
Really, when was the last time you read a comic book with a superhero fight that focused heavily on civilian suffering? I'll bet it was something like Irredeemable, where that's part of the point.
Joseph Wright
Oh, did we have actual numbers before Civil War?
Alexander Cox
See Stark is a fuck up in the source material. Remember Civil War?
Superman is the beacon of hope. The ultimate idealization of morality and values. When Stark nuking an alien race feels more heroic than Clark saving Metropolis then you have a huge problem.
Easton Brown
If what you see on the screen and can infer using basic logical capabilities doesn't count unless explicitly stated by the movie, then I guess that means Batman didn't kill anyone in BvS after all!
Evan Garcia
>literally killing off the last of his race for the sake of people that aren't like him >not heroic.
Samuel Harris
>feels more heroic Maybe to an autist. Anyone with half a brain knows Superman was being heroic and that the Avengers are worse heroes than the Suicide Squad. In fact, the parallels between Suicide Squad and Avengers are even more funny when taking into account the mid-credits scene where Bruce tells Waller to "shut it down" because he and his friends will do it better.
John Howard
Jason Murphy
Do you realize Superman killing is one of the main complains of the movie, right?
>for the sake of people that aren't like him >one of the main traits of superman is that despite being an alien earth is his home and earthlings his people The whole Superman is a menace in this age of superheroes is pure nonsense. They just tried too hard to make him gritty like Batman and missed the entire point of the character.
See This user explains it pretty well. I'm not stating the Avengers were more or less heroic, but rather the focus in MoS is directed to all the chaos and destruction Superman caused while saving the world.
Jonathan Davis
A newspaper in Daredevil says that hundreds died.
Luis Diaz
Well no wonder they never reference the shows. Marvel is fucked.
Dominic Hughes
This can mean only one thing: FAKE NEWS!
Robert Carter
>Amazons are now cheerleaders for the rapiest God.
So they basically made them Valkyries?
Matthew Gutierrez
Well someone had to do Valkyries properly after Marvel turned them into ooga-booga nig-nogs.
Kevin Fisher
>Pine is reportedly great in it
I like me some Chris Pine, so this pleases me. He's the best part of the new Trek movies, and he's just generally a good actor. Bottleshock is an amazing movie that he's in.
And I just remembered that this is Sup Forums, I won't go on, but this pleases me, because Chris Pine is cool.
Owen Campbell
Is the anal scene still in the second act?
Connor Davis
Like, everybody who watches movies knows that collateral damage only really exists if a point is made of it. It's like how in comics nobody is dead until you see the body.