What the fuck happened Sup Forums?
What the fuck happened Sup Forums?
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Lack of inspiration combined with wanting cash led to forced out crap.
You are completely ignoring all shitty cartoons that came out during the 90's, There was far more bad than good. And yes I do know this is bait but still
For ... some ... reason, corporate greed largely left the main three networks and went to poison minor animation networks (i.e. whatever Mega Babies aired on).
In the 2000's, it came back with Spongebob, and has been fluctuating ever since.
Clarence and Sanjay and Craig are alright, though.
>post all the "good" shows of one age
>post all the "bad" shows of another age
Wow look at me! I'm so smart!
>it's another fucking "cartoons were better in the 90s" episode
>Post only good show that were cancelled
>Only posted bad morden shows
Almost like you just cherry picked
OP, can you do a full comparison image (with as many shows as possible) including the 2000s?
>implying Future-Worm and Clarence are bad
Uncle Grandpa is one of those shows that people will realize is good in 10 years.
What makes this otherwise true statement worse is that Mr Enter is using it now.
So? It's true.
This review kind of sucks. He focuses too much on the animation, and anything else isn't touched upon that much.
Go watch some animated films.
Gumball more than makes up for all of those.
>rugrats, rocko and pepper ann
I despise problem solvers and chumchum but i would rather watch reruns of that shit than torture myself with rugrats or rocko
you got old.
Rocko had some moments.
Funnies aside, I could relate to a lot of the daily crap he put up with.
9/11 happened fucker
the world got SCARED so everything became innoffensive
>Economic crisis
>No more asian slaves to draw
>No more cash to hire hundreds of asian slaves
>Rampant nepotism for expensive art schools
>Laziness justified by cultural relativism
>Internet piracy=Each production is more risky+need to produce fast and cheap
Movies and games suck for pretty much the same reasons.
almost everything was better in the 90s user. Health, marriage rates, happiness.
What do we have to do to make the US take animation as seriously as Japan does?
Damn, most of those shows on both sides are shit.
All the anime are good.
Bojack/R&M/Star are good too.
The 2010's are the worse decade concerning entairtenment.
>one good show on each side
seems about right
>What the fuck happened Sup Forums?
You made a shitty cherry-picked-all-to-fuck chart is what
Don't break your back sucking your own dick