Boon hinting at a major reveal for tomorrow. Who could it be?
Injustice 2: Deadshot the ripper edition
First for firestorm
Injustice official pairing is Hal/Sinestro, user.
Stop with your annoying lesbians.
Who /bane/ here?
Booster Gold.
He's a big guy
Let's make it both, alright?
No need to hold the knife.
Good call, he's already in the comic here
I like Bane as an anti-hero rather than a a straight up bad guy. Hopefully he doesn't job too much in 2's story.
NOT on the leak
At best he'll be a premier skin for Johnny Cage
He is a righteous man legitimately surprised when he finds out that he's destined to go to hell
>implying the mk guy isn't sub zero
Nice way to describe him. Being Bane is suffering.
More than just a description
Bump. Keep the thread alive until tomorrow
Gonna be Joker or Firestorm
Joker is definitely the last reveal and even though I don't want him in the game I'm excited to see his potential gear
This probably wont happen but I really want Brainiac's gear to give us the option to make him more robotic. Im a sucker for DCAU Brainiac
I recognize the three guys. The girl is Plastique, I think, but no idea who their #5 is... And no clue who the hell the enemy is. Any of them.
The whole team is Bane, Catman, Deadshot, Jeannette (who was created for that series), Ragdoll, and Scandal Savage with King Shark and Black Alice joining in later
Know him.
Know OF him
Know him
No idea who she is, but she was created for this series so...
The batman villain?
SCanadal Savage? Related to Vandal Savage?
Know him
Never heard of her.
It's gonna be firestorm
lol sher kid
Scandal is Vandal's daughter
Her mother was the only of Vandal's many mates that he loved and she killed herself so he'd have to live with that pain forever.
Rag Doll's just a really weird contortionist dude
Both were created for the Secret Six but not in that specific run
I'm gonna marry Wonder Woman!!!
Either Fate or Captain Cold
I fucking hope so, been anticipating him the most. Hopefully he's not just Human Torch: DC edition in this.
>That knife
Since when does Deadshot have telekinetic powers?
>user on Sup Forums not reading comics
yeah I don't trust this source man, the screenshot could have easily been shopped
Are you retarded? They have the video.
was set to private a minute ago man
Nice, something about the ears bug me tho hahaha. But he looks super good otherwise.
Huh, noticing a fair amount of Doctor Strange and Dormammu cues from UMvC3.
What happened to showing off gear in the reveal trailers
Dr. Fate looks awesome.
I really wish they'd give certain characters like Fate a different way of interacting with the stage. Seeing him pick up something heavy and throw it at the enemy just looks stupid.
Great job, otherwise. I actually like his voice a lot too.
IIRC, Flash had its own interactions with the stages in the first game.
In Injustice 1, Superman seems to be an absolute insane power hungry psychopath, destroying cities at will.
In Injustice 2, at least from the intros, it seems like he's well intentioned and somewhat mentally stable.
What changed?
I've always felt like magic users should just be able to grab and throw objects or whatever with magic, which would do a lot to make them more unique.
Zatanna had the same problem in the first game. They should bring her back with an overhauled moveset.
Prison changes a dude.
Superman kicked his ass and Arkham actually helps people now
Can somebody get me a quick rundown on the story?
Joker drugs Superman, Lois Lane and their unborn child dies and Metropolis is nuked. Superman turns dictator and Batman spends 5 years fighting him until he brings in alternate universe versions of the JL to defeat Supes.
joker uses scarecrows fear toxin to trick superman into thinking pregnant lois is doomsday, kills her, and while hes doing that he nukes metropolis. Now superman is trump
Injustice is basically set in a alternate Universe where Clark Kent has always had emotional/mental problems, Joker used the Fear Toxin to make Superman believe his pregnant wife, Lois Lane was Doomsday and as such he brutally murdered her in cold blood with the Justice League failing to stop Joker's plan to blow up Metropolis, shortly after when Batman is interrogating Joker, Superman bursts in through the wall and kills Joker in cold blood and declares that he will enforce his Justice upon the world with Batman being horrified and disgusted by Superman, this results in a years long comic book series about Batman and Superman's war with the Insurgency being the resistance led by Batman versus The Regime being the Rulers of the World led by Superman, Injustice 1 details the Insurgencies plan to bring an alternate reality version of Superman to their universe to defeat Regime Superman, this plan ends up being successful in the end with Superman being locked away in a Prison powered by Red Sun generators, now two years later in Injustice 2, The well known Cousin of Superman finally arrives to Earth and seems to release Superman from his prison after some coaxing and soon after seems to join Batman to stop her cousin, with Braniac and Gorilla Grodd enacting their own plans, only time will tell whether or not Batman and Superman can put their differences aside and work together again to stop these new villains.
I've played the game and read the comics and I wanna know where you're getting the emotional/mental problems thing from
that was underwhelming. Is there any reason to be excited for this gameplay? I remember the black canary reveal was underwhelming but seeing her being played changed that.
That looked fucking awesome. It was also a short video.
>Johnny Cage wearing Booster's blood-drenched uniform
>Sub-Zero using Mr. Freeze's gun because
>Blue, Orange or White Lantern Reptile
I'm liking Fate. Looks a bit off being bare-handed and his super could have used more oomph, but overall he looks really cool. Next reveal is hopefully Cold.
Also: gear video:
I told yall there'd be gear boxes.
Is Grodd's gear shown off at all in that vid?
Yeah but you can't buy any of it with money through microsanactions, you have to get it by playing which is fine.
Looks fucking great, way better than Zatanna as far as magic users go.
>Blue and Yellow Beyond Suit
>All those shaders
Jesus fuck I thought there would be like five per character at most, that's crazy.
Fate is cute! CUTE!
His cape is looking sexy as fuck.
>Yellow Bullets
Fucking christ Lanterns are shit
>Swampy and his vast collection of bludgeoning sticks
I was wondering what the fuck Swamp Thing's fifth gear slot would be.
Dunno fi someone posted this but next reveal is next week
Dr.Fate Bio
Glad they're keeping up the pace for these reveals. Hoping for Firestorm next week.