Let's give it up for the best Sup Forums girl
Leni Loud Thread
I do like the "sunglasses on the forehead" look
How about you stop shitting up the board with your "le waifu" autism.
>no Waifus
>on a board to discuss Cartoons and Comics
Sup Forums is nothing but
blowjob goggles
Clearly you haven't seen and Sup Forums has so much on-topic discussion it's hardly a part of Sup Forums
Go masturbate, cry a little over what failures you are, then come back so that we can discuss comics and cartoons like normal well adjusted adult men.
>well adjusted adult men
>on Sup Forums
I want to poke her bellybutton.
>you can't have a girlfriend or life if you jack it to Cartoons
Projection is a problem
Same user. I want to gently swirl my finger around in it and feel the warmth.
The problem is that you have not jacked it to a cartoon recently enough.
Now we have to deal with "SWF WAIFU THREAD #90351336", when you losers should just be hacking off on /aco/.
/sug/ plz.
Of course I haven't jacked it to Cartoons in a while, I have sex. Mostly because my roommate and I may be helping his brother run a "brothel" and we get to deflower any virgin that doesn't get bought out.
Oh, so you're Muslim.
or Mormon!
>you will never gently prod Leni's soft pudgy middle
i love how britbongs keep refererring to them as "asians"
yes, pakistanis are from asia but its obviously to avoid using the M word
But /sug/ has just as much waifufaggotry as /tlhg/.
It's the same with Indians
I'm pretty sure Indians aren't known for completely fucking up every country that makes the mistake of letting them in, unlike moose lambs.
Fuck off, Ahmed.
It's more a demographic thing for Brtibongs, we've had them over here longer thanks to the empire and always in greater numbers than "Asian" Asians. Whenever I say Asians I'm thinking Japs or Chinese, my mum and dad always think I'm talking about Pakis or Indians.