Reminder that Aquaman is going to be straight kino

Reminder that Aquaman is going to be straight kino.

what the fuck am i watching


yeah, Kino is back on the menu

This is going to be more CGI than Avatar isn't it?

He looks too edgy.

Yeah, they should just stick Momoa and friends in a tank for a couple hours and let them talk.

Yea, totes kino. He's so very kino. What is a kino?

When's the fucking trailer already?

How will they talk?

Onscreen speech bubbles.

Who is that he's swimming up to?

>literal bubbles

>James Wan got full control over Aquaman
>Matt Reeve's refused to take on Batman unless he was given full control and no meddling from WB
>Mel Gibson might take over Suicide Squad and make it real kino

Maybe WB has finally learned to trust the directors they hire. Except Snyder.

Some dude on a throne, might be a statue. Some people say it's Ocean Master, but I think it might be a statue of Atlan, an ancient king of Atlantis.

It's german for cinema.


>How will they talk?


>"I want full control"
>"Yeah, sure whatever, just sign the contract"
*3 months and reshoots later*
>"here, it's done!"
>WB goes to edit room and chops it up to meat test audience standards.

CG scene of Aquaman in Justice League movie

Filming in water is more expensive than CG, and it's awkward. Everyone has this half-eyed look because they can't open their eyes for shit and speech will be gurgled.

Bad news for people who hate Snyder, I like him though so this is good to me.

Is he wearing a shirt/armor? Whats going on with his ribs in that picture...?

Round 3 baby

You know what a contract is right? That's what negotiating is for, and why Reeves 'left' until they agreed on something that will be put in a contract and legally bound.

I'm not convinced that another film in the style of BvS will "make bank." With BvS everyone went in with sky-high expectations, and a lot of people were disappointed. Now the initial reaction is going to be caution and apprehension, especially if Wonder Woman turns out to be bad. If Justice League winds up divisive it may just bomb, or at least be mediocre.

literally who

Smart decision. It may get awkward wen nobody moves their lips in the Aquaman movie though

If Justice League does 600m at the BO, WB might actually fire Snyder.

They would have to. That would be a complete embarrassment. I don't think it will do less than 800mil though

The novelty of Batman and Superman in the same movie is gone, though, and BvS even wasted the first big screen appearance of Wonder Woman. What's left as a draw? Normies aren't going to rush to theaters to see the fucking Flash.

I don't see this doing better than BvS.

He already burned all of his credibility with that. I am betting on 700-750 at most.

>What's left as a draw?
Honestly? Aquaman, which is hilarious. Everyone seems pretty hyped on him and what Wan is going to do.

>literally who
>people actually think a Snyder movie won't be divisive.

This is an accurate prediction that anyone on this board could've made. DC has shit the bed 3 times now, and maybe 5 times by the end of this year.

Wondie is going to absolutely bomb.

I'm excited.
BvS was even better than MoS.

>blah blah blah turd soggy shit better diarrhea

Depends what you mean by "bomb". I think it will do 400-500

You mean it will suck as well? That's too bad.

This movie will win a Oscar for special effects, right?

Every DCEU film is kino
They are just not very good

Actors just making faces at each other while a voice over plays sounds hilarious, in a bad way.

Why is a dog holding the phone?

That's a bomb, my dude.

It's not like sound can't travel through water

>That's a bomb, my dude.
out of a 100mil budget?

No it isn't. A bomb is something highly unsuccessful or unprofitable. 400-500 off a 120mil budget is a success

>one billion dollars
so Dr. Strange is a bomb as well?

So where did this rumor come from? I'm googling the fuck out of it and can't find anything, but if it's true, it's amazing.

Sweet. I was worried JL was going to completely buck the DCEU tone and go full Marvel-pandering.

I got duped by this post too. I assume its just cause of their song called, y'know, aquaman

What's this about? Goblin had a song called Aquaman in the early days, they have no connection to the score of this film though do they?

Well that's a damn shame, because their music is pretty sweet, and would definitely give the movie a memorable and appropriate sound.

I can't find a single thing, but this is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen the rumor posted on Sup Forums. I just asked Wan on twitter if it was true, so I'll let you know if he answers.