Post your favorite
Favorite moments in comics
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Goodbye forever Space admiral Kori, you were one of the few awesome things from 52.
Does it hurt anyone else that comics aren't written this way anymore?
Like, this is GOOD.
Assuming the hatch isn't locked from the other side:
The hatch is near the corner. I think it is feasible to shimmy up the walls.
Alternatively you could use your clothes to make a rope and try to loop it thru the handle of the hatch to climb up.
Once you have raised yourself near the hatch you could hold yourself in place and push it open. Again, assuming it isn't locked from the other side.
This is proto-Bendis speak.
Quick. Someone post Ultron killing Moondragon.
>give me your jew gold
might as well do a storytime
Was going to ask.
How do I get into Hellboy? Is there one super omnibus I could go out to buy?
Go for the Library Editions.
requesting the pages of explaining how pre-n52 Supes fools everyone into believing he's an out of shape slumped hayseed.
From Superman: Birthright
lmao what
I don't understand, doesn't she literally kill herself while trying to give birth at some point? I've seen the page with her abdomen torn open.
It's from a what if type issue. What if her parents weren't killed and she wasn't raped.
Monster Men was shit, but goddamm if it didn't make Clayface look badass.
This is quite excellent.
Even if it was locked, the hinges are on the inside. Skull could use a button, or fashion a tool from one of those cartons, or even use a tooth if he absolutely had to to remove the screws. Magneto really didn't plan that shit out very well.
Not all new comics are bad. Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole really focuses far more on what they hate. All the evidence you need is that second America storytime with over 400 replies
I lose my shit every time I see this one
holy shit.
>You're a Nazi
>Nu-uh YOU'RE a Nazi
>a jew killing someone from hunger
Literally holodomor
library editions for Hellboy, omnibuses for the first cycle of BPRD(Plague of Frogs)
BPRD splits from Hellboy after Conqueror Worm, so there really isn't much cross referencing aside from a few "oh hey so that's what X was doing during Y" moments
trades for everything else
sorry for the size on this one, knew i could find it elsewhere without editing a new one
spoilers for the guy who hasnt read it yet
wtf i love green arrow now
Bit clearer.
Thank you, I've always loved chapters like those where they explain the theatrics he uses to maintain his secret identity. Especially when they show how he slouches, changes his voice and even how he combs his hair.
Anyone got the one from the, I think it was early 80's where the artist drew how he stands when he's Clark and how he juts his jaw in to look like he's chubby and not ultra buff?
thanks, didn't have a digital copy
>Starro is responsible for Green Arrow being a thing
new meme
The resulting baby becomes a galactic super being who wears a hoodie named "Darklord". The woman being raped is the Daughter of Superpatriot. When the child eventually leaves earth he wipes her mind of the whole ordeal, but then she gets killed by some supervillian. A shame, I really liked her character in the Superpatriot comics. The daughter of basically a Captain America who never really cared to fight crime but does anyway because the world is in danger.
why? poor baby
kek is that canon?
This will always make me laugh
Does Aunt May usually "know"?
Grant Morrison on Green Arrow when?
Originally she figured it out but only confessed it to Peter on her death bed, saying she was proud of him. Then that turned out to be a clone.
She knew for much of the 2000s I think, but that was undone by One More Day
I like the hero's family being in on it, it should happen more.
Now more readable.
Gotta be an edit.
I don't think she understands how birth works
the end of Kingdom Come is just such pleasure
>Pa Kent
Jesus, look how luxurious his eye lashes and lips are.
She was a blood sacrifice for an evil god to enter the world. Technically the baby is the sacrifice for an older god to enter the world. Multi level sacrifices
These 2 moments from Silver Surfer: Requiem made me cry. 1 of only 2 pieces of entertainment to make me do so as a adult.
It's sacrifices all the way down
Supervillains acting as petty assholes towards the average folk just to prove a point is always great.
Seriously, wtf.
Always nice to see the shitbags get really fucking rekt
Anyone have the sequel where she tries to shoot him?
Bottom right. Meatloaf doesn't like teh gays hugging in public.
Arcudi makes gore look so satisfying.
Why'd you kill me dog, Jack?
with his writing?
I love when he got powers
Wasn't that guy a reference to somebody?
Yeah, he describes it really well.
I meant Harren...
People fucking up in Hellboy is generally amazing.
Oh, I get it. It's a quote from the 80s cartoon.
I know, just busting your chops
Arcudi and Harren are great together, shame nobody reads Rumble
Really fun villian arc that guy has
also so many great moments in this arc i feel like i'm laying it on kinda thick