Was passing over this the worst mistake Cartoon Network ever made?
Also KND General thread.
Was passing over this the worst mistake Cartoon Network ever made?
Also KND General thread.
Worst mistake? No. Very bad mistake? Yes.
I'm sure there are worse ones. The Aqua Teen Boston thing, for example.
Realistically, I'm not sure if this would've been a good idea, considering it kind of violates the original show's ending. Still, I wish we could've known where they were going to go with it.
It certainly was the final nail in the coffin, pretty much the death of all hope that things could ever go back to they way they were. Pretty sad.
No, but that isn't a bad thing.
It doesn't really violate the ending, it just raises so many questions that we can't answer without Warburton's lore.
Real talk, would it really have been good?
I mean, it's great that the original creators wanted to make it, which is a change from practically every other reboot made these past few years, but would it have still worked?
They passed Star Vs. when it was offered to them in favor of SU and NeoPPG
It wouldn't have been in the vein of TTG/NuPPG.
It seems more like Samurai Jack Season 5, a short concentrated plot-focused season made to resolve the plot and expand the lore.
I would have loved it, the whole premise is so batshit insane (all these memorable characters are actually ALIENS! The GKND is actually EVIL! Nigel Uno is a TRAITOR?) that there's no way it wouldn't have been at the bare minimum entertaining.
Take a look at the new zombie PPG, and you should be happy when they don't revive something.
I want to defend CN but I just fucking can't. At this point once SU ends (which it 100% will in the next 2 years, whether by Becky's hand or by the network's hand) they're going to have nothing to show for the past 6 years. PPG's a fucking trainwreck that's going to get canned sooner or later, Gumball can't hold out forever, and Mighty Magiswords isn't going to get the momentum the network wants.
I can't believe I'm saying this but TTG might actually kill Cartoon Network. I don't think any cartoon has had such an overwhelmingly negative impact on the state of animation outside of maybe Pokemon for Saturday morning action cartoons.
Maybe, but that assumes they won't any new shows at all in that time, which is extremely unlikely.
All they need is for something else to stick with a sustainable audience.
>SU and NeoPPG
How? Both Star and Steven came out some time before nuPPG was even announced.
I can't believe they didn't even acknowledge it existed.
Exactly my thoughts. There are still quite a few questions I have too that I wish could be answered.
Hopefully they'll give infinity train a go. That show seems very promising.
I know! It's incredible, they got so many signatures too.
TTG is way better than cartoons like Johnny Test (or dare I say Mucha Lucha). It's not that bad of a cartoon it's just overplayed.
Shows take awhile to be developed.
All we know from an panel with Craig Mccracken, is when she was pitching it to them they turned it down because "too many girl's shows", it's also why they shot down Super Best Friends Forever, and probaly Princess Amethyst of Gemworld
Guys... guys...
What.. What if CN is killing their cartoons on purpose?
So that they could go back to... CN Live
>Gumball can't hold out forever
Gumball is the very definition of a show that can hold out forever. It's modern sponge-bob.
Snyder's wild ride never ends
CN has a weird demand for "boy shows only" they absolutely can not stand shows with a large girl following and it all goes back to which gender will buy plastic crack or electronics in high volume. Nick dosn't care ratings is rating s and the Mouse does most of it's work on bragging rights but CN, they want something they can whore out in marketing and they associate that more with boys than girl.
That's ridiculous. And besides, even if they did, they would probably start small (as in maybe one or two live-action shows at a time) like they should've done in their first attempt.
>steven universe is interesting
>manages to pull an adventure time in record time and become garbage
hoo boy, they should have pulled a clarance and fired rebecca sugar, quality would have went up a shitload
Wasn't it confirmed to be ending? The consensus on that seems to oscillate all the time.
At this point I'd welcome it
CN =/= Rational Choices to make quality OR money
No. It's not ending, just that the main creator Ben Bocquelet, is leaving akin to Stephen Hillenburg leaving Spongebob or Lauren Faust leaving MLP.
Make of those examples what you will
I could believe that. Snyder was a huge man baby over CN Real block not taking off and apparently he is still causes waves over at CN where his removal was not by choice but force. Also he had his hands in the plague of nepotism WB has suffered the last decade so who knows what dirt he has to make sure he gets his way.
I can't keep track of all the drama going on in that staff but I think it would've been better off it was just Rebecca in a room alone churning out work. Her ideas/themes/concepts are clear, it's the fucking squabbling children who apparently think they were hired to write fanfic and draw fanart of the show instead of acting like professionals.
>Worst mistake
>When NuPPG, TTG exist
>When Live action exist
Leaving her in charge to hire literal fanfiction writers and fanartists/shippers was a horrible decision
To split hairs that is what they did, the CN Real block was just two half hour shows. I think in total they had 4 live action shows on at that time.
Now where they fuck up was they whore those shows very badly. An upwards of 10 hours per day given to those programs. That 09 era is one of my go to example when buthurt retards claim TTG success was thanks to over saturation. They pushed millions into CN Real advertising campaigns and no one was tuning in.
CN is doing a good job of scaring off the manchildren from watching their channel.
At least Gumball seems to be carving into the giant's fat belly, but jesus. Why even pay for new shows if you're going to show them so little?
Justice League Action and Lego Nexo Knights getting one showing a week, and Mighty Magiswords only 3?
Dear lord
Some channels just want to watch themselves burn
im honestly relieved this didn't come back the whole " it was aliens the whole time" never struck me as a good close i'd actually rather have nothing
>powerpuff girls down to 1 episode a week
also I feel like star vs is stealing the steven universe audience from right under their noses
As much as it burns me up, it's probably for the best. CN would've done everything in their considerable power to drag this show into the ground.If it ain't bringing the funny or the money, they want nothing to do with it.
Have you seen the ratings they get on it? Or the streaming demand? Xfinity has phrases from the show program in the voice controls thanks to that huge spike of streaming it got January 2015. We can hate it but kids are watching that shit in troves.
If that is what you get from this, you need to fix your priorities
powerpuff girls was an attempt to recreate teen titans go but with an even smaller budget
it failed, and I kek'd at it.
A button is in front of you.
Pressing the button removes TTG from existence.
However, it does so by removing Teen Titans - the comics and the show - as well.
Do you press it?
Nah. It'll fizzle out and we'll get another Teen Titans show anyway.
Is that why Nick and Disney are currently smashing their asses in and smearing it across the wall?
Because Nick and Disney are currently beating CN in every possible way, including ratings.
Lego Nexo Knights isn't actually part of/own by WB. It's a Denmark studio, M2 Entertainment. CN is never kind to out of house studios. DC Action also isn't in house. Part of WB but isn't part of the CN studios.
Now Magiswords is because it's ratings are awful, they tried pushing it hard at first but much like NPPG it was actually reducing views by a great deal so now they have back off in hopes they can do a slow burn with it.
I think it also has to do with the assumption that stories about boys are universal and girls will watch them too, but boys will not watch stories about girls.
>One show failing is worth the entire network also failing
Again, you need to fix those priorities
I thought the drama stuff was just Zuke? What'd I miss?
TTG isn't in-house either, yet look at that.
It's honestly baffling what the fuck they're doing
They are getting smashed because:
1. they are just failing in general. RS and AT's had 3 seasons that were dying to get near 1 million, SU gets steady 1 million+ but it is loaded gun to market over seas and the infighting of the team doesn't help things.
2. they hate supporting 3rd party shows. Doesn't matter if the ratings are good they don't want to share profits, they rather sink to the bottom flipping the bird than be up there with the big two but their success was built by other studios.
They're learning with Gumball to let other shows into the schedule again. I feel bad for Justice League Action and Mighty Magiswords, but Steven Universe has gone to shit, and PPG was always shit. I can appreciate the failure of bad shows while still feeling bad for the backstabbing of good shows
>Have you seen the ratings they get on it?
Have you? They're dwindling and SU and Gumball have beaten it on occasion.
A channel can't survive on one show alone, especially when it's a channel that's supposed to pull in a lot from merchandise.
Magiswords did well enough they gave it a second season.
So, they have some faith at least.
That's a royalty thing. CN basically owns the 2003 TTs. If I recall right WB Animation gets profits from merc (ala George Lucas style) while CN gets all the ratings.
Never said that wasn't the case
But trying to justify the schedule by saying "kids like it" doesn't mean dick anymore when kids are clearly moving to rival networks because they're tired of rewatching "our new favorite show"
Part of me want to say that's bullshit, but I'm too lazy to look up ottherwise
Not user but they get more profits overall than other shows dude to agreements to it. It's why Johnny Test lasted so long. They got the syndication for peanuts so life support ratings was still more profit than say Green Lantern The Animated Series where that was getting chop four ways and most of their profits would have been seen in merc, same with Young Justice.
It's not a bad show, they just can't get people to tune in. Which might be more of how the show looks "dated" thus kids get turn off by it. That or it's frantic style of fitting a 24 minute plot in 12 is hurting it.
>when kids are clearly moving to rival networks because they're tired of rewatching
That's conjecture because it was getting lower ratings when the network was pushing AT, RS and SU as their main camp. TTG had this weird flash fire those 3 shows weren't getting.
>That's conjecture
Except it's not. Disney and Nick are beating CN by LARGE margins, especially Nick.
Fucking TMNT is out doing everything CN has right now, and that's morning slotted on a Sunday.
I think user meant the "because they're tired of rewatching" because we can't prove that. CN was a lot worse in 2012.
I was talking about why the ratings are waning. Because again CN has been struggling to hold an audience since 2010. I somtimes wonder if nostalgia helps the other two parents that grew up with Sponge Bob and the like having their kids watch it and Disney has had few generational shows like Boy meets world-girl meets world, and so on.
SU didn't exist in 2012, and it wasn't that bad.
I didn't say it was. I'm not that user. But if you look at the ratings he's right, as a whole till the TTG premiere it was getting some pretty shitty ratings as a whole.
I'm pretty sure Nick was in hot water then user, I can't speak for Disney though.
But ratings were slowly climbing in CN's favor around that time, admittingly TTG was a factor in doing that. They could've been the top dog if they didn't go full retard
it's weird as fuck to think Spongebob square pants is old enough to smoke.
Hell FOP is 16 years old.
For kids cartoons those are dinosaur ages.
Two words
The network always had the lowest ratings competitively of three since give or take 07, 2010 and beyond was the era that opted to improve that, and it did mostly. Now they're slowly drifting back to the bottom
They wer
>They could've been the top dog if they didn't go full retard
what would that have been?
TTG domination wasn't till mid 2015 thanks to the streaming demand it had in the 2015 winter storms. RS and AT were pushed pretty hard and at times were meeting/beating current TTG airings. Yet the ratings took some pretty nasty dives.
No if they stop being cry babies about other peoples profits and air demand shows such as Pokemon, and the like you are 100% correct because they just sit on 3rd party shows and won't let them get any moment because they fear sharing the pie that much.
If you're including Adult Swim, no. Cancelling Moral Orel was the biggest mistake
TTG is far from a bad show. It's better than NuPPG and arguably Mighty Magiswords in its current state.
The issue is that TTG is getting pushed ridiculously hard by the network, to the point that it's hurting the other shows on the lineup, old and new, and there is a very real concern that, if they keep this up and continue pushing their other retarded rules ("only one girl show at a time"), they might eventually kill off any future prospective shows (like Future Train and Lakewood Plaza Turbo and Twelve Forever), basically ending this current period of animation that started with Adventure Time back in 2010, in effect sending Cartoon Network back into a dark age of sorts, and potentially opening up Disney and Nickelodeon, whose animated offerings are more recent and thus less established, to similar failures.
Basically stop fucking showing TTG all the time and make use of more properties, that alone would help improve CN's quality tremendously, and it'd probably help TTG's ratings as well.
That and it's popular as well as something that is seen as "killing" other shows so counter culture gets crank to 11 and "it's the worse thing ever!"
Moral Orel needed to end. You fags that want everything to last forever have no idea how bad quality can dive just whoring it out to meet your awful demand of needing more.
Moral Orel was perfect as it was.
>boys will not watch stories about girls.
manchildren are not boys
I saw every episode of KND and I dont understand why anons were so hyped about GKND. The show was only really good when it stayed away from conflict between KND and the "organized" Adults or whatever you call the teens and Fathers minions. I enjoyed the parody and character episodes much more. I still don't think it needed to be brought back
Please tell me why anons got so hyped over this. Passing over GKND is stupid, but only because CN is unwilling to pick something else instead of it
KND was really one of the earlier cartoons to sort of pioneer the whole "DEEPEST LORE" concept in its later episodes. A lot of people here like that stuff.
>they're going to have nothing to show for the past 6 years.
It's funny because they could easily destroy the other networks by treating Sonic Boom and JLAction more fairly, but they choose not to due to greed.
Art. I feel like it's trying to show something.
i | h | ii | L edit when
Season 6 is the last season, but it could potentially be renewed later.
Oh like you never watched and enjoyed a magical girl show as a kid.
I hope so. It's the only thing I watch on CN, or even television in general for that matter.
I've built my fitness program around something semi-entertaining being on the tele at the same time every weekday.
Gumball is literally the only half-way decent thing on at that time of day and I've sworn off watching all this shitty news.
If that show's not on, I'm switching to shuffle on my htpc and cutting cable.
This is what that schedule looks like if we move all the shows together
In other news, rip Trouble in Tokyo
Hey now. Pokemon Sun and Moon has been fucking great if you watch it subbed. The VA's really suck for the dub though.
No. It was bringing The Boondocks back for a fourth season with out McGruder's guiding hand. S4 missed the whole point of the show and beat dead horse. Actually made lower The Boondocks in my favorite show ratings. Also making the show have an overarching season plot but not resloving it, but instead ending it with a still frame of Riley getting chased by literal retards. Wtf was [AS] thinking?
I used to watch Totally Spies and Winx Club as a kid cuz the girls were hot. Kim Possible is still one of favorite Disney TV cartoons. Why do people think boys won't watch girl shit? As long as it is not literally what ever Doll commercial they try to pass off as television boys will probably watch it.
Some even watch mlp, but it's rare to find one that isn't a manchild.
You can't compare ppg 2016 to new knd, knd had actual support and care from the original creator and team.
Where as ppg was made by nobodies to sell shit
Back on KND, what would you guys want from a GKND show? Someone posted a few episode ideas, some I liked, some I thought focused too much on Father and not enough on the struggle between the KND's "growing up is okay as long as you aren't a dick about it." philosophy and the GKND's "adulthood is a disease." philosophy.
Also one thing that always interested me was how the teens went from a very tiny faction that was basically led/made by Cree to their own thing. Like her being Father's apprentice was kind of dropped; in Maurice the teens all had the BRA armor that Father /made/ as a new weapon back in season 2. It was cool, and it definately ratcheted up the spy stuff because the KND had to treat the teens as another organization instead of just supervillains, but it was kind of a rare warble on what in retrospect was a shockingly tight show.
I'd like to see more of the adult ass adults in G:KND, off doing their own thing (Mr. Boss had rockets prepared or just bought a planet shaped like his head), maybe finally severing ties with Father after blaming him for getting the planet blown up. The subtle occasional animosity between the adult conspiracy and Father's delightful hordes was always interesting so while we're having the KND fight each other, an Adult cold war could be dope too, with earth's grown ups wondering when they got reduced to a third wheel in the battle for control and trying to rebuild their planet/a new world in space.
Maybe even a twist with Fanny going to join her dad as Junior Executive after her faith in the KND's shattered when her organization blows up her frigging planet.
Oh also, Wally and Toiletnator's promised "couple a words IN SPACE" should just be some ultra dramatic Gundam or other space drama rip off if only because Toiletnator's helmet makes him kind of look like a Char. Complete with sad acoustic guitar and Numbuh 2 giving a dramatic monologue about the pointlessness of war before Wally cuts him off insisting he didn't learn cruddy anything and don't put words in his blasted mouth.
>The ability to remove overrated waifus
I will push it twice.
>Cat in the Hat
Why does mighty magiswords have such a small amount? I thought it was doing well
> It's a kids show for kids so it's ok as long as kids enjoy it
No! I am an adult and I demand mature cartoons for mature individuals such as myself
I mean I think the point in the thread that they are over-saturating the channel with it, smothering other shows's chances for success, is a legitimate one.
Here in eastern europe all cartoons they have get a stable slot.
This is so weird to me.